Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 150 The Narcissistic Male God Can’t Stand It

Chapter 150 The Narcissistic Male God Can’t Stand It (8)

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, although this is not her enemy, but you can almost tell from her eyes that this peahen likes sake.

This is not enough, although many people have coveted her man, but none of these people have a good end.

Sake was too lazy to sort it out, so he pulled her and wanted to leave.

But was stopped by Qingqing, with her hands open, as if you were not allowed to leave until you told me.

Bai Xixi smiled, slightly playful: "Who are you? Why should he answer these questions of yours? Do these questions have anything to do with you?"

Qing Qing glared at her shamefully and angrily: "Did I let you talk! I was talking to Brother Sake! Who asked you to interrupt!"

"Then you shut up, you're bored to death."

An impatient voice sounded immediately, and Qingqing looked at the owner of the voice in disbelief.

"Brother Qingjiu, you actually hate me because of her! You obviously didn't treat me like this before! Did this person do something to you!"

Bai Xixi was speechless: "Little girl, let me advise you, based on what I know about him, you'd better stay away from him as soon as possible, otherwise your end will probably be miserable. As a peahen, you don't have to hang yourself on this tree."

Qingqing roared angrily: "It's none of your business! I remembered, you were kicked out by me in the first place! How did you entangle Brother Sake! Get out of here! We don't welcome you!"

As he said that, he was about to go up and pull her away.

But before he touched her, he was suddenly pushed down by a strong force, and his ass fell directly.

Tears came out at once: "Brother Qingjiu, you actually pushed me, how could you push me."

Bai Xixi twitched the corners of her mouth in a very speechless manner. According to her, the orcs of the peacock clan had brain problems.

Sake said coldly: "I told you to shut up, it's really annoying."

Then he took Bai Xixi's hand without hesitation and left without taking a cloud.

Tuliu Qingqing sat on the ground and cried loudly.

Bai Xixi smiled and asked, "Aren't you afraid of causing public anger in your clan? She is one of the few peahens."

Sake sneered, and said with extreme disdain: "So what about the peahen, I think someone dares to trouble me, so hurry up and curry favor with me, you know, otherwise I won't treat you well."

Bai Xixi: "..." I can't take it anymore! !

Bai Xixi thought that Sake brought her back to kiss me and have a relationship or something, but it turned out!

It's been here for half a month!It was really just like what she said before, she was asked to bring tea and water, squeeze her shoulders and beat her back!
How about treating her like a servant?
She is leaving!

It happened that the people of the peacock clan were incited by Qingqing to be full of hostility towards her, and they wished to let her go.

So when she escaped, a bunch of people were 'covering' for her.

Thinking about it with her fingers, she knew that these people would not end well if Sake found out.

But what does that matter to her.

She is not familiar with these people.

To be honest, the atmosphere in the Peacock Clan really made her unbearable, everyone was super super narcissistic, their nostrils were upturned, and she was so depressed that she was about to go crazy.

Suddenly she fantasized, if Mo Xiao's main character is like this...

Instantly shivering with chills, it would be better not to have him, it is simply poisonous.

Luckily this is only maybe less than one percent of the character part.

 ten! ! !

  See you tomorrow! ! !
  I love you guys ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! !

(End of this chapter)

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