Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 161 The Narcissistic Male God Can’t Stand It

Chapter 161 The Narcissistic Male God Can’t Stand It (19)

Don’t listen, I don’t listen, you are you, you are you, don’t accept any rebuttal, shut up!


Bai Xixi is depressed, she might as well think of a way to get out if she has the skills.

But you have to see sake before you go out, I really want to scold the male god!
Sake came back that night, Bai Xixi's eyes lit up, she was really going to suffocate to death, it's fine to lock her up, but can you give her some entertainment facilities, God knows what she's doing all day except sleeping Staring.

"Sake! Let me out!"

Sake narrowed his eyes slightly, and Bai Xixi immediately changed his words: "I mean, I just want to go out to take revenge, someone outside has offended me, can I come back after taking revenge?

Look at me, I'm very obedient. I even took the initiative to come back to you, didn't I? "

Sake sat down and poured a cup of tea: "Who is your enemy?"

Bai Xixi didn't hide it either: "Huang Lili, the military advisor of the Leopard Clan, and Huang Guang, the military advisor of the Bear Clan, they are trying to cheat on me!"

Sake said lightly: "Understood, you go to bed first."

Bai Xixi: "Huh?"

After drinking the water, the sake shut Bai Xixi into the room again.

Bai Xixi: "..." Is this gone?
What to do if you are bored to moldy?
Answer: Let's demolish the house and play.

Sake didn't show up for several days, and there were two guards outside, but the lock outside the house was made of something, and she couldn't open it, and Koukou refused to help, saying that it wouldn't dare to mess with Sake.

So Bai Xixi found a fun, demolished the house, and dismantled all the visible and invisible furniture in the house.

'Crackling! '



The guards outside trembled for a while, trembling with fear.

"Do you think she will demolish the house before Sake comes back?"

"Should...not. Our sake is for the house, and it should be quite strong."

"Bang bang—"

"'s okay."

Bai Xixi was so angry that his hands softened, and he sat on the ground.

"Ahh! Where did the sake go?!"

【...It's useless even if you vent like this, he doesn't know, and he won't come back. 】

Shut up shut up shut up shut up!I'm going to bore you to death!

[I can't help it, I can't keep my mouth shut, you can hear me complaining in other places, why don't I just complain to you, anyway, I have nothing to lose. 】

Bai Xixi's brain is twitching, it's too much!
After she goes back, she must ask Mo Xiao to change the main program settings of Koukou!
The two people outside breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that the inside had finally calmed down.

Start your own gossip.

"Have you heard?"

"What did you hear?"

"I heard the rumors from those who went out that there have been major changes recently in the Leopard and Bear tribes. The military advisers of the two tribes don't know who they have provoked. It is extremely miserable."

Guard No. 2 was surprised: "Didn't you say that the two military advisors of the Leopard and Bear tribes are the most powerful military advisors in our orc tribe? Even if they offend someone, who dares to take revenge?"

Guard No. 1: "You don't know, let me tell you, it is said that the leopard tribe's military adviser has long been feared by the leopard tribe leader, and the leopard tribe leader even emptied her authority a few days ago.

And the bear clan was even more miserable. When the bear clan and the leopard clan went to war, he came up with a bad idea, which trapped most of the bear clan and suffered heavy losses. "

Guard No. 2: "No, even this can't cover up their previous achievements. I don't think the leaders of the bear clan and the leopard clan seem to be indistinguishable."

(End of this chapter)

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