Chapter 268 Setting Fire to the House

Back in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Lin Xiaorou slept on that big bed and felt comfortable all over her body, and her mood was rarely relaxed.

But she didn't dare to show the slightest bit of joy in front of the outside, she could only look sad and revel in her heart.

After all, the imperial physician's office in the palace is a place where experts gathered. Soon there was news that the emperor had woken up, but his body was weak, and he wanted to summon Concubine Rou, so Lin Xiaorou had no choice but to go to the imperial study.

This time the atmosphere in the imperial study was different. Except for a few imperial physicians outside, there was no one else present. Liuying was not there. He probably got tired from retching in the morning, and Huan'er was also unexpectedly absent.

Only after Lin Xiaorou stepped into the study did she realize that there was no one else besides King Jing, and she immediately relaxed a lot.

Looking at the small bed, King Jing closed his eyes and wondered if he was awake. Lin Xiaorou approached slowly, not daring to breathe, and looked at him cautiously with a slight frown.

Just when she was about to get close to the bed, King Jing suddenly opened his eyes, and stared fiercely at Lin Xiaorou with sharp eyes as if with a penetrating power.

"You're here." As soon as King Jing opened his mouth, Lin Xiaorou was sure that he was really weak. His voice was like a bell before, but now it sounded like a mosquito.

"Didn't you invite me here?"

"What the hell did you feed me?"

King Jing was not an idiot. After waking up, his brain worked quickly and he grasped the important points. Lin Xiaorou pretended to be confused, looked at him wronged and said, "It's nothing, I eat the same food as you, so if you have something to do, I will be fine. "

"I also find this strange. Could it be that you have a hidden disease?" Lin Xiaorou wickedly turned the question on King Jing.

Although King Jing was weak, his eyes were sharp and clear. The corners of his mouth were slightly curved, and he said softly: "I have placed an imperial decree in a secret place, and only one person knows it. It states that if one day I die I want you to be buried with me in the same coffin, no matter where you flee to the ends of the earth, you will be found and put next to me, so if you don’t want to be buried with me, you’d better pray that I live longer.”

How despicable!Lin Xiaorou gritted her teeth, and it seemed like little flames were burning in her eyes.

"Don't go too far!"

"Don't pretend to be smart!"

After saying these words, King Jing closed his eyes tiredly and gasped for breath. Looking at him, Lin Xiaorou had the urge to suffocate him with a pillow. This is simply a devil!
I was going crazy, I couldn't take it any longer.

Lin Xiaorou was a little mad. She glared at King Jing viciously, and said in a sharp voice, "If you walk too many evil ways, you will always encounter ghosts; if you do too many bad things, one day they will be punished. You'd better do it yourself!"

King Jing didn't seem to hear anything, but his face was extremely ugly.

"go out!"

Lin Xiaorou snorted, flung her sleeves and left, thinking of that vicious imperial decree, she was about to go mad with anger, King Jing wanted to kill her!
Walking furiously all the way, without even looking at the road, he bumped into a person with a bang.

"Which dog slave with no eyes!"

She rubbed her sore shoulder and raised her head viciously to look forward, then froze for a moment.

"Prince Tob!"

"Tobu pays his respects to the empress, how is the empress?"

Tuobu looked at Lin Xiaorou's shoulder apologetically, and took a few steps back in fear.

"I'm fine, where are you going?"

Tuobu was taken aback, his face was a little embarrassed, Lin Xiaorou quickly realized that it was against common sense and women's morality for a harem concubine to talk to a foreign prince like this and ask where he was going.

"If the prince has something to do, go first."

She put down the hands rubbing her shoulders and took a staggered step to go first. Tobu looked at her and walked forward without squinting, but his steps were obviously much slower.

Lin Xiaorou turned her head to look at him, opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

Standing still and looking up at the sky, she really wanted to know if Mu Jianchen was Tuobu's long-lost brother.

Back at the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Lin Xiaorou was trembling with fear when she saw everything in the room that belonged to King Jing.

Only when she heard the imperial decree that King Jing said about being buried with him did she know how terrible King Jing was, like a demon who eats people without spitting out bones, like Shura from hell.

Even if you die, you will take what you like as your own.

He is the most powerful predator in the dynasty, without the slightest bit of sympathy or humanity, he can force his brother to death with his own hands, and he can also force her to death in the same way!
Lin Xiaorou hated him to the bone, hoped that he would die, and worried that there would really be this imperial decree that would force her into a place of eternal doom, so she was also indescribably depressed.

"Your Majesty, it's time for dinner!"

A court lady looked at the time and it was time for dinner, so she stepped forward to remind her.

"no appetite!"

"Your Majesty, no matter how worried your Majesty is, you have to take care of your own body!"

Dare to feel that these court ladies think that they are not thinking about eating and drinking because of that devil!Lin Xiaorou chuckled and said loudly: "Today, I have a good appetite, serve me wine and food!"

Soon the sumptuous delicacies were served, and Lin Xiaorou ate her mouthful of greasy food under the surprised gaze of the palace maid, hiccupping again and again!

It seems that there is a pleasure of revenge in this way!

When she was full, she rolled up the quilt and fell asleep, completely in a state of nothing disturbing her heart and lungs. The maids who served did not understand, and the empresses of other palaces were worried that the emperor was worried about the lack of food and tea, but her own master As if nothing happened!
The maids left after clearing the dining table. Lin Xiaorou actually did not fall asleep but deliberately pretended to sleep in order to let the maids relax their vigilance and vigilance. After staying up late at night, Lin Xiaorou got up from the bed and opened the door on tiptoe. She was afraid that the door would make a noise, so The movement was very slow, and a gap was opened, and there was a maid standing on the left and right of the door. If she went out, she would be accompanied by her, so it would be very inconvenient to find the imperial edict. She firmly believed that the perverted imperial edict must be with King Jing, such a suspicious person It is impossible to entrust this secret imperial decree to others for safekeeping!
Based on her previous experience of watching court dramas, she judged that the imperial decree was likely to be behind the four-character plaque in the Taiqing Hall. Regardless of whether it was true or not, she wanted to take a chance. It is still valid for her if she is really dead, so she must find out the imperial edict before King Jing dies and destroy it secretly!
In the past few days after entering the palace, she has already understood almost all the layout of the palace. It goes without saying that the Taiqing Palace is an extremely important palace with strict guards, so Lin Xiaorou is going to come here when King Jing is weak and is a paper tiger. movement!

Opening the door, the two maids who were sleepy looked at her in surprise and said, "Is your empress going to wake up at night?"

"I'm hungry, make me some supper to fill my stomach!"


One court lady quickly went to the spare kitchen of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, but the other court lady needed another reason to leave.

"Why is there a smell in my room?"

"Slaves go in and have a look!"

Lin Xiaorou's room was deliberately not lit, the maid walked in in the dark, Lin Xiaorou immediately knocked the maid unconscious with a heavy object, quickly changed the clothes of the two of them and moved her to the bed to sleep face in!

Soon the maid who was doing supper came back. Seeing that there was a maid missing at the door, she thought she was going to the toilet, so she didn't think much about it.

"Ma'am, supper is here!"

The palace maid cautiously pushed the door open and went in to turn on the candle, seeing that the "Imperial Concubine" had fallen asleep again, so she extinguished the candle and quietly left the room.

Lin Xiaorou left the Hall of Mental Cultivation and approached the Hall of Great Purity quietly under the cover of night. As she expected, there were five guards on the left and right at the entrance of the Hall of Great Purity, and the knives in their hands glowed with a cold light, which made people feel heartbroken. Tremble.

But she didn't plan to attack, but quietly came to a small palace closest to the Taiqing Palace. This palace is very small, and it is usually used by the emperor to summon ministers privately occasionally. It is located on the left side of the Taiqing Palace, and the square is on the west!

Lin Xiaorou went to a relatively hidden corner and broke a branch, then lit it with a flint. Since the flint would make a crisp sound, she didn't dare to use too much force, and it wasted some time!
The branch was ignited, she threw the fire sticks into the palace with a wave of her hand, fearing that there were not enough fire sticks, she threw a few of them in the same way, and soon the small palace was on fire. The weather was dry in autumn, and the flames rushed out Lao Gao, the red fire is like a monster going east with the west wind, the wind blows the fire and the whole palace is engulfed in flames in the blink of an eye.

Hurry up and put out the fire!
Someone noticed the big fire and shouted loudly, and suddenly the peaceful small palace exploded. Even the guards at the gate of the Taiqing Hall came to help put out the fire, because the fire would spread to the Taiqing Hall if it continued. It's out of control.

Lin Xiaorou watched from afar the busy guards and palace guards with a sneer on their lips. The scene of fighting the fire was very chaotic, and water was continuously poured over with little effect. Soon more palace guards and guards They rushed over, and the shouts pierced the night sky.

Lin Xiaorou took advantage of the chaos and slipped into the Taiqing Hall smoothly. The main hall was pitch black, only the firelight reflected through the windows was used for illumination. Lin Xiaorou climbed up to the main seat nimbly like a monkey, and then stretched her body and touched behind the plaque with one hand Go, touched for a while and found nothing. I was a little surprised when I suddenly heard a voice coming towards the Taiqing Palace, so my first reaction was to run.

Because she fell down when she jumped down with too much force, Lin Xiaorou didn't dare to relax even though she was sweating coldly from the pain.

She bent over and rolled a few times on the spot and then hid in the darkness. Soon the hall door was pushed open, and a puff of thick smoke floated in, making people uncomfortable. About three people came in. Lin Xiaorou estimated that they were here to inspect the interior of the Taiqing Hall Whether it was damaged or not, the three entered to check in three directions. Lin Xiaorou's hiding place was very close to the door, so she took advantage of the three people's backs to her and tiptoed towards the door.

"Who are you! Stop for me!"

Just when she was about to escape smoothly, someone suddenly spotted Lin Xiaorou who was sneaking around. She was already guilty, and her calf was spinning when she was frightened by this roar, her first reaction was to run away!

"I'm your seventh uncle! A bunch of bastards!"

(End of this chapter)

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