Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 181 The Devil God Begs to Let You Go

Chapter 181 The Devil God Begs to Let You Go (18)

Perhaps it was the last time the horror had passed, and Bai Xixi was nervous for a moment when she came out, and then she was no longer nervous.

Turning around to look at the man, the man's eyes were dark and cold, but when he looked at her with a little affection, he was undoubtedly Mo Xiao.

When did Ning Yijun recover Mo Xiao?

Bai Xixi said, "Mo Xiao, long time no see."

The man strolled over, with a lazy evil spirit: "Really, how could I remember that we met not long ago."

Bai Xixi took a step back with guard, she is really a devil, she doesn't know how to face him now.

Seeing her stepping back, Mo Xiao's eyes darkened dangerously.

Not in a hurry or annoyed, he said quietly: "Have you seen them?"

Bai Xixi knew who Mo Xiao was talking about, and now she couldn't tell who to believe. It seemed that everyone knew the whole story, but no one told her.

Mo Xiao sneered mockingly, his voice was low and seductive: "So you should know about your relationship with Yan Mo, so here comes the question, do you trust them or me?"

Bai Xixi's eyes moved, and she looked at him complicatedly: "What reason do you have for me to believe? Mo Xiao, I want to believe you, but why seal my memory?

Later, when you unlocked my memory, why didn't you unlock my family's information as well? "

Mo Xiao smiled softly: "Xi Xi, you are still so naive, why did those two have such a naive child like you."

Bai Xixi frowned, these words were not at all uncomfortable.

"You know my parents, don't you?"

Mo Xiao curled his lips into a perfect arc: "Know? Not so much, maybe it should be said that your father and I are born opposites."

Bai Xixi was about to be dizzy: "Mo Xiao! If you don't want to have a good talk with me, then don't explain things to me that I don't understand!"

When she has no temper isn't it.

Mo Xiao smiled happily, and his voice was very beautiful: "Okay, then back to the original question, do you believe me?"

A group of white people, when you say this, believe it or not, shouldn't you be full of seriousness, tenderness and anticipation? !

Why does she only feel that he is playing tricks!

Bai Xixi gritted her teeth secretly, and let out a voice through the cracks in her mouth: "Letter!"


"However, I also want to trust Yan Mo and the others!"

Mo Xiao shook his head regretfully: "Xixi, you're always a bad learner. Every time you play superficial tricks with me, you're sure I won't do anything to you?"

Bai Xixi raised her head proudly and proudly: "Yes, I'm sure you won't do anything to me, because you won't give up at all!"

Mo Xiao suddenly burst out laughing presumptuously, as if he was delighted, he walked up to Bai Xixi, lowered his head and met her eyes: "Should I say you are cute or should I say... you know me very well ?”

Bai Xixi raised her head arrogantly: "I think you want to call me a fool."

After hearing the girl's words, Mo Xiao became more and more happy. She can always make him like her more and more.

"Well, little fool, since we can't discuss the practical things, it's better to use actions to do something practical. By the way, what you said is indeed true. I never lied to you, and neither did Yan Mo, and I really don't want to give up. .”

The voice was about to fall, and Bai Xixi's mouth was instantly blocked...

When he was about to resist, his hands were easily restrained by the man behind him, and he kept attacking the pool and plundering the ground, and then Bai Xixi gradually moved forward...

(End of this chapter)

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