Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 214 Fresh and tender male god is delicious

Chapter 214 Fresh and tender male god is delicious (8)

Bai Xixi saw Bai Mo appearing from a distance, thinking he would come directly, but he didn't know what he was looking at and stared here for a long time.

Bai Xixi opened the car door and went down: "Bai Mo, what are you doing, get in the car quickly."

Bai Mo took a step forward and walked over leisurely, hiding all his emotions.

He got into the car without saying a word, sat in the back seat and began to close his eyes.

Bai Xixi twitched the corners of her mouth, this brat took her as a driver, didn't she?

Forget it, don't argue with him.

Immediately, he also got into the car, stepped on the accelerator, and drove away.

"How was school today?" Bai Xixi asked.

Bo Mo's low voice spoke with the magnetism of a teenager: "Yes."

What does um mean?
"Will you talk to me well? I'm your sister. Is it necessary to get along like an enemy?"

Bai Mo opened his eyes, and looked at her sideways with clear eyes.

"Are you still dating that man?"

Bai Xixi was taken aback, not knowing why the topic came up here.

"You are a child, don't worry about adults' affairs."

Bai Mo didn't say a word, and didn't talk back, he turned his head and looked outside through the glass.

Heh, it doesn't matter whether they make friends or not, anyway, they will be divided in the end.

Suddenly, he narrowed his eyes dangerously, has this woman already been with another man...

That's right, after more than two years, the stupid woman still likes him like crazy, how could she not.

Thinking about what he saw yesterday, others have seen it, even touched it, and kissed it...

It's really an eyesore.

Seeing Bai Mo looking out the window through the rearview mirror, Bai Xixi's aura around him became a little cold, and he couldn't understand what was going on in his mind at all.

Logically speaking, Bai Mo should have some influence at this time.

If you can not provoke him, you should try your best not to provoke him, after all, she doesn't know where Bai Mo's power is.

Suddenly, a sudden brake caused the two people in the car to jolt.

Bai Mo frowned and looked forward.

Bai Xixi threw the sunglasses aside and got out of the car.

"Are you sick? Find another place to die. Don't blackmail me."

It was Gao Jia who stood in front of her car with his arms outstretched and she braked suddenly.

Originally, she wanted to hit him directly, but later she thought that it is best to abide by the rules of the plane in the plane, and the task has not been completed yet, it is a bit too cheap to kill him.

Bai Mo watched the dispute outside coldly in the back seat.

Gao Jia stepped forward, trying to hug Bai Xixi, but she avoided her.

"Bo Xi, why have you been treating me like this these two days? Why didn't you see me? You can tell me what I did wrong, can I change it? You can't leave me, I won't be able to bear it.

I've been thinking about you every day for the past two days, thinking of going crazy, I can't even eat, and I can't sleep well, so give me a reason for the death penalty. "

Bai Xixi knew that people like Gao Jia would not give up, but he didn't expect him to do such a thing as blocking a car.

If it was the original owner, he would definitely not have the heart to bump into him after seeing him, but it might not be so if it was her, it might as well just bump into him.

Anyway, it was Gao Jia who crossed suddenly, she didn't take any responsibility.

"Gao Jia, we have already broken up, don't come to me again."

Gao Jia suddenly raised her voice: "Breakup?! When did you break up? You didn't say the breakup unilaterally. I don't agree to break up. Bai Xi, you can't treat me like this. I love you so much. How can you break up with me! I absolutely disagree!"

(End of this chapter)

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