Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 196 The Raging God Comes Slowly

Chapter 196 The Raging God Comes Slowly (13)

She was scared to death, what is so scary about Cheng Yihan, a virtual person, so annoying!

【Xixi, I think...】

[Cough, nothing. ] I just thought you might die tragically, and you dared to spray him with anti-wolf spray.

But Xixi seems to have done this kind of thing before, is it like doing it again?

Here, Cheng Yihan's eyes were red, and he smiled sinisterly with bloodshot eyes.

If you want to run, it depends on whether you can run or not.

Bian Quan went back in a daze, Ning Li waited in his villa for a long time, seeing him coming back, went to the kitchen skillfully to serve him the sweet soup.

"Bian Quan, what's wrong with you?"

Bian Quan stared at her, wondering what he was thinking, is Ning Li really the kind of person Tangtang said?
Ning Li felt a little dizzy from his gaze, she casually glanced at the sweet soup on the table, inside...

"Is there something on my face?"

Bian Quan shook his head: "Xiaoli, Tangtang has come out, do you want to give Ning to her?"

The resentment in Ning Li's eyes flashed, and she hid it well. Sure enough, that bitch Ning Tang said something to Bian Quan.

Did she think she could get the Ning family through Bianquan? It was a dream.

"Bian Quan, didn't I tell you that the Ning family is relatively stable now, and my sister has just come out and needs some time to relax, besides, if I give the Ning family to my sister like this, most of the shareholders in the company must disagree.

It took me five years to finally stabilize the Ning family. Now the exchange of rights will definitely be turbulent. Presumably my sister does not want such a scene to happen. "

Bian Quan frowned, looking at her inquiringly.

Ning Li's face froze for a moment, she was smart after all, so she said again: "Actually, I have thought about this too, I can't become a fat man in one sitting, I think so, first pick out a key project in Ning's for my sister Do it, share half of the equity, so that if my sister can make achievements and add equity, there will be no dissatisfaction."

When Bian Quan heard this, he was overjoyed, and he said that Xiao Li would not be the one who said it, and if it was true, how could he be willing to give away half of the shares.

But he forgot that these shares should belong to Ning Tang.

Where she couldn't see, Ning Li's nails dug into her flesh.

Heh, half of the equity depends on whether Ning Tang can afford it. Besides, after today, it is not certain who Bian Quan will favor.

"Hurry up and drink the soup. Those who worry about this and that all day long, be careful not to get angry."

Bian Quan didn't think there was anything wrong. Ning Li often came to his house to cook something before, and Ning Li's cooking skills were really good.

Seeing that a bowl of soup had bottomed out, Ning Li smiled triumphantly.

【Xixi, Ning Li and Bian Quan are in bed. 】

Well, I can't help it anymore. As for the promised woman in the shopping mall, I'm anxious after a few words of stimulation, which is boring.

So what is the revenge point now?


This is too low!

[The original owner's consciousness judged that Ning Li and Bian Quan's going to bed can strengthen Ning Li's heart, and maybe accomplish what she wants through the event, so the revenge point is reduced. 】

You wait for me!Where did the consciousness of the original owner come from!

[Please, have you carefully read the employee handbook of the authority! 】

Bai Xixi said no with peace of mind.

If there is such a thing as the consciousness of the original owner, why didn't I notice it before?

[Maybe it's because the top few blocked you. 】

Isn't it because of your spiritual power loss and soul weakness, big sister!
In the past, Xixi's own consciousness was so strong that it completely crushed the original owner's consciousness, so the original owner would not appear, now?
Ha ha.

(End of this chapter)

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