Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 167 The Devil God Begs to Let You Go

Chapter 167 The Devil God Begs to Let You Go (3)

Ning Yili furiously issued the imperial decree and left in a huff.

Bai Xixi can't wait to be the queen whoever she likes.

What she needs now is to run away!
Mo Xiao will definitely appear near her mission, and he must not be discovered by him, regardless of whether he has amnesia or not.

Ning Yili went to Bai Yueguang's, but Bai Yueguang didn't seem to expect Ning Yili to come at this time.

"Your Majesty, why are you here?"

Ning Yili looked at Bai Yueguang, and compared with Bai Xixi's actions just now, he immediately felt that Bai Yueguang was better.

She took Bai Yueguang's hand and said: "Yue'er, I will lift you to the queen's position soon."

Bai Yueguang was surprised. It was not the first time that Ning Yili had promised her the position of queen, but she had always been made to wait before.

"My lord, what happened?"

When Ning Yili thought of the anger he received just now, he wouldn't fight. Since he ascended the throne, no one has dared to treat him like this!
After briefly telling Bai Yueguang, Bai Yueguang frowned: "Your majesty, you are too anxious. It is not wise to dismiss the queen at this time. Yue'er is not in a hurry to become queen. It is enough for my concubine to know that the emperor loves me." up.

Although the queen is a bit jealous and domineering, we still have no way to offend the forces behind her. "

The reason why Ning Yili likes Bai Yueguang so much is also because she has always been behind the scenes on the way to seize the throne, and even the original owner didn't know about it.

Everyone thought that the original owner's family helped Ning Yili to sit on the throne, but in fact, it was Bai Yueguang who offered Ning Yili to offer courtesies to the original owner to seduce the original owner.

Obviously, Ning Yili listened to Bai Yueguang's words.

"Then... no! Tell me to appease the queen now, I can't do it!"

Bai Yueguang smiled slightly: "I didn't ask you to appease me now, after all, it was a dictation at that time, and if such a big matter as the abolishment, those servants would not spread the decree first if they were not sure that you were angry.

Your majesty, you just need to let the servants keep their mouths shut, intentionally scare and neglect the queen for a few days, and then forgive the queen with a generous gesture, saying that that day was just an angry word, presumably the queen will forgive you immediately because she likes you.

Maybe this time it will make the queen realize that she is afraid to like you even more. "

Ning Yili's eyes lit up, and he immediately kissed Bai Yueguang: "Yue'er is really my interpretation flower, wonderful, I will warn those servants to go."

Bai Yueguang suddenly grabbed Ning Yili.

Ning Yili turned around suspiciously.

Bai Yueguang lowered her head shyly, and slowly took off her coat...

The next day, when Ning Yili got up from Wenrouxiang, he immediately went to warn these servants.

The little eunuch who accompanied him knelt down in fear: "My lord, please forgive me. I don't know who told the story about you and the empress last night, and now it's spread throughout the court."

Ning Yili's veins bulged: "Presumptuous! Find out this person for me immediately! Where is the queen! Where is the queen! Let her come to see me immediately!"

The little eunuch's calves were trembling: "The queen...the queen is gone."

Ning Yili kicked over: "What do you mean it's missing! The people who were still there last night can still fly out with wings! A bunch of trash! Find it for me! Dig three feet and find it for me!"

The little eunuch replied scramblingly: "Yes."

Then immediately left the blast zone.

I was actually thinking in my heart, fortunately he didn't tell the more serious rumors to the emperor, otherwise his life might be lost!

(End of this chapter)

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