Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 301 The tsundere male god is doing well

Chapter 301 The tsundere male god is doing well (18)

Bai Xixi woke up dizzy and realized that she was on the bed. Thinking of the scene before she fainted, the veins on her forehead twitched.

Passed out by the kiss, hiss, it's really... hard to describe.

never mind!It's not that this kind of thing never happened!
【Xixi, you really have a masochistic physique!Forget it! 】

Shut up shut up shut up!I don't want to listen to you right now!

[Yo yo yo, you didn't listen to the news of Brother Yan Mo, did you? Okay, I got it, I got it, I'm offline. 】

You wait for me!It's the other way around!

Come here for me, believe it or not, go back and tear you down!
[Tch, let’s just say, brother Yan Mo appeared in a crack in time and space, and he only appeared for 1 minute, after which his information could not be detected.

But a few days ago, I seemed to detect brother Yan Mo's aura in the space-time world, it was not very strong, so I am not sure if it is brother Yan Mo. 】

Bai Xixi froze for a moment, lost in thought.

Koukou, can we return to the world of time and space after this plane ends?

[Theoretically, it's possible, you don't have any restrictions now, but Mo Xiao is about to finish his tribulation, if you go back at this time, will you...]

Bai Xixi looked at the scenery outside with a depressed expression.

She knew that the lines on the fan were almost complete, and if nothing happened, they might be able to complete the tribulation by going through another plane.

But if something happened to Yan Mo because of Mo Xiao, she would also feel uncomfortable.

So, she had to go back.

【Actually, Xixi, you don't need to worry about these things at all. With Mr. Jing Han and Mr. Jing Mo around, brother Yan Mo will be fine. 】

Bai Xixi shook her head, this is different, I have to figure out what happened in the crack of time and space.

And... what happened to Brother Yan Jing.

The phone rang suddenly, and Bai Xixi looked to be her current manager.

"Boss Lin, on the Internet... have you read it?"

Bai Xixi rubbed her head, she could guess what it was without looking at her.

"It's okay, don't deal with it, let it ferment, I have something to do here, ask for a leave for me and the crew, I will subsidize everyone for today's loss."

After hanging up the phone, Bai Xixi lay back on the bed again.

Staring at the ceiling for a while.

With a flash of light, the red folding fan floated in the air, and she stared at it with inexplicable melancholy.

space-time world
Xia Ye twisted her startled ears: "You said you have a way, don't worry, don't worry, now that it's like this, you still say don't worry, believe it or not, I'll beat you to death."

The shocked face remained unchanged, and it was calm when being pinched: "Xiaoyeye, it's been so many years, and you're still so irritable, it's not good."

"I'm not good at your uncle!"

With a flash of shock, he smiled: "Are you sure?"

Xia Ye was suffocating, her grandma has such a leg!

His uncle can't scold, can't scold!She hasn't lived enough yet!

Xia Ye sat down angrily: "Tell me, what should I do now!"

Jinghan walked around behind her and helped her squeeze her shoulders: "It's actually very simple. His obsession is Mo. If you want him to give up, you have to make him disappear. It's just a pity. It's a bit difficult to make him disappear."

"So, let's get to the point!"

Shocked with a smile: "It can't disappear or be locked up, after all, he and Mo are tied together."

Xia Ye's temples throbbed: "I'll let you get to the point!"

Jinghan hugged her from behind and whispered in her ear: "Don't you understand the point, huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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