Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 183 Devil God please let me go

Chapter 183 Devil God please let me go (End)
Someone in this world would actually break Mo Xiao's barrier, so how much spiritual power should he have?

Moreover, Yan Mo's state was not that bad, and his spiritual power did not fluctuate at all.

Yan Mo turned around and looked at her: "What are you in a daze for? If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave until he comes back, or do you mean you don't want to go back?"

Bai Xixi shook her head: "No, but I want to talk to Mo Xiao, and even if I go back, I will come back. Mo Xiao is crossing the catastrophe, so I can't just let him go."

Yan Mo snorted and said angrily, "Aren't you really stupid? You know he's lying to you and still go to him. Even if he's going through a catastrophe, nothing will happen to him."

Bai Xixi is still hesitating, she wants to go back and find out everything, but she is worried about this side.

In the end, she followed Yan Mo, because she felt that nothing would happen with Mo Xiao's ability.

But it was precisely this move that led to a series of deviations later.

After Yan Mo took Bai Xixi out, Bai Xixi looked for a long time but did not find Yan Jing.

"Didn't you say Brother Yan Jing is outside?"

Yan Mo turned his head awkwardly: "Don't worry about him, he might go back first."

Bai Xixi suddenly took a step back and looked at him calmly: "What are you hiding from me?"

Yan Mo rolled his eyes, a little annoyed: "It's just you, what can I hide from you?"

He just had a quarrel with Yan Jing, and he wanted to take Xixi back, but Yan Jing disagreed, so he came here alone.

This dead girl is full of Mo Xiao now, so she might as well let her go with Mo Xiao in the plane.

Sometimes he wonders if he is too worried.

But this time Mo Xiao's crossing the catastrophe reveals something is wrong everywhere. In the world of time and space, everyone has already tacitly agreed that Mo Xiao and Xixi are together. Even if he needs to cross the catastrophe, he can definitely say it. With an elbow-turning temper, no one would object to her following along.

But the blame is that Mo Xiao erased all her memories, kept it a secret from all of them, and even tampered with it so that they couldn't find it, which couldn't be explained at all.

He had to take Xixi back to the old guy to check if there was anything wrong.

Suddenly, Bai Xixi's heart thumped violently, and the feeling of being pricked by needles hit him like a tide, and he squatted down in pain.

Yan Mo panicked and patted her on the back: "Xi'er, what's wrong with you?"

With cold sweat on his forehead, Bai Xixi muttered, "It hurts so much."

"Where does it hurt? Let me take a look." Just as Yan Mo was about to scan her body, Bai Xixi suddenly stood up, her pale face looking particularly listless.

"Something happened to Mo Xiao!"

After finishing speaking, he ran out in a hurry, completely forgetting that Yan Mo was behind.

Yan Mo had no choice but to keep up. How could something happen to Mo Xiao? It's impossible. Mo Xiao must have done something to Xi Xi.

But Bai Xixi knew that her reaction must be caused by Mo Xiao's accident.

Because of this matter, she gave herself a medium to contact Mo Xiao personally, and used her original power to secretly contact Mo Xiao in the time-space world early in the morning while Mo Xiao was not paying attention.

She only hurts so much when he has an emergency of the soul.

Bai Xixi's heart and mind are full of Mo Xiao, why did something happen, and which link went wrong.

It was fine in the morning, and suddenly it was like this.

Yan Mo caught up and grabbed her: "It's not a problem for you to run like this. You haven't recovered your spiritual power now. Tell me you sensed where he is, and I'll take you there."

Bai Xixi seemed to have caught a support suddenly, and hurriedly said: "Take me to the mezzanine of the plane!"

Yan Mo was taken aback, how could he be in the plane interlayer.

He was silent for a few seconds before slowly and firmly said: "Okay, I'll take you there."

(End of this chapter)

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