Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 265 The Troubled God Is Really Tangled

Chapter 265 The Troubled God Is Really Tangled (17)

It is right to take your time and make sure nothing goes wrong.

Each plane is a process that he must go through.

After all, for someone like Mo Xiao who was born and raised by nature, the Creator should not let him get through it so easily.

He is the darkest demon, an existence that is opposed to the light, and a person who can be almost equal to her father and uncle, and the things to be experienced must not be cut corners.

But she was more curious about one thing, why her father and Uncle Jing Mo were two people.

If Jinghan and Jingmo belong to the side that represents justice and maintains the world, logically speaking, there should be two that symbolize darkness?

After so long, she only knew that Mo Xiao was the only one.

Her father had told her, and even Mo Xiao had mentioned it.

It's like there is a yin and yang in the world, everything will maintain a balance, and it's impossible for Mo Xiao to be the only one.

Is it really because God favors her father and uncle too much?

Only two were born?
It's so complicated, she can't turn her head around.

After Mo Xiao recovers, she must ask clearly.

There is one more important thing, she must file a complaint while Mo Xiao recovers!
It's too much to take all her points away, even my own father can't do it!
If her dear male god was not around, she wouldn't ask that old monster!
My heart hurts.

Another two months passed before Bai Xixi finally felt how Kou Kou said she had changed.

Because she didn't feel it at the beginning, but gradually she felt that she wanted to drink blood uncontrollably, and wanted to abuse someone violently.

The tyrannical factor on his body is constantly beating and encouraging.

Every time she wanted to suppress it, two villains were fighting in her mind.

If she hadn't had some self-control, it would have been rampant long ago.

She knew that there was definitely something wrong with the blood that Lord Gus gave her to drink back then.

And she had a vague feeling that even if Lord Gus hadn't appeared in front of her eyes in the past few months, he must be staring at her somewhere.

She finally couldn't bear it that day, or rather annoyed her.

He ran into the hall of the palace and shouted: "Guss! Come out!"

After a few sounds, the people around stepped back, and the man walked in slowly.

The slender figure carries a hint of dignity, mystery and elegance.

But the cool and dark breath on his body could not be avoided leaking out.

"Xixi, you are finally looking for me."

Bai Xixi looked at him with complicated eyes.

"What's the secret in your blood? Why did I become like this?"

Gus Jue said with a smile: "You are very smart, you deserve to be the good girl I like."

Bai Xixi frowned: "What exactly do you want to say?"

Gu Sijue: "At the beginning you drank my blood, which is the purest purebred blood, and I have transformed my blood since a few months ago.

Or in other words, he cast a forbidden spell on himself.

I have lived for thousands of years, and I have always been very boring. I don't care about such boring things as life and death, but now it is different.

Xixi, since you entered my world, everything has changed.

If you were still the same as before, maybe I wouldn't give you a second look, but for some reason that day in the basement felt like I shouldn't let you go.

Do you think you have cast a spell on me? "

Bai Xixi twitched the corner of her mouth inadvertently while listening, and cast a spell, are you really out of your mind?

Curse your uncle, I don't know what the curse is for the hands and feet you did to me.

(End of this chapter)

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