Chapter 462
With Yuan Siye's scene coming to an end, Cheng Feng was free for a few days, and the crew was filming the scenes of Juxian and Duan Xiaolou.

Juxian, the woman who accompanied Duan Xiaolou and Cheng Dieyi through many vicissitudes and ups and downs in the whole play.

When Cheng Feng watched this movie in his previous life, he felt very distressed for this character, especially when she hung herself in a wedding dress.

Cheng Feng is extremely regretful about the ending of Juxian. Although she was born in a prostitution, she has told everything from the beginning to the end, whether she is a wife or a partner, and even loves Cheng Dieyi. Well, she is a good woman.

Responsible, knowing how to keep warm, caring for the family, and being affectionate, but it ended up like that in the end, which is unavoidably embarrassing.

What could be done, who made her born in such an era of ups and downs that she couldn't help herself.

Juxian's role is far inferior to that of Dieyi and Xiaolou, and she is an out-and-out supporting role.

But the weight is not inferior to the protagonist at all, and it can even be said to be the finishing touch of this movie.

In Cheng Feng's view, if Cheng Dieyi is obsessed with opera to the point where he can't tell the difference between human and opera, then Juxian is the real Concubine Yu in life.

At this moment, Cheng Feng was standing on the shooting scene. He had nothing to do during this time, but he knew the value of this masterpiece. In his previous life, he could only appreciate this classic on the screen.

Now that he is a participant, Cheng Feng sincerely does not want to miss any moment when this legendary masterpiece was born.

Cheng Feng is like a bystander, earnestly witnessing the birth of a miracle.

Inside the shooting location...

The building is full of flowers, and the surrounding area is full of red. It seems that in this brothel, there is a strong sense of human lust everywhere, tempting people's most primitive desires.

thump, thump, thump... There was a sound of panicked footsteps, and there was laughter everywhere.

Ju Xian appeared, and Cheng Feng estimated the time secretly. Her appearance time should be nearly one-third of the plot.

On the small building on the third floor of the brothel, a group of men chased a woman with obscene smiles, and she cursed at those men who took advantage.

With a bold leap, he was caught by Duan Xiaolou downstairs, and he didn't forget to yell and curse at the man upstairs after landing.

Seeing Cheng Feng, he also secretly sighed: "This woman is hot enough, and she is the one who walks wild at first glance, so don't be afraid!"

When he heard that Xiaolou lied that he was engaged to save him, he was taken aback for a moment, and then acted on the occasion, not forgetting to smile and slap the clients around him three times. When he got here, Cheng Feng watched the performance of the actors, Song Jia The chrysanthemum fairy is indeed full of charm, and it is really enjoyable to watch.

Immediately afterwards, Song Jia turned her head after a while, and when she drank the other half bowl of wine, she suddenly raised her eyes to look at Duan Xiaolou played by Hu Jun.

Cheng Feng keenly grasped this point, and knew in his heart that at this moment, Juxian, a woman, already had her own plans.

Here Cheng Feng could see that Juxian was clever, not the kind of petty cleverness.

I don’t know how many prostitutes have been produced in various literary works, some are charming, some are beautiful and troublesome, and men fight and kill each other because of their jealousy, some are indifferent to the world of mortals, some subvert the stereotyped setting and have no desires, and some bear the hatred of the country and the family of.

But these are better than the popular Mary Su setting nowadays, she is a heroine that men will inexplicably like when they see it.

To a certain extent, this is comparable to the male protagonist who is a humanoid Teddy, with studs everywhere!
But looking at film history, in Cheng Feng's view, Juxian is the only one.

In the shooting scene, the movie was being shot continuously, but Cheng Feng was dazed while watching it...

Secretly recalling the memories of the previous life, and the plot of the script of the movie "Farewell My Concubine" that I have seen in this life.

In Cheng Feng's eyes, Juxian is not a little girl who just fell in love, she is a strange woman who dares to love and hate, she does not care about love, and she is also a very shrewd woman.

Before she decided to marry, she visited the troupe unannounced. In her opinion, Duan Xiaolou is talented, capable, and affectionate. He is a person who can live a life.

So before the end of the play, she ran back to Huamanlou and redeemed herself.

It is Juxian's shrewdness to make a decision before acting!
She redeemed herself, which is what Cheng Feng admires Juxian, she always knows what she wants and how to get it.

independent!Be brave!Self-improvement!This is the setting that Juxian is different from other female characters.

The most wonderful foreshadowing during the redemption was that she took off those embroidered shoes, firstly to show her determination, secondly, to go barefoot to the troupe was enough to make Xiaolou feel affectionate, and thirdly, it also made the story of her being kicked out more real At the same time, Cheng Feng believed that this also paved the way for her tragic ending...

Ju Xian has always dared to speak and act, just like in the scene just shot, she danced as she said, and married as she said.

Later in the script, Cheng Feng remembered that Juxian would come barefoot to the door of the small building next.

Xiaolou was surprised at the time: "Why are you here, come in and talk?"

At this time, Juxian said, "Come out!"

Why come out?Cheng Feng savored the product carefully, and came to force the marriage when the troupe was over, just to get the whole troupe certified.

Second, say it in front of everyone at the door, so that Duan Xiaolou won't deny it in the future.

At this point, Cheng Feng had to admit that the character Juxian was really careful.

He kept saying that he was kicked out because of his engagement, but he told Duan Xiaolou that it was all because of you!

He also said that it is a big deal for him to jump back to the building again, which means that if Duan Xiaolou ignores me, he will have to die!
Others joked about when the bridal chamber would be celebrated, Xiaolou said tonight, but Juxian said: "Okay, but you have to get engaged to me tonight!"

The implication is nothing more than to tell everyone and Duan Xiaolou that in front of so many people, you can't regret getting engaged, and everyone will also be a witness!

Every step of the way, marriage has a steady and ruthless drive!
But Cheng Feng didn't think Juxian was cunning, and even thought she was respectable!

She knows how to get what she wants, and also knows how to get it more efficiently. For this reason, she is willing to take risks and try her best to fight for her own happiness, so Cheng Feng always thinks that she is a rare and strange woman.

After she got married, she wore her wedding gown, looked at herself in the mirror, and fulfilled her ultimate dream from redemption to marriage, which was what she dreamed of day and night.

But every time Cheng Feng thought of this, he felt sorry for Juxian. Looking at the era of the plot, for Juxian, no matter what she did or how hard she tried, under the sweeping tide of the times, it was destined to be a distant dream.

Later, Xiaolou was arrested because of the conflict with the Japanese. Dieyi was eager to save others, but when Juxian appeared, he became selfish and wanted to join Juxian's army.

Juxian didn't understand Dieyi's feelings for Xiaolou at first, until he mentioned their young friendship Dieyi said: "It's good that you know!"

Enlightenment, wake up from a dream!
Juxian was also surprised. She always thought that Cheng Dieyi looked down on her because of her background. It turned out that Cheng Dieyi had a different kind of affection for her husband!

(End of this chapter)

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