The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 293 The Silent "Lamb"

Chapter 293 The Silent "Lamb"

Clarice walked around the iron cage, trying to think about the answer, and responded with hesitation: "Anger... comes from social acceptance, sex...?"

"No, he is greedy!

That is his nature!
How do we start to desire?

Will you look for something to covet?
answer me! "

Clarice was still thinking: "No, we just..."

Cheng Feng's eyes shone with expectation, and he whispered in confusion.


Our greedy mind starts with lusting for what we see every day.

Don't you feel that your eyes are seeking?
Can't your eyes find what you want? "

Cheng Feng's lines are quite precise, and the really powerful truths are often the simplest!

The film has two main lines, and the two main lines are:
The Buffalo Bill serial murders.

Clarice goes to Hannibal to get Buffalo Bill's criminal psychology.

And this line not only talks about Buffalo Bill's motive for committing the crime, but also tells about various crimes and the fact that many people succumb to desire.

Buffalo Bill is a transgender person. Of course, this is the setting of the film, but the focus is on the motto "We covet what we see"!

Buffalo Bill has seen neighbor girls since he was a child, and because of the abuse of his stepmother, it is a strong obsession to produce the opposite sex. He has always wanted to be a woman, and this seed has begun to alienate in his heart.

Coupled with his childhood misfortune and various growth experiences, he chose to use the method of murder, skinning and sewing clothes to let himself wear, so as to satisfy the greed in his heart.

If looking is the original sin, then greed is a crime!

But people live not to covet what they see, but to feel and judge everything with their hearts, because what they see may not be good or suitable. Only the soul can see everything, and only the soul can control desires. Because it is a symbol of wisdom.

In this sense, Buffalo Bill is alienated and distorted, a person who lives completely in himself. He does not live in the world, but in his own world.

So this line conveys that people should be wary of greed.

I hope that people will maintain a moderate and transparent heart in the colorful world.

Clarice tried to smile: "Yes, please tell me how...'

Cheng Feng stared at Clarice: "No, it's your turn, you don't have much time!"

Hearing this, Clarice showed a puzzled expression, not knowing how to respond.

With a slight smile on Cheng Feng's mouth, he repeated the old saying: "Why did you leave the farm?"

Clarice took a few steps forward, anxiously saying, "Doctor, we don't have time to talk...!"

Cheng Feng interrupted her immediately: "No! Our concept of time is different, isn't it?"

Clarice almost yelled anxiously: "Please wait a while to talk about that, we only have 5 points now..."


Cheng Feng couldn't resist and said, "I want to hear it! Right now!"

He went on to ask: "After your father was killed, you became an orphan. You were only 10 years old. You went to your aunt's Montena farm. What happened after that?" A sharp sword makes the staff who see the camera picture feel as if they are being spied on and scrutinized.

Clarice said helplessly: "One morning, I ran away."

"It's already been said, when did you set off?"

"Before dawn."

"Did something wake you up? Or were you dreaming?"

"I heard a strange sound."

"what is that?"

Clarice gradually fell into painful memories, and said slowly with a bit of choking: "Screams...screams like children."

Cheng Feng's eyes were shining faintly, and he asked with an undeniable whisper: "What happened to you?"

"I went downstairs and went outside and sneaked into the stable.

I looked in, but..."

"What do you see?"

"Lambs! They're screaming!"

"Is it slaughtering a lamb?"

Clarice was suddenly emotional, and choked up more and more painfully: "They are screaming!"

"You ran away?"

"No, I want to let them go first.

I opened the door, but the lambs don't run away..." Clarice's eyes gradually filled with tears.

Cheng Feng kept chasing after him, with a certain urgency in his eyes, as well as a sense of expectation for the world of mortals, he hurriedly asked: "But you can run, right?"

"Yes! I picked up one and ran barefoot desperately."

"Where are you going, Clarice?"

Clarice's face was agitated, tears blurred her eyes, and she shook her head in pain: "I don't know.

No food, no water, freezing cold...very cold.

I thought I could save one, but it's too heavy...too heavy..." She paused for a while before continuing: "I ran for a few miles and was caught by the sheriff... ...the owner of the farm was so angry that he sent me to an orphanage... I never saw that farm again..."

"Where's your lamb, dear Clarice?"

Hannibal, played by Cheng Feng, showed a look of pity. God is sentient, but God always shows ruthless characteristics, so God is often silent, because God's feelings need to be touched and referenced.

At this moment, this evil god was touched by Clarice to the humanity that had long since disappeared in his heart.

Clarice suppressed the sadness in her heart and said, "He killed it!"

"Now do you still occasionally wake up? To the cry of a lamb in the dark?"


"You think if you save poor Catherine you'll make the poor lamb stop, don't you?

If Catherine lived, you would never wake up in the dark again to the cry of a lamb, would you? "

"I do not know I do not know!"

Hannibal, played by Cheng Feng, was moved. He looked up at the sky, as if gazing at a god. He was staring at God, as if he was questioning him, and remained silent for a long time.

Cheng Feng knows that the lamb is a symbol in the West.

In Western culture, lambs are born pure white and free from dirt, but because people commit crimes, they must die in order to bear the consequences of human crimes in exchange for the survival of others.

In the religious sense, the slaughtered lamb is actually the Son who was tied to the cross to be punished for others.

The reason why he remained motionless under the butcher's knife was because he was clear about his mission, because he loved the world deeply and was willing to sacrifice.

Every lamb on the altar, weak and innocent, lives to die, and is immortal for love's sake.

In Cheng Feng's view, this film redefines the image of a lamb.

The "saviors" who had voluntarily sacrificed and then gained glory only had the characteristic of innocence and weakness, and they were more like "victims" who were forced to sacrifice.

As far as this film is concerned, "The Silence of the Lambs" in Cheng Feng's eyes is more like a subconscious criticism and mockery of traditional cultural thoughts!

When too many people praise the lamb for giving hope to mankind with its great sacrifice, here they do the opposite, focusing on the unfair fate of the "lamb".

When we praise the victims, have you ever thought that the victims may also be victims, and besides being regarded as heroes, they also need to be illuminated by the sunshine of justice and saved?

Those who keep saying that everything has to be sacrificed are nothing more than selfish interests, constantly using the constraints of moral kidnapping, and talking about high-sounding reasons, so that many people have become victims.

It's just that these sacrificed people, they can only remain silent.

Similar things are still happening in reality!

Aren't the silent lambs those who are forced to sacrifice?

(End of this chapter)

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