Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 251 The Troubled God Is Really Tangled

Chapter 251 The Troubled God Is Really Tangled (2)

Purebred vampires are very expensive, and they are inherently oppressive to other vampires.

It will also make other vampires surrender involuntarily.

The original owner, Lilian, is a purebred with powerful abilities, but she doesn't like to suck blood.

What she likes is the human world, and she likes to eat human food. Every time she has a blood addiction, she will endure it desperately and drink inhibitors.

Fortunately, purebreds have a strong self-control ability, and the time for each addiction is not long.

The original owner liked the human world, and at the same time fell in love with a human, and because of this human, he wanted to become a real human.

So the original owner began to look for various forbidden techniques, desperately longing for the identity of a human being, and constantly making friends with humans.

But one day she was discovered by her uncle, that is, the man just now, Sir Gus.

Gus Jue is also one of the few purebreds, and has lived for thousands of years. He has a cold nature, and he only interferes with the original owner's affairs because of the last words left by the original owner's mother when she passed away.

And he thinks these are just trivial things, after knowing the original owner's mind, he locked the original owner in the dungeon for a whole month.

The original owner did not let go of his mouth and gave in, and one day after a month, he did not know whether it was because Gusjue had figured it out or was too lazy to control him and let the original owner go.

He also told the original owner how to become a human being, and the original owner immediately thanked him excitedly after being stunned for a few moments.

But Gu Sijue has a condition, if she wants to become a human being, he will not interfere in any of her affairs in the future, and even if she is found by her own race in the future, she will not be of any help.

The original owner was already dazzled by that time, and agreed directly no matter what the cost.

When leaving, Sir Gus told her by the way that if she became a human, her blood, which was once a purebred vampire, would be the food that vampires most desire.

And her body will be weak and incurable all the year round.

The original owner didn't listen at all, thanked him and ran out to implement the method of becoming a human.

The method was very painful, and the original owner endured it.

Lilian felt very happy for a while when she became a human.

Even if she is weak and sick every day, she is happy.

Because she has the boy she likes by her side, every day is extremely satisfying.

The good times didn't last long, and the people of the blood race heard that she was no longer a purebred, and they all had evil thoughts.

When the original owner was besieged, she saw Gus Jue watching indifferently in front of him, as if he was watching a not-so-exciting play.

The original owner didn't know how to beg him, but she had to beg him to save her, because there was the boy next to her.

But no matter how much the original owner begged, the man didn't even change his eyes.

At this time, the original owner suddenly remembered that it was true that his uncle said that he would never interfere with her affairs after leaving the blood clan.

The original owner was desperate, and the boy he liked tried desperately to drive away these demons, and was finally sucked into a mummy and died.

And she was not much better, perhaps because her blood was too sweet, and the people who surrounded her did not suck all the blood from her body in one go.

Instead, they raised her and provided them with blood continuously. In the end, she couldn't stand the torture and despair, and committed suicide.

Lilian's two last wishes are to protect the boy she loves and not let his end be so bleak again.

The other one makes Bai Xixi more troublesome, stay away from Gusjue, the farther away the better, never go against him.

Because the original owner vaguely felt that the ending between her and that boy was brought about by Gu Sijue in the remaining days.

The purpose is to punish her for leaving the blood clan without permission.

 Ignore the title or something, and digress every time I write.

(End of this chapter)

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