Chapter 114

The original owner's original team name was Linfeng, which was very poetic, because it was an old team, even if Yu Jingfeng became the captain, he didn't change the name.

After learning the whole story, Gu Da complained angrily to Bai Xixi, but fortunately Bai Xixi stopped him, otherwise he would probably have fought against Yu Jingfeng.

'Sister, I'm a little fascinated. He treats you like this and you still chat with him on the trumpet all day. Could it be that you really like him? '

Mo Youyou: "You're thinking too much, but you're just repaying the other person in the same way as the other person." '

Gu Da reacted after a while: "Wonderful, it's really the most ruthless woman, but I'm really curious, that Lei Ting seems to be in his early twenties, you should be at least five or six years older than him... Siblings Is love so popular? '

Mo Youyou: 'I'm sorry I'm eighteen. '

Lonely can't be beaten to death: "Pfft ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hiccup, don't make me laugh, if you say you are 25 or [-], I will believe you, but you say you are [-], we have known each other for almost seven or eight years, you What if he dominated the alliance world when he was only ten years old when he was eighteen?
No way, my brother is getting old, don't make me laugh hahahahahahaha. '

Mo Youyou: '...'

Forget it, she doesn't care if you mortals don't understand anything!
When Bai Xixi entered the campus again, another figure in front of her stopped her.

She frowned and looked up for a while, this person...

No, it's not the boy from last time, his temperament is different.

"Are you brothers with the boy from last time?" Bai Xixi asked softly.

Yan Jing nodded, and her slightly magnetic voice seemed a little cold: "Yes."

Bai Xixi found that she seemed to unconsciously want to get close to the person in front of her.

Bai Xixi: "What's the matter with you?"

Yan Jing looked at her deeply, then reached out and stroked her hair, as if pampering her: "No, just take care of yourself."

Bai Xixi didn't feel irritable, nor did she feel that this movement was abrupt.

When Yan Jing turned to leave, Bai Xixi subconsciously called out to him: "Wait a minute, shall we meet again?"

Yan Jing turned around and smiled: "Yes, soon, see you next time."

Bai Xixi blushed and lowered her head: "Well, see you next time."

Yan Mo, who was hiding behind the tree, gritted his teeth and was speechless, it was too much, too much!Obviously they are all relatives. Why does this white-eyed wolf treat Yan Jing with this attitude, as if he was an enemy in his previous life? Damn girl, when she thinks about it, she must clean up her!
Bai Xixi was a little dazed after returning home, it was really strange, why did she feel that the man was so familiar just now?
Button, did I know those two people before?
【have no idea. 】Don't ask it don't ask it, don't know don't know it doesn't know anything!
Forget it, asking the spicy chicken system is like nonsense.

Play games play games!

She likes to turn on the voice when playing games, so that communication is more convenient.

It's the same this time, but there are some people who are matched, and they can't fly at all.

"Come on, mage, are you the master? You can't even control it."

"You're amazing, go ahead, don't beep here, beep."

Bai Xixi chose a piece of meat, and the beating was considered good, but it was enough for this group of people to spit left and right.

"Why don't you say it's your own food."

Bai Xixi: "I'm a ghost, if I don't fight in groups and stand around waiting to die, no wonder I keep dropping stars."

Opposite: "You can vote directly, and save the internal strife that will affect your mood."

 Add more and continue to add~~
  good night~~
(End of this chapter)

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