Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 189 The Raging God Comes Slowly

Chapter 189 The Raging God Comes Slowly (6)

When Cheng Yihan went back, he wanted to find someone to investigate the woman who appeared today, but he gave up later, probably it was just a whim that day.

But he never expected that he would see that girl on TV one time a few months later.

The girl was shining brightly on the stage, and suddenly he felt an urge to imprison her and let him only watch her.

Bai Xixi doesn't know Cheng Yihan's intentions at all, and is devoted to developing in the entertainment industry.

The official confrontation with Ning Li was when she appeared on the stage in the talent show for the first time. Ning Li was dressed in smart clothes and sat under the stage, looking at her viciously.

Bai Xixi would give her a provocative smile, and Bian Quan next to her suddenly blushed, Tangtang was so pretty.

Seeing Bian Quan's appearance, Ning Li almost gritted her silver teeth.

But he still said: "My sister is so beautiful, there is no one on this stage who can compare to her."

The words reached Bian Quan's heart: "Tangtang has always been beautiful."

When these words came out, Ning Li almost died of anger, Bian Quan never praised her.

"Yes, but is it really good for my sister to participate in this kind of show? After all, no matter how bad our Ning family is, we don't need my sister to start with this kind of talent show. In fact, if my sister really wants to enter the entertainment industry, I can help her in the entertainment industry." If you open a company under the Ning family, why bother to compete with a large group of people for a place?"

Ning Li said with a slight sigh.

Bian Quan felt that Ning Li was really a kind girl, but it was a pity that he liked Ning Tang early on, otherwise maybe he would have liked Ning Li.

"Xiaoli, you don't have to worry too much about your sister. I know you have worked hard without your sister these few years. If you can, you can find a chance to relax. I will watch over your sister and won't let her eat too much." Thanks."

Ning Li lowered her head, that's not what she meant!
She didn't know what Ning Tang was thinking, she wanted to enter the entertainment industry after she came out, it was just stupid.

But maybe she can just use this stupidity to drive her into the dust and make Bianquan give up.

The most indispensable thing in the entertainment industry is unspoken rules, Ning Tang, don't blame me for asking for your own death.

Bai Xixi returned to the backstage, and Bian Quan came in with flowers to visit.

The draft girl next to her in the same period exclaimed enviously.

Ning Li also came up and said, "Sister, Bian Quan and I came to see you."

Bai Xixi didn't give her a look, Ning Li lowered her head in 'sadness'.

Seeing this, Bian Quan went to try to defuse the atmosphere: "Tangtang, Xiaoli came here specially today to see you and want to cheer for you."

He knew early on that Tangtang didn't like Ning Li, and at the beginning he didn't like Ning Li because of Tangtang, but in the past five years, he found that Ning Li was actually a good girl.

Bai Xixi actually has no feelings for Bian Quan, but this man is too easily influenced.

Bai Xixi chuckled: "Oh, really? But what if I don't want her to come over, so will you drive her out for me?"

Bian Quan frowned: "Tangtang, Xiaoli wants to care about you."

Bai Xixi: "Concern? Bian Quan, you don't know that I am incompatible with her, and you brought her to see me. Didn't you mean it?"

Bian Quan grabbed her and was pulled back by Bai Xixi.

"Tangtang, don't make trouble for no reason."

Bai Xixi let out a laugh: "Am I making trouble for no reason?"

Ning Li grabbed Bian Quan: "Bian Quan, it's my problem, I shouldn't come here without saying hello, I'll go first, you talk to my sister."

Bian Quan felt that Ning Tang was indeed wrong this time, so he went out with Ning Li.

(End of this chapter)

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