Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 304 The tsundere male god is doing well

Chapter 304 The tsundere male god is doing well (21)

There was an eerie silence for more than ten seconds, and Bai Xixi felt a little embarrassed when she realized it.

Just when he was about to say something, Ming Qingfan stood up.

Walking out with straight and slender legs: "Tch, it's just filming, annoying."

Bai Xixi: "..."

What should I do if the male god is sick?
[No more, you have to, who is to blame. 】

you shut up!
【…】Tch, what else can I do besides make it shut up, and I will have sex with it, don't be cowardly if you have the ability.

Bai Xixi went out annoyed by Bara.

With the cooperation of Ming and Qing, the progress was much faster.

But in the second half of the scene, Bai Xixi was almost driven crazy by him.

Because it was not filmed in the order of the plot timeline, some clips were supplemented.

This is nothing, but there is a point!
Every time when two people are playing against each other, Ming Qingfan always likes to add scenes by himself without any explanation.

If you say you want to add a scene, just add a scene, if it’s okay, why not add a kiss scene!
Okay, if you add a kiss scene, you can add a kiss scene, it's too much for you to add it once every time!
The way all the girls looked at her on the set was about to swallow her alive.

In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, everyone was just like a normal person.

He also issued a provocative warning to her.

Calm down, the boyfriend you choose will be pampered even on your knees!
The man I choose, even if I vomit blood, I have to stand firm!

So don't be afraid!
I am strong!
Every day, Yang Jing'er could hardly hide her resentful eyes, and she almost didn't hide it when she was discovered a few times.

Maybe it was really stimulated, she usually pretends to the people around her, but now she is almost too lazy to pretend, which caused her popularity to decline extremely.

To be honest, she hadn't noticed Yang Jinger for a long time, and she almost forgot.

But if she wants to go out and jump, it will just relieve her boredom.

She and Ming Qingfan's scene had already been filmed, without her announcement, she just took advantage of this time to rest.

He said he was resting, but in fact he was pulled over by Father Lin to handle company affairs.

The Lin family's parents have only one daughter, and the daughter's business talent is unexpectedly high. Of course, if they can leave everything to her, they will leave it to her.

Bai Xixi works tirelessly every day to deal with the work of the Lin Group, and here at night, he has to deal with harassment from Ming and Qingfan from time to time, and even has to greet him with a smile. It's crazy.

Anyway, the relationship between the two of them became weird without knowing what was going on.

First, Ming and Qing Fan somehow got the key to her house, and lived in grandiosely.

It doesn't say how to get the key or why you want to live in it.

Every day is so arrogant and spoiled, but also very difficult to serve.

She thought that if this plane continued like this, she might die suddenly from exhaustion.

Otherwise, she would die directly in front of him now.

[Miss!This kind of thinking is dangerous! 】

I know, I know, I just think about it casually and make a fuss.

She has just recovered a lot of spiritual power now, but she dare not seek death casually.

It's just that there is no progress in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, which is very worrying.

It's not that there's no progress, it's probably because she can't see Ming Qingfan's attitude towards her and where his relationship has reached.

If you ask him directly, he will definitely not say, after all, the attributes of this plane are so awkward.

"Ming Qingfan, talk to me normally, will you die if you praise me?" Bai Xixi couldn't help asking this day.

Ming Qingfan glanced at her, picked up the magazine in his hand while reading it and said calmly: "What do you have that deserves my praise?"

(End of this chapter)

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