The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 397 A New Journey

Chapter 397 A New Journey
As Cheng Feng said, why did Quentin dare to take Bruce Lee under the knife? Sometimes Cheng Feng felt that some people in the country were really despicable, and they were more active in maintaining white stereotypes and racial colors than white people.

There are also some people who said eccentrically on the domestic Internet: "This is the free expression of film art, and besides, Bruce Lee is an American!"

Cheng Feng doesn't care what nationality Bruce Lee is, but Cheng Feng never treats such domestic and foreign dogs as human beings.

This kind of domestic yellow skin and white heart just has no dignity.

Dignity is based on seeking truth from facts and maintaining truth and facts. One is one and two is two. The unity of knowledge and action, uprightness and unyielding power are called dignity.

In the face of slander that goes against the facts, the sentence "Adults have a lot to maintain the image of a great country! Don't go online!"

It is not up to these gangsters to protect the image of our country!They don't deserve it!
Even Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, the legend of the Lakers, a black man can't stand to speak out. He published an opinion review article in the "Hollywood Reporter" and said: Bruce Lee is my friend and my teacher.

He taught me the spirit and purpose of martial arts, which has helped me stay competitive throughout my 20+ year NBA career.

Bruce Lee once told me that he was frustrated by stereotypes of Asians in Hollywood movies and TV, playing villains or servants.

Bruce Lee actively helped to change these stereotypes through acting and popularizing Jeet Kune Do.

Quentin’s portrayal of Bruce Lee in Quentin’s movies is disgusting to Cheng Feng. An aging stuntman beats an arrogant Chinese, and a blond white American beats an Asian Chinese. Why didn’t Quentin dare to replace Bruce Lee with Ali?
As the representative of the overall image of the domestic film and television industry, Cheng Feng has to stand up and speak out.

It is to send a signal, so that those who have bad intentions should weigh it beforehand, and not let them wantonly test our bottom line!

The father and son drank a glass of wine, and Lao Cheng said helplessly: "Son, you did the right thing! It's a pity, if it weren't for our Huaguo's lack of success in making movies and lack of influence, we wouldn't be disgusted by a little bastard. gone."

Cheng Feng smiled and said, "Dad! Don't worry, everything will change from now on!"

"Why, Xiaofeng, do you have a new plan?" Lao Cheng was curious.

Cheng Feng nodded, and then said, "Dad, I'm in Hollywood, and on this stage, I've done everything I can, and I've almost accumulated enough popularity.

When I come back this time, I plan not to go to Hollywood again! "

"If you don't go to Hollywood, how can your movies be seen by people all over the world?" Lao Cheng said, with a somewhat worried look in his eyes. Can't meet.

Cheng Feng said: "Don't worry about this, first of all, my interpretation of Hannibal or the Joker has already become a phenomenon-level villain IP.

It's not that I'm bragging, no one can replace the show in a short period of time, and these two roles have already accumulated enough popularity for me around the world. "

Cheng Feng paused while speaking: "What's more, Lotte Media has united with several large companies in the country and laid a foundation in markets such as Asia, Europe and the United States.

The films I starred in in the past have opened up the Asian market.

Hannibal, Moshang Qiying, and Joker have also expanded Lotte Media's business territory in Europe and the United States.

Now is the time to go back home and shoot movies with peace of mind! "

Old Cheng nodded when he heard the words, but Cheng's mother put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hands, worried: "But I heard that the filming techniques of Hollywood movies are more advanced than ours. We may not be able to do them!"

"Mom, just put your heart in your stomach, Hollywood is nothing more than a talent selection system that is superior to theirs, and there is an industrial system, I have already considered this point.

Talent selection, combined with national conditions, in addition to special training classes for actors, we at Lotte Media will also carry out other support projects, such as photography, directing, screenwriting, etc.

Now that the post-00s have grown up, I think it's time to pave the way for them. "

"What about special effects? Special effects are the trump card in Hollywood!"

"Don't worry about the special effects. When I return to China this time, I plan to make a sci-fi movie, focusing on special effects."

Thanks to the care of the system, Cheng Feng found the Xuanyuan special effects team, and based on this as a starting point, he established Xuanyuan special effects company. It's time, it's time for them to play a role and explode their energy!
"Then what's the next movie?" Cheng's father and Cheng's mother asked in unison.

Cheng Feng shook his head, and then said: "I haven't thought about it yet, but parents, don't worry, I will definitely not let you down!"

Old Cheng still wanted to ask, but at this moment, Cheng's mother interrupted and said: "You are endless, our Xiaofeng has his own plans, and you don't know how to make movies!
What kind of fun is there to join in? Xiaofeng is usually busy with making movies, and finally went home, and you are full of work, so why don't you let Xiaofeng rest at home? "

"I'll just ask casually, Xiaofeng, no matter what decision you make, your parents will definitely support you." Lao Cheng immediately encouraged.

Cheng Feng nodded, and the family of three enjoyed themselves happily. After a while, Lao Cheng suddenly reminded: "By the way, my wife, didn't you say that you have an appointment to go out? Why is there no movement here?"

"Oh! I forgot if you didn't tell me, those old sisters of mine are probably in a hurry, so I have to make a call to say I won't be going today." Mother Cheng hurriedly got up from the dining table and ran to get her mobile phone Call up.

"My wife! Remember, don't say that our family Xiaofeng has returned home. Otherwise, there will be a lot of reporters coming to our house for interviews."

"Don't worry, it's not that I don't know!"

In this way, for the next period of time, Cheng Feng spent a warm and quiet family life with Cheng's parents and Cheng's mother at home.

Half a month later, Cheng Feng boarded the flight back to Binhai after repeatedly asking his parents not to send him off, and he was about to start his next plan.

After a few hours of long-distance flight, Cheng Feng returned to Binhai City. He hasn't decided what the next movie will be, and now Cheng Feng is actually still waiting.

He was waiting for the system's response. It stands to reason that Cheng Feng has already played another world-renowned clown role that no one can surpass in a short time.

It's time for the system to respond. Even if he is given a character, he can collect information based on the character's characteristics and figure out the direction of the next film.

But the system just didn't respond, so that Cheng Feng planned to watch some excellent sci-fi special effects films based on his previous life. Through the general outline of the story, he went to find a professional screenwriter and discuss together to come up with a qualified sci-fi movie script. Movies he had seen in his previous life.

However, when looking for screenwriters, Cheng Feng still prefers young screenwriters, preferably those born in the 90s and 00s. He wants to use new screenwriters.

The reason why the old domestic screenwriters were abandoned was because some well-known domestic screenwriters had a very outdated characteristic.

If this characteristic is not resolved, Cheng Feng will not contact them for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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