Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 106 The Dark Goddess is Difficult to Handle

Chapter 106 The Dark Goddess is Difficult to Handle (Wu Li)

Looking at the two people exchanging rings and laughing at the wedding ahead, he suddenly had an extreme idea - to snatch her away.

If he hadn't misunderstood the person back then, could it be that the person standing here is him...

In a daze, he suddenly remembered the first time he met Nan Xiaoxiao.

At that time, he was corroded by the resentment of a resentful spirit, and he fell on the side of the road with his eyes burned.

When I woke up again, I found that I was no longer on that cold road.

What I feel is a warm room and the smell of rice.

I knew that people in their world would be more sensitive than normal people even if they were deaf and blind.

There was a woman in the kitchen, she should be a woman in poor health, because he didn't feel too strong soul power in this person.

Sure enough, the woman spoke with a hoarse nasal voice: "Are you awake?"

It looks like she has a cold.

"Where is this? Who are you?"

He seemed to have heard the woman cut in disdain.


"You don't care, just go when you wake up."

Wu Li frowned, a little displeased.

"When you bring me back, you must be responsible to the end. I can't see you, so you plan to drive me away like this?"

Nan Xiaoxiao was taken aback for a moment, he couldn't see how he found the kitchen precisely without hitting anything?
However, it seems that his eyes are really invisible.

Nan Xiaoxiao hesitated for a while and agreed after confirming that he was not a bad person.

Later he thought that even though he was blind during this time, it must have been the happiest time in his life.

The two of them disliked each other at the beginning, but later attracted and admired each other. He likes to tease her from time to time, and will deliberately make her angry. He likes to listen to her voice, even if the voice Not so nice to hear during a cold.

He likes to see her lively appearance, every time she smiles happily, and expresses the sadness when she is sad, it stirs his heart all the time.

Until that day she said that she was going on a business trip and asked him to wait for her to come back.

He waited, but it wasn't her who came after all.

It's just because of my own carelessness, I obviously felt different countless times, I doubted it countless times, but I just didn't go into it.

He even took away the luck and life she should have had for others.

Her family was broken, her friends were separated, and even her own life was ruined because of being robbed of her luck.

He actually met her a few times later. When she was being bullied, he remembered that she was the girl whose luck had been taken away by him, so he secretly helped her on those two occasions.

Once, when her friend had an accident, he helped settle the hospital and agreed to her arrears.

Another was when she was offered a job in a coffee shop while she was job hunting.

At that time, he felt that what he saw was the most beautiful smile. He couldn't understand why a simple job that was not decent would make her laugh like a fool.

Later, he finally understood that that job was her last hope for himself.

He didn't know that if she didn't find a job that day, she planned to commit suicide.

Later, when he followed Feng Qingqing and stopped paying attention to her, it was because of this mistake that he regretted for the rest of his life.

It was a turning point when he met Shen Huanyue, he didn't know that Feng Qingqing had been dealing with Shen Huanyue all the time, but when Shen Huanyue said those ambiguous words, his heart suddenly beat violently, as if there was some clue to break through out.

But in the end she still didn't make it clear what those words meant.

He kept questioning Nan Xiaoxiao, he kept questioning Gong Qingchi, and he kept making trouble when the two were dating, inserting themselves between them.

But every time his girl never gives him a look.

God knows that every time he sees her dating Ha Ha late, he will explode with rage.

That smile should belong to him, obviously it belongs to him.

On the day Feng Qingqing was completely demonized, he finally knew what was wrong, everything came to light, he was indeed blind.

What Gong Qingchi said was right, he couldn't even recognize the person he liked the most, and he made her look like that, so what right did he have to continue pursuing her.

But he was not reconciled, not reconciled to losing her like this.

So he started to fight against Qingqing, and kept showing love to Nan with a smile, but she still didn't notice him at all with the same glance as before.

After that doomsday-like turmoil, Shen Huanyue and the men around her all disappeared. Later, he saw Nan Xiaoxiao and Gong Qingchi often went to the grave.

That is the tomb of Shenhuanyue.

Heh, he actually can't even compare the status of Shen Huanyue in her heart.

Yes, Shenhuanyue was the one who helped her escape from the nightmare, and he was just the worst existence in her life.

He thought she wished she hadn't rescued him back then.

The news that they were going to get married was that five years after Shenhuanyue disappeared, her and Qingqing's status in the exorcism world was unshakable because of Shenhuanyue's relationship.

And this message was sent to him deliberately by Qingqingchi, and he knew what it meant.

ha late in taking the oath of sovereignty.

He wanted to make it clear to him that his girl was no longer his girl.

Very unwilling, really very unwilling.

Because of his mistake, he lost the love of his life.

Look, the two people in front are so happy. He Qingchi even gave him a provocative look.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, then turned and left.

He didn't want to destroy her hard-won happiness, let alone her peaceful life.

Only his withdrawal would be her best life.

Maybe he was really jealous, but he really didn't want her to suffer another hurt that she shouldn't have to suffer because of him.

From now on, it was enough to protect her for the rest of her life with his life.


Nan Xiaoxiao set up a tomb for Bai Xixi, without a name, but she would come to worship every year.

She knew from the beginning that she was going, but she didn't understand why.

This woman would never explain anything about her to her, but it was ridiculous that she would post it upside down every time.

She thought that if she hadn't disappeared, she would have followed her all her life, after all, she was the only one who gave her a new life.

This life of a person is really strange. Mistakes, missed partings, pains and sorrows have to be endured one by one.

Nan smiled and glanced at the tombstone, and finally sighed.

"May you be able to accomplish what you want to do elsewhere, goodbye."

Author’s nonsense: For Wu Li at the beginning, I wanted to set him up as a player with an unclear brain and a brain pumping type. Later, I may think that this name is getting better and better, so I set him up as a blind scumbag. To be honest, I really like the names of Wu Li and Nan Xiaoxiao, they are really good! ! !It was this pair of male and female protagonists who were abruptly separated by me...

 2000 words

(End of this chapter)

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