Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 256 The Troubled God Is Really Tangled

Chapter 256 The Troubled God Is Really Tangled (7)

Bai Xixi thought to herself that she didn't want to become a human being either, and using this to tempt her was not attractive at all.

But she still pretended to be very excited.

"You know how to be human?!"

Gu Sijue narrowed his eyes slightly, and Youliang looked ahead: "If you want to know, it depends on your performance."

Bai Xixi vowed: "I will definitely handle it, just wait!"

When Bai Xixi turned to leave, her whole body suddenly became stiff and unable to move.

A cold breath came from behind.

A cold and elegant voice rang through the air.

"That's all you want to be human?"

Bai Xixi felt that the blood in his body was frozen, his teeth were chattering, and he couldn't speak a word at all.

A bad premonition suddenly arises.

The sudden approach of a strong breath behind her made her panic.

The man picked up a strand of hair from the girl's back with his fingers, and kissed her softly.

"Xixi, I thought you would be obedient from that day on, but the facts seem to be a little bit off."

"What should I do, you like human beings, and you have always been reluctant to drink human blood, but I just want to see you stained with darkness, stained with blood.

It's bound to be a big hit. "

Bai Xixi's beautiful eyes were full of disbelief.

Now she was really a little scared, she didn't want to drink blood at all, it wasn't because the original owner didn't want to, every time she went to the vampire plane, she would avoid the process of drinking blood.

He wouldn't want to force her to drink blood!
Staring at the girl's panicked face, Gus Jue gradually turned pale, his heart became more and more excited, and even more aroused the idea of ​​abuse.

If a girl is colored because of her, panics, cries, begs for mercy, trembles...

It must be a beautiful picture.

He who has not been emotionally fluctuating for thousands of years, even thinking about it like this feels extremely excited.

He turned to Bai Xixi, and touched her soft cheeks with his cold fingers: "Xixi, I actually wanted to give you a chance, but now I think it's better to let you solve this boring matter." Break your leg at the start.

In this way, no matter what you are thinking in your mind, at least you will act obediently. "

People may really have unlimited potential, and vampires are no exception. In a state of extreme panic and anxiety, Bai Xixi broke through Gus Jue's restraint on her words.

"you can not do that!"

Gus Jue is not surprised that she will break through, after all, he is a purebred, he has no such ability and is not of his clan.

"Why not? Tell me a reason."

Gus Jue said leisurely and lazily.

Bai Xixi's eyes kept rolling, and her back was already soaked in sweat.

Suddenly, something flashed through her mind, and she suddenly said: "Didn't you say you want to be with won't be happy if your leg is broken!"

When the male god loses his temper, he must find a place he likes and follow him, otherwise she will always be the one who is unlucky, and she has already realized this.

After hearing this, Gus Jue smiled happily, and lifted her chin: "Why do you think that I have to be you? What I need is an obedient doll, and you are not like it."

Bai Xixi smiled stiffly a few times: "Uncle, I know I don't have any leverage in your eyes, but I can guarantee that if you really do this, you will regret it, absolutely!"

"I won't. It's good to have self-confidence as a purebred, but it's stupid to have too much confidence in me." Gu Sijue said mockingly, his eyes seemed to be looking at a naughty child.

 I know something is wrong with what I wrote. Every time the heroine does a task, she doesn’t bring herself into the original owner. There is no way.

  Let me repeat, the new book will start on January [-]st, the main body of the male god will be finished at the end of December, and the male god's side story, that is, the entire book will be finished at the end of January.

  The above is an approximate time point, please do not take it seriously~

(End of this chapter)

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