Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 206 The Raging Male God Take Your Time

Chapter 206 The Raging Male God Take Your Time (End)
"Okay, that's fine, I'm relieved.

Tangtang, I have always felt that I owe you because you were framed by Ning Li and sat in prison for five years for no reason, and because of my relationship back then, you suffered an indiscriminate disaster in prison, and because I promised to protect you but The lack of protection caused you and Cheng Yihan to...

I thought I could have a chance of recovery, but in fact, there may be someone better protected than me.

I have been unwilling to listen to it before, and I want to fight for it. Cheng Yihan must be very powerful, so in the past five years, I have continuously numb myself and expand all my power.

In the end, I found out that I wanted to protect and was long gone.

Ning Tang, I wish you the best of luck and happiness in the future. "

Bai Xixi frowned, there was something wrong with what Bian Quan said.

Button, does Bian Quan know that I am not Ning Tang?

[Yes, this is caused by the original owner's consciousness. Ning Tang and Bian Quan are best friends. Knowing that Bian Quan likes her, she feels guilty for turning herself into the state he least likes, so she entrusts him with a dream. up. 】

Bai Xixi is silent, and there is such an operation.

[The consciousness of the original owner of this plane cannot be suppressed, but luckily the original owner did not interfere with your private life. She is relatively satisfied with the completion of the task, and there is still one last step to take revenge on Cheng Yihan.

Cheng Yihan's pain value is not up to standard. 】

After Bai Xixi said goodbye to Bian Quan, she thought about how to make Cheng Yihan's pain value reach the standard.

She has tried all methods, making him betray all relatives, taking away everything from him, his company, and his contacts.

Including the car accident, it was exported, but apart from seeing the hospital where he lived for several months, there was no reaction to the pain value at all.

Steady at Ling's place, motionless, just like bastard.

【Xixi, otherwise... you die and try? 】

Bai Xixi: "..."

Because of the car accident she planned, Cheng Yihan had trouble moving his legs after he was discharged from the hospital and could only sit in a wheelchair.

During this period, she did not leave Cheng Zhai.

After returning home, Cheng Yihan processed the company's documents in the living room.

Bai Xixi looked at him complicatedly, the man was very good-looking, with sharp edges and corners, without any abruptness.

If there was no relationship with the original owner and the problem of him coercing her, maybe she would have liked him because of his good looks.

However, there is no if after all.

Cheng Yihan knew that she was back, and also knew that she had been staring at him.

"What are you thinking?"

Bai Xixi said casually: "I was thinking if I really left you at this moment, would it be painful for you?"

Cheng Yihan smiled, and pushed the wheelchair forward: "Am I in pain? Maybe not, I just think about how to get you back.

What, a car accident hasn't satisfied you yet? "

Bai Xixi shook her head, both of them knew about the car accident, she even thought that Cheng Yihan let her people hit him on purpose.

"Satisfied? No, only your pain will satisfy me."

"Maybe it's impossible in this lifetime."

As long as you are by my side, there will never be pain.

Bai Xixi's face suddenly turned pale, but she kept smiling: "Really, won't it? I want to try, will it work?"

Cheng Yihan sensed something was wrong, he pushed the wheelchair up and grabbed her: "What did you do to yourself!?"

Bai Xixi smiled beautifully: "I didn't do anything, I just wanted to see if you would suffer if I died."

Cheng Yihan pinched her arm tightly, and roared angrily: "Ning Tang! You dare to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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