Chapter 128

Coax, I have to make amends quickly!
Bai Xixi coughed lightly, and said awkwardly: "Isn't it just getting married, don't care if I say it or not, if you think about it, get married!"

Bai Xixi wanted to cry, but she had lost all her money.

Jun Yi's eyes lit up, but he didn't expect that she would really agree. Happiness came too suddenly.

After being stunned for a few seconds, Jun Yi suddenly grabbed her hand and led her to run.

Bai Xixi shouted: "Jun Ju! Where are you taking me?"

Jun Yi answered in three words concisely and concisely: "Civil Affairs Bureau."

Bai Xixi: "..."

Just casual?
The ID cards in this world can directly scan the pupils, so you don’t need to bring anything. Generally, you can register as long as you go and fill out a few forms.

Bai Xixi's mood can be described as indescribable.

After returning home, seeing the original owner's parents felt a little guilty. It seemed bad that she got married directly behind the original owner's parents...

Forget it, they don't know now anyway, and Jun Jue didn't say that the two of them will live together now, it's just a marriage certificate, it doesn't matter.

From time to time after returning home, the six of them began to take turns to play black games. A few days later, the application of the professional team was approved, and they were able to participate in the world competition of the C9 season.

In the preliminary round, they hardly showed any real strength and had already advanced.

The six of them also came out to play hacks from time to time, Yan Jing and Yan Mo provided a place for training, a big villa, both the computer and the internet speed were very good.

Bai Xixi is speechless, she is really rich, she is also from the same world, why has she never been so rich before.

Yan Jing said: "This is the villa under our family's name. The surrounding environment is not bad. If you are tired from level training, you can stroll around."

Bai Xixi looked at it twice, and felt that this place was really stylish.

But: "By the way, why didn't you see Yan Mo?"

She still remembered that Yan Mo didn't look very well last time.

Yan Jing smiled and said, "He's sleeping in the room, don't worry, I'll call him when he wakes up."

Bai Xixi: "No need, it's fine."

Jun Yi has been looking at Yan Jing warily, his hostility is undisguised.

Yan Jing didn't seem to notice it at all, and could still laugh when his eyes swept over him.

However, Jun Qiao felt that Yan Jing's smile was quite fake, and that he didn't like this person for no reason, not only because he said those words on purpose to let Bai Xixi know the fact that he lied to her, but also because of another the boredom that arises from it.

Bai Xixi didn't notice this weird atmosphere, she was just thinking about what's wrong with Yan Mo, since the previous few meetings she was quite energetic.

Gu Da and Gong Changting wandered around the villa in amazement. This villa is too big. How rich are Yan Mo and Yan Jing's family?
Although Gu Da knew the two brothers Yan Jing and Yan Mo, it was his first time to come to their house.

Yan Jing went upstairs to take care of Yan Mo.

Bai Xixi played games with Jun Ju in the living room, and had no interest in visiting the villa.

Bai Xixi had just finished playing a game when suddenly someone talked to her in the game.

It's no surprise that Yu Jingfeng, he can endure for so many days before he can be considered amazing.

Lei Ting: "Are you there? Can I chat with you for a while?"

Cool and warm and clear Xi Xiqi: "You don't want my inscription again, do you? You have perseverance, but I won't sell it to you, don't think about it."

Lei Ting: "No, I have given up on the inscription in your hand, I just want to chat with you for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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