Chapter 140

I saw that the three of them were moving slowly to escape from the controlled area, but in the next second, they were all fell to the ground after being flashed with two steps and two shots by Jun Yi's big move.

'double kill! '

'triple kill! '

Everyone stood up immediately.

"Ahh! Awesome!!!"

"Oh my god, Young Master Jun is awesome!"

At the same time, there were two more system sounds.

'double kill! '

'ACE! '


"The Prosperous Imperial City is awesome!!!"

"Awesome! No way! This is the only word left in my mind! Push it, push it!"

Everyone stared at the screen intently, never letting go of it for a second.

As everyone wished, in this wave, both the top lane and the bottom lane pushed down two towers respectively.

He was almost able to push down the third tower when he got off the road, but was stopped by the resurrection on the opposite side.

Someone outside the field dropped something in his hand: "Damn! What a pity!"

"Okay, okay, calm down! We will definitely win! Believe in them!"

He spoke calmly, but his tone and expression were not calm at all.

Bai Xixi: "Get out of the resurrection armor, go straight to the middle group, push a wave, and Jun Bing will stop it."

The four of them gathered in the middle, and the other side was also red-eyed. The wave just now was enough to cause a slight collapse of their mood.

Seeing that the four of them went to the middle lane now, they knew they wanted to join the group, so they also joined the group. There was no way if they didn't join the group, and if they didn't join the group, they would be pushed directly.

But in the middle of the assembly, Jun Yi jumped out and stopped the two people.

This time in the middle lane, they could only carry three-on-four first. After 30 seconds, the two of cck got rid of Jun Ju and returned to the middle lane, but they already had blood left.

'double kill! '

I thought this was the end of it, but I continued to hear it again.

'triple kill! '

'Ultra kill! '

'Penta kill! '

"Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Am I dazzled? What happened just now?! What the hell happened?! Jun Shao Wu killed?!"

The person next to him was stunned and hadn't recovered: "Five...five kills! It's really five kills!"

Yan Mo cut it out, it wasn't because they drained the blood of these three people just now, they would steal their heads.

Bai Xixi was so excited that she almost jumped up and shouted: "Ah, you are so handsome, you are so handsome!"

Hearing this inadvertently, Jun Yi swiped his hand and jumped directly into the enemy's tower with no pawn line to lead the way. He was already left with residual blood, but a line of reminders that he was killed by the tower appeared on the screen.

Bai Xixi: "..."

Gu Da, Gong Changting, Yan Mo: "..."

Cck: "..."

Everyone outside: "..."

A group of ignorant people, what did Jun Shao do this?
Deliberately bury the opponent?

Bai Xixi coughed lightly, she didn't seem to be so excited just now, she made up for her fault.

"Ahem, don't stand there stupidly, the soldiers are coming, so hurry up and push!"

Gong Changting and Gu Da despised the two of them extremely, whether they could go home and show off at the critical moment, others didn't know why Jun Ju jumped in with his brain flooded, how could they not know!
Yan Mo had already given up treating the white-eyed wolf, anyway, these two people have such virtues.

Fortunately, the fastest one on the opposite side has 30 seconds to revive. If you hurry up, this wave will probably be pushed down.

Later, under the anticipation of all eyes, the four of them worked together to push the enemy crystal. At this time, people were resurrected one after another, but it was almost too late to stop them.

(End of this chapter)

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