Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 177 The Devil God Begs to Let You Go

Chapter 177 The Devil God Begs to Let You Go (14)

Su Ting's whole body and mind was on his daughter, and he didn't expect to be stabbed by a dagger when he was about to meet her.

It was too late to stare in horror.

Ning Yili smiled slightly outside the door, seeing that the old guy is not dead this time.

At that time, it is said that his own daughter went crazy and killed him, and he can fully accept Su Ting's influence, which can kill two birds with one stone.

At the very moment, the dagger was knocked to the ground by a stone with a crisp sound.

Su Ting was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that something was wrong. He stepped forward and pushed the woman's hair away. It turned out to be a strange woman.

Su Ting turned his head furiously: "Ning Yili! You are lying to me!"

Ning Yili didn't expect how he would miss at all. He was stunned for a long time and still hasn't realized it. Even Su Ting ignored him when he called him by his name.

"What's wrong with this? Isn't this the queen's bedroom? Master Su, what's wrong with you? Is it injured?"

"Hey, why are the people in the back room tied up? It's not the queen, where is the queen?"

Almost at the same time, a large group of officials appeared here at the same time as if they had made an appointment.

Ning Yili panicked, why are there so many people here?
"Oh my god, look quickly, there is a dagger on the ground, it is possible that someone wants to assassinate Mr. Su!"

It stands to reason that people inside and outside the harem, especially officials, can't get in, but today I don't know how they got in.

Ning Yili's throne was obtained by relying on Su Qingzhi's support from Su Ting and Bai Yueguang's schemes. Apart from these, he is almost a fool. His only skill is probably to have a good face and be able to coax women.

So when encountering this kind of situation, the first reaction is not to think about how to make things right, but to yell out angrily: "Presumptuous! Who let you in! It's all upside down, isn't it? I put it in my eyes!"

Some people don't want to, this Ning Yili has only sat on the throne for a few days, if they don't pay attention to these old people, who doesn't know that he sat on the throne with Su Ting's support.

"Your Majesty, the lower officials had to force their way in because of the urgent battle at the border. You haven't dealt with the memorials at the border for more than a month. I'm afraid you won't be able to hold on if this continues."

Another person stepped forward: "Your Majesty, there is still flooding in Chengguan and drought in Yongcheng. If you don't come up with a way to deal with it, the people will not be able to accept it. A large number of victims are all rushing towards the capital. It is up to the Emperor to decide whether to let it in or not."

Ning Yili's mind was in a turmoil, full of anxiety about why his plan failed and why Su Ting was still alive.

Without even thinking about it, he yelled back: "Let them fight the war at the border, so what if a few people die! Will my great dynasty be short of these few people and these few cities!

I will drive all the victims of flood and drought out of the capital!
What's the use of you!
I have to decide everything, and you can sit on the throne! "

Su Ting looked at Ning Yili with a sneer and thoughtless words, and all the ministers were in a commotion.

He didn't dare to say anything on the surface, but he was full of dissatisfaction in his heart.

An emperor, regardless of the border wars, regards the lives of soldiers as trifling matter, regards natural disasters and man-made disasters as complaints, and regards the victims of disasters as troubles, so what is the use of this emperor?

Could it be that this throne is for him to eat, drink and have fun?
What's more, it seems that Ning Yili still wants to get rid of Mr. Su, the veteran of the three dynasties in this situation, which is really chilling!
(End of this chapter)

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