Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 170 The Devil God Begs to Let You Go

Chapter 170 The Devil God Begs to Let You Go (7)

"Girl, you are awake."

At this time, a woman came in with a basin of hot water and said in surprise.

Bai Xixi blushed with anger: "Where is Mo Xiao!"

The woman asked suspiciously: "Who is Mo Xiao? Miss, is it your family?"

Seeing this, Bai Xixi calmed down, what the hell!Play and run?
Pulling, isn't it hanging ruthless? Why didn't she think that Mo Xiao had such scumbag attributes before!

Fortunately, she was thinking about it just now, and his anger should calm down.

In the end, I played this set directly for her.

[Ahem, Xixi, he forcibly restored his memory, and you will continue to lose your memory after cleaning up. 】

It was fine if Koukou didn't speak, but when he said Bai Xixi, he exploded in an instant.

You have the nerve to show up!Where were you when Mo Xiao was around?Don't come out if you have the ability!One hot chicken, no dick talk!
[…] How dare it come out when Mo Xiao is around! !
"Girl, you... don't be too sad when this kind of thing happens, I'll help you clean up."

Lin Qiu comforted me gently.

Only then did Bai Xixi start to look at the situation now.

When she heard this kind of thing, she couldn't help thinking of that bastard Mo Xiao.

"Who asked you to serve me?"

Lin Qiu replied: "Girl, you were picked up by my lord, who kindly saw that you were... that's why he sent me to serve you."

Sincerely dogged, she was picked up for her feelings, so now everyone knows that she was actually raped by something.

Bai Xixi asked again: "Your lord? The seventh lord?"

The prince who is still alive seems to be Ning Yijun.

Lin Qiu nodded: "Yes."

Bai Xixi wanted to sit up but found that the pain was so great that she lay down again.


Lin Qiu hurried forward: "Girl, your body is seriously damaged and you need to rest, so you can't get up."

Bai Xixi: "..."

"Girl, you must not let it go, our prince will definitely help you find that person who was hacked into pieces, you have to cherish yourself!"

Bai Xixi: "..."

Where did she see that she wanted to commit suicide?

If Mo Xiao wasn't here, she committed suicide, does she seem to be such a person who doesn't cherish life!
Bai Xixi said discouragedly: "I didn't want to commit suicide, I'm quite happy, I just want to get up and sit down."

Lin Qiu said pitifully: "Girl, I know that if you want to cry, you can cry, you will get sick if you force yourself to smile all the time."

Bai Xixi twitched the corners of her mouth, can I go out first?We are not on the same channel.

"Linqiu, go out."

A deep voice came from the door.

Lin Qiu stepped back, bowing his head respectfully: "My lord."

Bai Xixi looked at the door, wearing plain white clothes loosely on the man.

The man's face was pale, even his lips were bloodless, but the pupils in his eyes were terrifyingly black.

The skin exposed on the collarbone and chest was extremely white, and a strong sense of coquettish temptation hit her mind.

None of this is the point!The point is that that face is exactly the same as Mo Xiao's!
Based on her understanding, Ning Yijun is definitely Mo Xiao!

really!She said how could Mo Xiao let her go and disappear without thinking about it!
She was waiting for her here!

Ning Yijun narrowed his long and narrow eyes slightly, looking at Bai Xixi.

"Since you're awake, go away on your own."

Bai Xixi didn't vomit out a mouthful of blood, so he drove her away? !
Didn't he see that she was struggling to get up now?
He didn't want to think about who caused her current situation!Conscience!Was eaten by a dog, right?
(End of this chapter)

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