Chapter 281 The Killing God Comes One (13)

Damn, other people's couples support each other, comfort each other, and love each other.

Look, her style of painting has completely changed when it comes to her!
In the past, only other people ate her dog food, when did she eat other people's dog food!
It was too much!

Su came over behind her again and asked, "Are you still hot?"

Bai Xixi: "..."

I'm hot on your sister!

She smirked: "It's not hot, thank you for your concern."

Su You: "You're welcome."

Bai Xixi's breath was still held in her heart and she didn't let it out, Su You's character was simply a lonely person, there was no way out.

Bai Xixi suddenly rolled her eyes, thought of something, and smiled slyly.

Su frowned again, what did she think of?

Bai Xixi twisted her body and walked over step by step.

Su asked worriedly again: "Did you twist your waist? When did it happen?"

Bai Xixi's rare face froze for a while, and then continued to stick it alluringly and charmingly.

A pair of small hands touched his cheeks as if boneless: "Su You, do you really feel nothing now?"

Su's Adam's apple moved again, his eyes changed slightly, and then returned to normal, his body remained motionless: "You stand still."

Bai Xixi said in a dazed voice, "I don't!"

Su suddenly closed his eyes again, almost unable to control the scorching heat beneath his body.

"Don't make trouble, be obedient."

Bai Xixi was in a trance for a moment. She almost thought that Mo Xiao had recovered from the words just now.

Then I took a closer look and was happy, it turned out to be a fake!

She said how could it be that Su didn't have any feelings for her, it was not scientific at all.

Sure enough, the male god still had nothing to do with her.

Su breathed again imperceptibly heavy, and the girl's soft body was pressed against his body intimately, just like last night, he needed to use all his self-control to control himself from going crazy.

Because he knew that he couldn't even control himself when he went crazy, and he was afraid of hurting the girl.

When he thought the girl had really left last time, no one knew that he had eliminated a ten-member team by himself that day.

No one knew that it was also on that day that he almost destroyed the world.

Yes, he knew the world was false.

Not knowing that this game world is false, but the whole world is false.

Because he knew, he didn't pay attention to this killing world at all.

He couldn't remember why he knew, or what he did or where he came from before he came into this world.

But there was a voice in his heart telling him to find someone.

Find someone who can calm his heart,

He thinks he has found it.

But when he found it, he found that this girl was unusual. He was afraid that he would not be able to catch her, so he never dared to tell her what the way to get out of here was.

He didn't expect that she was smart enough to know how to crack the game world.

Maybe he knew in his heart that she was not from this world either.

Seeing that he had been absent-minded for too long, Bai Xixi frowned.

She waved her hand in front of his eyes: "Su You?"

Su suddenly opened his eyes again, and a strong hostility burst out from within.

Bai Xixi couldn't help frowning, what happened to him?
Su pushed her away again: " wait for a while, I'll go out and watch the wind."

Lookout?What kind of wind are you looking at?

Has Su developed any 'lesions' again?
[Hey, Xixi!Can you look forward to something good!They obviously want to avoid you! 】

Why hide from me, I am not a scourge that will eat him.

(End of this chapter)

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