Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 232 The Poor God Asks for a Hug

Chapter 232 The Poor God Asks for a Hug (8)

If Fangci hadn't annoyed him this time, he wouldn't have set him on fire.

The key is that no one knows about the arson except Hu Hua's confidants, and Hu Hua is speechless now, and his confidants are afraid of causing trouble to the upper body and dare not say anything.

Apparently, Hu Bian and Luan Zao also knew, and said with a sad face: "I know, if I knew that there would be such a day, I would never make my son uncomfortable, and I would definitely help him get Fangci."

Bai Xixi's cold light flashed past, heh, I got it.

"I don't know what the general wants to say?"

Bai Xixi: "I want to say that when I saw Hua Hua, Hua Hua desperately said a word to me."

Luan Zao excitedly asked: "What are you talking about?"

Bai Xixi said with an inexplicable expression: "He said he regretted not letting Fang Ci follow him earlier. If he could, he really hoped that he could give him the best."

Hu Bian and Luan Zao were silent for a moment, not knowing what they were thinking.

After the few people finally left, Ying Ping stepped forward and asked, "General, why did you say those things to them just now?"

Could it be that the little bitch fell out of favor?

Bai Xixi smiled: "You don't understand, if you understand the position of the general, you will do it."

Ying Ping scratched her head, it was really difficult to understand.

"By the way, no one is allowed to mention today's conversation."

Ying Ping didn't understand, but she still understood following the instructions, so she agreed cleanly, and the people around didn't talk nonsense.

These days, Bai Xixi and Fang Ci are living in the same room.

She is in the master bedroom inside, and Fang Ci is on the sofa outside.

Neither of the two said they were unhappy, and no one else cared.

Yingping was rather strange, if the general liked the young master, why didn't the young master give him an extra bed after sleeping on the sofa for so many days?
Besides, the young master looks so weak, and he has to take care of him when he is sick again.

In fact, Bai Xixi forgot to give him an extra bed, anyway, something can sleep on it.

And Fang Ci is not necessarily a weak chicken.

Fang Ci glared at her angrily: "What did you go out for?"

Bai Xixi wanted to go up to make a move as if she was teasing, but Fang Ci dodged it for the first time.

Yo, I still have a temper.

Under normal circumstances, Bai Xixi doesn't like to use the converter to speak, it sounds too rigid and cold, so she took the converter off when facing Fangci.

Fang Ci read her thoughts and became even angrier.

"Didn't you go to the Mecha Battalion? You're lying to me! I just asked the person from the Mecha Battalion, and he said you never went there."

White and black lines, when did this guy even bribe the people in her mecha battalion.

Fang Ci played a rogue: "I don't want to be good! You must not want me anymore, right!"

Bai Xixi: ...

Fang Ci: "You're lying, you just don't want me, I know you just don't want me, so I don't want to go, I don't go, you promised to be with me forever, you can't let me down!"

Bai Xixi's head is getting bigger, what kind of ghostly design is this, Fang Ci is a bit ghostly like this!

She was still upset, but suddenly her lips felt cold, and Fang Ci posted it at some point.

She could see his eyelashes fluttering non-stop, as if he was nervous and afraid, but what she thought more was that his eyelashes were so long and dense, and his skin was fine and tender, like a doll.

No wonder she liked to pinch her face before, because it was really addictive.

Fang Ci only contacted for a few seconds before leaving abruptly, his face seemed to be burned through, and he didn't dare to look at her.

(End of this chapter)

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