Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 157 The Narcissistic Male God Can’t Stand It

Chapter 157 The Narcissistic Male God Can’t Stand It (15)

Huang Lili's expression changed instantly. No one dared to talk to her like this since she became the military advisor of the Leopard Clan.

Luo Huan thought Bai Xixi was so handsome!

Huang Lili snorted: "Huan Ling, don't be so crazy!"

Bai Xixi didn't know it: "I'm cursing? You have the ability to get brother Bao to drive me out of the leopard clan. If you can't do it, don't beep here, beep, don't you know how annoying you are?"

Huang Lili's face suddenly turned green and red, and Luo Huan even laughed, and her mentality collapsed instantly.

After all, it is still a beast no matter what, if it is changed to the Gongdou plane, it is estimated that it will not change its expression.

Huang Lili yelled: "Huanling! You wait! I will drive you out of the leopard clan sooner or later, and there will be no chance of turning over!"

"Who are you going to drive out of the leopard clan?"

A cold voice came, Huang Lili panicked immediately, and took a step back abruptly, Bao Lie stood behind him at some point.

He stammered a little: "I...the leader, Huan Ling and Luo Huan are uneasy and kind, I just said a few words to them."

Bao Lie's face was gloomy. He really didn't expect Huang Lili to have such a high hatred for Huan Ling. The last sentence he heard was enough to prove how much resentment she had in her heart.

But she is also the military advisor of the Leopard Clan after all, and she has advised the Leopard Clan many times...

Bai Xixi saw that something was wrong, Bao Lie seemed to want to let Huang Lili go.

So she elbowed Luo Huan very naturally.

Luo Huan blinked twice, looked at Bai Xixi, and saw Bai Xixi rolled her eyes speechlessly.

He reacted in an instant, and twitched softly and weakly.

Bao Lie was stunned when he heard the crying, and his heart softened when he saw Luo Huan bowing his head and crying.

"Why are you crying! This king hasn't forced you to do anything these days!"

Luo Huan whimpered and said aggrievedly: "Yeah, your sister forced me, I know, but you don't care about me, but what's the use of trapping me in the Leopard Clan? Could it be that you put me Are you stuck here so that anyone can come over and discriminate against me?

Well, if this is your goal, you have achieved it, and your successful revenge. I ignored you at the beginning. If you want to continue to revenge, go for revenge. Call my people over together, saving me from constant discomfort. "

Bao Lie's head was getting bigger, and he roared: "Who dares to discriminate against you and criticize you!"

After yelling, I came to my senses, and looked at Huang Lili furiously: "Huang Lili! This king will warn you again, to see if you will not dismiss your position as a military adviser for the sake of your great contributions to the Leopard Clan, but you should not interfere with the Leopard Clan these days. business, find a place to rest!"

Huang Lili's eyes widened in disbelief: "Boss! She did it on purpose! I never blamed her!"

Just after finishing speaking, Luo Huan cried even louder.

Huang Lili was going to be stunned, damn it!Bitch!
Bai Xixi was amazed at the back, Luo Huan is fine, so open-minded.

Leopard Lie doesn't care about whether Huang Lili is really wronged now, he puts all his heart and soul on Luo Huan, it's the first time Luo Huan cried like this in front of him, and even sued him, the self-esteem he hasn't gained from her for a long time Instant gratification.

Immediately ordered Huang Lili to leave his sight immediately, and left with Luo Huan in her arms.

It was only then that Bai Xixi saw how much the orcs valued the act of mating, convincing!

(End of this chapter)

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