Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 198 The Raging God Comes Slowly

Chapter 198 The Raging God Comes Slowly (15)

Bai Xixi wouldn't be so stupid, just run for her life, if it wasn't for the original owner's physical condition being restricted, wouldn't she have had to run so hard!
He had already run [-] miles away, how could he be so angry and be directly leaked by Cheng Yihan like now!
"Help! Kidnapped! Molested! Is there anyone here!"

Originally, she didn't even bother to shout in this rogue form, but her subconscious mind told her that no matter what method she used, she had to escape, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Oh, you can run and hide, run again." Cheng Yihan said.

Bai Xixi's sauce-purple face almost burst.

"Cheng Yihan, you are a big man and you pester me, a girl who has nothing, every day. If your Universal Century goes bankrupt, you should quickly donate it!"

It's like this and it's like this, what the hell is Cheng Yihan in this plane, and why does he always fall into his hands.

Just like that, don't mention revenge on Cheng Yihan, she even has difficulty protecting herself.

Cheng Yihan carried her effortlessly. The girl is 1.6m [-]m tall, and she weighs only [-], which is too thin.

"I'm free? Oh, yes, I came all the way to look for you because I was free, and I was looking for you for three whole days because I was afraid that you would be overwhelmed."

Bai Xixi felt a little guilty for no reason, and then thought about what she had to be guilty of. She and Cheng Yihan were not exaggerated to say that they were enemies. She hid here because she didn't want anyone to find out and have a good vacation. Who would let him have a free time? .

"Cheng Yihan, let go of me first, and speak up if you have something to say."

Cheng Yihan: "Speak well? Let me spray me with anti-wolf spray again?"

Bai Xixi gritted his teeth, how did Cheng Yihan learn so much.

She smiled stiffly: "how come, if you talk nicely, how could I do that, besides, you see I'm on vacation now, dressed like this, there is no place to hide things."

Cheng Yihan looked her up and down a few times, the girl was wearing a short skirt with suspenders, her skin was bare and exposed, making her extremely enviable.

An unknown fire arose in his heart, he hadn't noticed that she was dressed like this just now.

He took off his coat and covered her head: "Get dressed."

There was darkness in front of her eyes, and Bai Xixi pulled the clothes off her head angrily: "You are sick!"

Cheng Yihan ordered with a dark face: "Put it on!"

Bai Xixi just wanted to poke back, but then held back, a good man doesn't suffer from immediate losses, he just wears it.

But she really thinks that Cheng Yihan is crazy enough, and he is not from an ancient plane, so why is she wearing a down jacket in Hawaii?

After getting dressed, he raised his head and asked him: "What do you want to do? I think I have never offended you."

Cheng Yihan: "The thing that offends me the most is that you shouldn't appear in front of my eyes."

Bai Xixi wanted to kick him. What he said was too uncomfortable. He thought he had a president's disease.

[...] The plane of the male really annoying, no wonder Xixi is so angry every time, the key is that he can't fight back.

"Then I will disappear, and I will never appear in front of you in the future."

Let's talk about missions, anyway, revenge on Cheng Yihan doesn't have to appear in front of him, she can completely operate behind the scenes.

"No, come back with me first."

As he spoke, Cheng Yihan dragged her back in big strides.

Bai Xixi: "Go back? Where are you going back?
Hey, don't drag me! "

Assi!She is going to be driven crazy!Change the props and beat him to death first!

(End of this chapter)

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