Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 147 The Narcissistic Male God Can’t Stand It

Chapter 147 The Narcissistic Male God Can’t Stand It (5)

Qingjiu jumps his feet right now, even Lu Lin is a little confused by the side, what is going on? !

"You you" pheasant!
Damn it, why didn't he just tell her real body.

Bai Xixi was surprised to find that she seemed to be able to sense what Sake was trying to say, and he seemed to know what her real body was.

Lu Lin quickly smoothed things over, he didn't want to offend either of these two people if he could.

Not to mention that he has a good impression of Huanling, but Huanling's friendship with various tribes alone can't offend him.

What's more... sake is from the peacock clan...

"Look, it's all my fault. I didn't expect it at the beginning. Our deer tribe has brewed a few jars of good wine recently. Why don't you two have a drink together?"

Bai Xixi also stopped teasing the sake, and gave Lu Lin face, which is considered to be a promise.

Qingjiu didn't bother to drink with foreigners, but agreed to it out of nowhere, and he felt quite strange.

Lu Lin led them to a bamboo forest, the environment was very elegant, and there were several people guarding them.

Coincidentally, Lu Ze also came to pick up the wine, so I don't know if it's a real coincidence or a fake coincidence.

"Brother, why didn't you tell me when Huan Ling came, and who else is this?"

Bai Xixi took a few glances at Lu Ze, the person who made the original owner dare not confess.

I found that the long ones are not so good-looking, and I really don't like this type in terms of her aesthetics.

[Your aesthetic? !Your aesthetic is about to go to heaven, can others compare! 】

What's the matter in the sky, I am demanding, look at my male god, no matter what kind of face he puts on, he looks good.

【vomit! 】

Bai Xixi: "..." I really want to quickly find a way to dismantle the system.

Seeing Lu Ze, Lu Lin frowned: "Why are you here?"

Lu Ze sat down without seeing anyone else, and after glancing at Bai Xixi, he secretly looked at the sake.

"Why can't I come here? Although you are the leader of the deer clan, I am also an elder of the deer clan. Logically speaking, I should be there to receive visitors from afar."

The Deer Clan has nothing else to do, except that compared to other orc tribes, there are a lot of useless rules and thieves.

Lu Lin is very wrong with this fellow brother, all his decisions are hindered by him every time, the current internal fighting in the Lu clan is very serious.

Lu Ze always wants to fight out and grab a piece of land for the tribe, but he has always disagreed, after all, no matter which tribe is basically stronger than the Lu tribe's force value.

Lu Lin couldn't say anything on the surface, so he simply introduced the name of sake to Lu Ze, and didn't say any more.

Lu Ze also has the ability to see the real body of the orc, but this sake really can't see it.

Apart from this Huan Ling, the only thing that can make him unable to see his real body is this sake, which is interesting.

Lu Lin must be doing something again to keep him from knowing, huh.

Bai Xixi blocked Lu Ze's gaze, what was she doing, she kept staring at her male god, wanting to fuck.

Sake was taken aback for a moment, then felt a little different in his heart, and then subconsciously touched his chest.

It's so strange, since I saw this woman today, I feel more and more strange.

"Lu Ze, what are you staring at? What is there to stare at? It's better to stare at me than to stare at him. I have something to tell you."

Bai Xixi said angrily.

Lu Ze never expected that Huan Ling would talk to him first.

He really didn't have much feeling for Huan Ling, but always felt that she was strange.

(End of this chapter)

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