Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 204 The Raging God Comes Slowly

Chapter 204 The Raging God Comes Slowly (22)

Suddenly he smiled strangely, Tangtang, what should you do, I am looking forward to it.

From that day on, Cheng Yihan still did not restrict her actions, and everything she did was indulged.

The only harshness is that you have to come back at night, the same as before.

The only difference is that the two changed from purely sleeping under the quilt to having sex without the quilt.

Bai Xixi seemed to be indifferent, she cooperated very much every time, anyway, one slap is still slap, two slaps are still slap, it doesn't matter how many times.

Cheng Yihan didn't know if Fa had noticed her little movements, it was no different from before.

The two seemed to be the closest strangers, and Bai Xixi was very cold to him except at night.

On the contrary, Cheng Yihan treats her in two extremes. During the day, he is very kind, so good that ordinary people will sink into it. At night, when he is in bed, he is violent like a different person.

Bian Quan approached her a few times, but Cheng Yihan blocked them all, just because she really didn't have the energy to deal with Bian Quan.

Koukou told her that Bian Quan was trying to use the power of the family to bring down Cheng Yihan. Bai Xixi twitched the corners of her mouth when she knew about it, and then felt that Bian Quan was a little overwhelmed.

But it's true, no matter which man hears the woman he loves and the man he doesn't like doing that kind of thing, he can't bear it if he is bloody.

She wanted to find Bian Quan and tell him not to do anything useless, but then she thought that she might anger Cheng Yihan again, so she made a phone call. After warning him, whether Bian Quan listened or not, she had fulfilled her responsibility.

Five years later, the top queen Ning Tang became famous and became a world-renowned musician and movie star.

At the same time, her own business empire has manifested globally.

She has the most advanced business ideas, business technology, and contacts. As long as she has time, she is confident that she will go beyond the process, and these five years are exactly the time she gave herself.

She wondered why Cheng Yihan knew she was doing these things but didn't stop her.

If he thought she was nothing to be afraid of before, but now there is still no reaction.

Could it be that she really thought that she would completely succumb to him in these five years?
【Xixi, why don't you think you like him? 】

Don't be kidding, like, how could I like a passerby in a short-lived plane.

This is not a world of time and space, it will be like this after a lifetime, it is not a world of two people, how to talk about love, are you short-circuited?
【Forget it, I won't tell you anymore! 】

Why did it turn into a bull's-eye and couldn't get out? It was so mad. Before, it was looking forward to the collapse of these two people every day, but now it is looking forward to the combination of these two people every day. It sees itself as really short-circuited.

Today, her own business empire can completely match Cheng Yihan's Universal Century, and she feels that the time has come.

It is still night.

Sitting opposite Cheng Yihan, Bai Xixi flung out a document with a completely different attitude from before, condescending.

Cheng Yihan's smile never disappeared, and he didn't even pick up the file to read.

Bai Xixi felt a little uncomfortable.

"Aren't you going to see what's in here?"

Cheng Yihan: "It's nothing more than a stock issue. You've worked so hard to empty out the shares of Universal Century. Why bother?"

She knew that he had been knowing what she was doing all along.

"You really have a big heart. You only have an empty shelf in Universal Century. Are you not afraid that I will drive you out of Universal Century?"

"Tangtang, I think you underestimate me, or do you think I will really live on the streets?
I don't care about Universal Century, if you want it, tell me and I can give it to you with both hands. "

(End of this chapter)

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