Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 290 The tsundere male god is doing well

Chapter 290 The tsundere male god is doing well (6)

Bai Xixi smacked her lips, why was she looking at her like that, tsk tsk tsk, she didn't ask for it.

Some people are rushing to send money, don't do it for nothing.

When Yang Jinger came back after swiping the card, Bai Xixi gave her a bunch of receipts.

"No, it's just right, you can pay for me too."

Yang Jing'er also had a twitch in her temples at this time, seeing that there was not a million or 80 of these orders in her hand that could not be filled.

Tang Ying shrunk her neck, a little displeased with Yang Jing'er.

After all, she was the one who provoked it.

Yang Jinger probably wouldn't help her if she didn't walk with her.


Tang Ying leaned closer to Yang Jing'er's ear and said, "Jing'er, why did you buy everything for her? I don't believe that she is really capable of calling out the surveillance cameras. Even if the reporters are called out, it's not her family."

Yang Jing'er held back her anger: "Idiot, do you think these passers-by are free-living?"

Many people have already recognized them holding up their mobile phones to record.

Yang Jing'er is not considered a first-tier actor, but she is also a second-tier actor. She still has some popularity, and she cares about her reputation very much, and she can't afford to lose this person.

Finally, after Yang Jing'er came back after swiping the card, she still held back her anger and smiled: "Lin You, I will treat these clothes as gifts to you. Although you quit the last film crew, I still look forward to the opportunity for us to cooperate. "

Bai Xixi asked in a slightly innocent tone: "Do you want to cooperate with me?"

Yang Jinger: "Of course, after all, we worked together very comfortably in the last crew, didn't we?"

Bai Xixi suddenly grinned: "Okay, I hope you can feel so comfortable when the time comes."

Yang Jing'er vaguely felt that something was wrong, but she didn't think about it.

After a few words, he took Tang Ying and left.

A few days later, she received an invitation to audition for the role of the second female lead.

Although she is the second female lead, both screenwriter and director are top-notch at home and abroad. She thought that if she was lucky, she might be able to use this drama to really squeeze into the top ranks.

Bai Xixi was thinking about who to choose as the number one male.

Fan of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Movie Emperor, Shidi Emperor, Traffic King, Topic Expert, Laiwu Superstar, High-end Model, Music King...

He has won almost all the honors in the entertainment industry.

Would it be fatal to invite such an ancestor back?

Hey, male god seems to be another strange attribute.

Please, what else can be done.

Mingqing Fan and Lin have a project cooperation, so it is actually very easy to find his contact information.

Pete is Ming Qingfan's manager, and he is quite... mean.

But his ability is unquestionable, and he can definitely be regarded as a well-known agent at home and abroad.

In fact, she didn't want to contact Pete. The possibility of contacting Ming Qingfan directly... Well, it's probably zero.

Based on the observations I met once before, Ming and Qing Fans had a bit of self-esteem. If they were to be described in a two-character word, they might be called Tsundere.

You can't rush to ask for it, you have to go fishing step by step.

She and Pete made an appointment in Lin's conference room.

Pete looked her up and down a few times, and then said embarrassingly: "I really didn't expect you to be Lin's daughter. No matter how I look at it, I don't think it looks like it."

Bai Xixi twitched the corners of her mouth: "Then who do you think it looks like?"

Pete waved his index finger and said solemnly: "No, no, no, you came to me for the announcement from my family, why don't you tell us some conditions that can make our hearts flutter, and I'll consider whether to take your film or not. drama."

(End of this chapter)

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