Chapter 266
"Isn't that Chinese actor Cheng Feng here yet?"

Jennifer was putting on makeup in the dressing room, and the assistant on the side said, "Honey, what does he do, his part hasn't started shooting yet?"

Jennifer pouted, good guy!It's been a while since she joined the crew, but Cheng Feng hasn't shown up for a long time. Jennifer feels helpless, and she really wants to see with her own eyes what kind of super genius Christine is talking about.

Jennifer's competitive spirit has been aroused by Christine's extremely exaggerated modifier "super" in her eyes.

Not for anything else, because she is also recognized as a talented beauty in acting worldwide, and she can't wait to see what kind of performance the super genius in Christine's mouth will give.

She can admit defeat in any area, but in acting, Jennifer has her own pride.

"Jennifer, are you ready?"

At this moment, a studio staff who looked like an assistant entered the dressing room to remind him.

Jennifer looked at herself in the mirror of the dressing table. At the moment, she was dressed in a strong 90s style. Her waist-length blond hair was specially trimmed into short hair, showing a sense of sophistication.

Twisting the neck, turning the side faces on both sides, looking at myself in the mirror, nodding with satisfaction, and then saying: "Yes, I'm ready."

"The director asked me to tell you that the shooting will start in half an hour, so go to the set to familiarize yourself with the environment first."

Jennifer nodded, then got up, and followed the studio staff to the scene where the film was about to be filmed.

It was still a familiar place. Jennifer almost fainted from exhaustion in order to shoot her own training shots a few days ago.

Fortunately, this scene has been completely filmed, and it will be her turn to go to the FBI headquarters to accept the assignment of the case investigation above.

After getting acquainted with the environment, Jennifer is now in a forest, where there are many trees, and the director specially asked the on-site staff to add some smoke in the dense forest.

This approach will give the lens a sense of fog and create a suspenseful atmosphere.

Jennifer took the script, read it again seriously, and once again let her brain simulate the plot to be filmed later, and then began to slowly enter the state.

Not far from the dense forest is the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation). The character played by Jennifer is called Clarice, a young agent who is in the internship stage, and she looks very energetic.

At the same time, the FBI next to the dense forest has a tall building, and there is a large playground in front of the building. Actors playing special agents, wearing uniforms, are lining up to run back and forth for training under the dispatch of the on-site director.

Make this place that pretends to be the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) more authentic.

When everything was ready, director Jonathan signaled everyone to pay attention, and the filming officially started!
With a familiar voice and the sound of the slate, all the actors entered their respective states, and the story officially began.

Jennifer plays Clarice, who has just returned from a workout in the woods.

Stopped under a big tree to rest for a while, and at this moment the camera was deliberately placed on the trunk beside Jennifer.

There are five English words fixed on the trunk of this big tree, and the old wooden sign is written with unknown meanings in red handwriting, arranged in order from the highest part of the trunk.

From high to low, they are: hurt, struggle, pain, love, pride

This is a scene that Jonathan specifically asked to make. In this way, he hinted at Clarice's next transformation.

Just as Jennifer's chest was heaving violently, pretending that she had just finished exercising, a male federal agent ran to her and said, "Chris! Clough is looking for you!"

Jennifer's Clarice, known as Chris in the show, nodded at the fed agent who notified her and said, "Thanks, sir!"

He ran to Clough's office without looking back.

In the process of passing through the office, there is another detail, which is the atmosphere specially created by Jonathan.

Just to remind the audience of the gender conflict between men and women in the film, when Chris reported to her boss Clough's office.

Walking through the corridor and taking the elevator, the moment the elevator door opened, the entire elevator was filled with men in red uniforms, muscular and tall.

Chris, played by Jennifer, lowered her head and slowly stepped into the elevator. Like a weak lamb, she broke into a world full of men.

There are many men, and a weak woman. The arrangement of this scene creates a sense of incompatibility.

When Chris, played by Jennifer, takes the elevator to the floor where Clough is, she is told that her boss is temporarily absent and asks Chris to wait in the office for a while.

Chris carefully came to the door of Clough's office and found that the door was wide open.

With his hands behind his back, he entered the office a little cautiously and waited.

But the photos of the crime scene on the wall of the office caught Chris's attention.

Those photos showed some female victims, all of them fell in a pool of blood, and more importantly, when they were killed, the skin of different parts of their bodies was also peeled off.

Chris's seemingly expressionless face, but in the eyes there is a pity, jealousy, and fear buried in the bottom of my heart.

"Chris!" A haughty voice suddenly sounded.

Let Chris, played by Jennifer, immediately come back to her senses, and then look at a tall and thin man at the door, wearing a well-groomed suit, with oily hair and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

He walked leisurely from the door to the chair in front of the desk and sat down, leaning back against the seat, looking extremely lazy.

"I heard from your instructor that you are the best student in this class." Having said that, the man named Clough pointed to another seat in the office and said, "Sit down and talk!"

"Okay, sir!" Chris sat on the seat after hearing this.

"I have an errand to give to you, and I think you are the most suitable candidate."

"What is it?"

"It's not urgent. I heard from your mentor that you really want to work with me in the criminal behavior analysis team?"

"Yes, I would very much like to, if I had the honor."

"Well, let's go back to the previous topic. The criminal behavior analysis team often communicates with criminals in some mental hospitals to study the behavioral characteristics of these people. Of course, it is not a secret within the FBI.

The thinking of some criminals is often of great help to the cases we solve.

But I came here today because I want to send you to meet someone we have always wanted to meet, but he has been refusing to cooperate. "

Chris, played by Jennifer, showed doubts, and then asked, "Who are you talking about?"

Clough said slowly, "This man's name is Hannibal Lecter!"

Clarice, played by Jennifer, lowered her head and muttered to herself, "Hannibal Lecter? Is that the ogre?"

Clough nodded slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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