Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 307 The tsundere male god is doing well

Chapter 307 The tsundere male god is doing well (25)

"Lin You really played Cheng Qingqing's forbearance and tenacity, as well as the feeling of struggling for the country and the entanglement in the relationship, but this can't erase the things she did to Zhao Yufei and Tang Ying. The acting skills are good, and the character is good. generally."

"Am I the only one who noticed that Yang Jinger's acting is so awkward?"

"Master, you are not alone. Every time I see Yang Jinger, I skip to watch it, but Yang Jinger still has so many scenes, I'm so bored."

"Who dares to say our Jing'er! What's wrong with our Jing'er's acting skills, are you blind? I think our Jing'er's acting skills are the best."

"Myojin is the most handsome, Myojin is the most handsome, Myojin is the most handsome!"

There is a lot of noise, and more than 50 of the 20 hot searches every day are about the black and white drama.

Yang Jing'er watched the online comments overwhelmingly from behind the scenes, and gritted her teeth angrily.

Lin You!Don't blame me, you courted death yourself!
Yang Jing'er made a call to someone, and said directly when she came up: "If you still like me, get rid of Lin You, I don't want to see this person again!"

The other side was silent for a while: "Jing'er, why don't you go on steadily step by step? You are still young, and you can definitely practice for many more years in the entertainment industry. Besides, your topic has become more popular recently. Why do you have to talk to Lin Lin?" Can you make it through?"

Yang Jinger screamed: "Stop talking nonsense, I'm young, do you know what it means to be young in the entertainment industry?! I'm already 26, if I'm not famous at this time, what chance do I have.

Everything was caused by Lin You, I want her to die! "

"Jing'er... I like you, but I won't do anything wrong for you. If you don't hate me, then we...don't contact each other in the future. I have a family and children now, maybe I like you , It’s just a matter of being young, I hope you are well, goodbye.”

As soon as the phone call stopped, Yang Jinger screamed and threw the phone to the ground in a frenzy.

"Ah! Why is everyone abandoning me! Well, no one will help me and I will do it myself!"

Bai Xixi looked at the holographic light screen and smacked her mouth several times.

"Is it necessary for Yang Jing'er? With so many people in the entertainment industry, why do they want to have trouble with Lin You? The character is so strong?"

[She is sick with time and tiredness, and she has never been in contact with others. Lin You and Yang Jinger entered the entertainment industry together, and they used to have a good relationship, but at first Lin You had a little more resources than her. See There are also many people on the Internet, which led to Yang Jinger's fall.

I think it's quite normal. 】

Bai Xixi spread her hands, she doesn't care if she is abnormal, but she can use Yang Jinger to speed up the progress.

The black-and-white shooting took three months, and the post-production took three months. The finished product was only [-] episodes, which can be described as conscientious production.

After the end, Bai Xixi and Ming Qingfan appeared in the public eye for the first time.

The two held hands, without any trace of concealment, and went shopping openly.

Now the relationship between the two is completely settled.

"Oh my god, even though I was mentally prepared, I was still a little bit inexplicably sad to see that Myojin is really with Lin You. From now on, my idol will still be my idol!"

"Upstairs Zhenxiu, I think Lin You and Myoshin are a good match."

"If you don't have a good character, so does Myoshin's vision."

"Oh, Lin You should be banned!"

Ming Qingfan didn't care about the comments on the Internet at all, but he picked up every malicious insult about Lin You and brought it to court.

(End of this chapter)

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