Chapter 284 The Killing God Comes One (Deer City)

(Lucheng episode)
In the bustling and noisy city, all kinds of people are walking in a hurry on the street.

Standing on the height of the science and technology building, Lucheng felt a little confused and false.

Two years ago, when he woke up, his heart seemed to be empty.

For some reason, he always felt that he had forgotten something, something very important, or... people.

But there is nothing missing in his memory, but why is his heart so empty and so uncomfortable.

There should be someone by his side, who is it...

Probably the kind of person who has a simple temper but is very explosive, a little selfish, but can talk to him heart-to-heart.

He laughed at himself twice, what was he thinking.

"President, the old lady has made an appointment with Shimei's daughter, and we will meet at the coffee shop downstairs at three o'clock in the afternoon."

Lu Cheng frowned: "Didn't you tell her to stop finding women for me?"

The subordinates bowed their heads not knowing what to say.

Lu Cheng thinks about it, he probably won't be able to win over his grandma.

At two o'clock, the company had nothing to do, so he went downstairs to the coffee shop early.

But let him see an interesting scene.

A girl was framed by another girl, bullied and beaten.

He thought that the girl who was being bullied would keep swallowing her anger, but in the next second, she saw her go to the table next to her and pick up the cup, and walked to another girl step by step, pouring the cold water in the cup from her head without hesitation. Up and down.

The other girl was a little crazy and wanted to hit her. The girl didn't seem to want to fight back, but she didn't escape the other person's attack.

Suddenly he froze for a moment, this scene seems to have been told by someone, a man should come in and accuse the girl after a while.

Sure enough, within 2 minutes, a man hurried in and started yelling at the girl.

Lucheng frowned, and then... under the pressure and push of these two people, the girl should have defended herself and killed the other person by mistake.

He was shocked, was he crazy, why did he have such a strange idea.

He rubbed his head, a voice in his head was still talking calmly in his ear.

'Do you know that because of this wrong hand, I was beaten into the hospital and then sent to prison, where I suffered a lot of humiliation and torture. Because I surrendered myself, I was not sentenced to death, but was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Sometimes I think that it is better to just give me a happy life, so that my life will not have so much pain. '

With a dull pain in his head, Lu Cheng could not stand still.

For some unknown reason, he rushed over suddenly and stopped the two from beating and scolding the girl.

Because of his intervention, the owner of the coffee shop hurried over.

After driving those two away, he turned around to observe the girl seriously.

The void in my heart seemed to be filled in an instant, without any confusion.

He thought, if she never appeared in his memory, then they should have met her in the previous life.

It just so happened that grandma needed a granddaughter-in-law too.

It turns out that love at first sight really does exist.

Even if everything is forgotten, the feeling in her heart will lead her to her side.

Later, he thought he would never let anyone bully her again.

Remarks: I don’t know if you understand this episode, but simply put, the timeline of Lucheng’s return to the origin has been changed.

Bai Xixi moved her hands and feet. At this time, neither Lu Cheng nor Wu Bingning committed any crimes due to accidents.

And because two people are together, their lives have changed.

But these two people should not recall the memory in the game plane, I think this is very good.

(End of this chapter)

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