Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 312 The tsundere male god is doing well

Chapter 312 The tsundere male god is doing well (End)
Yan Mo smiled, a little contemptuous: "You were clearly talking about the Law Enforcement Bureau. If you change places every day, who knows where you're going."

It's funny in my heart, this damn girl won't think that he is a fake, she is really smart to come to test him.

After hearing this, Bai Xixi was really relieved. She almost thought that Brother Yan Mo was a fake.

Fortunately, nothing happened, causing her to worry for so long in vain.

"Then it's settled. Mo Xiao still has one more plane to complete the tribulation. When I come back in a few days, you have to take me to the Law Enforcement Bureau to play."

Yan Mo: "You'd better let your man take you there."

Bai Xixi was angry: "Hmph!"

Yan Mo glanced at Yan Jing, sneered inadvertently, and then said to Bai Xixi: "Hurry up and delay my sleep."

"I got it, I got it, Brother Yan Jing, I'm leaving."

Yan Jing said, "Well, come back earlier."

Bai Xixi felt that it might really be an illusion just now, brother Yan Jing is still brother Yan Jing, and brother Yan Mo is fine.

Maybe it was just an accident during the rift in time and space, and Brother Yan Mo didn't even tell her when he came back safely.


Who is behind the attack on Mo Xiao in the space-time rift.

When Bai Xixi left, she suppressed the strange feeling in her heart.

Go straight to the management office.

"Xixi, you're back." Before Ji Chen finished speaking, he saw Bai Xixi running over in a hurry.

"What is this kid doing?"

Luo Sifan clicked his tongue twice: "I don't know yet, isn't this posture just to settle accounts with Master and Junior Sister, how many times has this happened."

Ji Chen's black line, it seems to be true.

Bai Xixi pushed open the innermost door and shouted, "Come out, old man!"


With a pain in his head, he subconsciously raised his hand to cover his head and turned his head.

"You're out of order, aren't you?"

Xia Ye rolled her eyes and taught.

Bai Xixi's face was puffed up, she dared not speak out, she dared to yell at that old guy once in a while, but yes... well, forget it, if you are a woman, just bear it!
A good man does not suffer from immediate losses.

"Haha, dear Mama~ Don't you miss me when I'm back?"

There is no sense of disobedience in immediately converting to a dog leg.

Xia Ye narrowed her eyes slightly, then snorted coldly: "Don't do this to my old lady, what are you doing when you come back, if you have nothing to do, go back quickly, I'm bothering you."

Bai Xixi took a cold breath, feeling crazy in her heart, what kind of mother is this!

"Hahaha, hahaha, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, um, I want to ask something, can my mother answer it for me?"

Xia Ye glanced at her contemptuously, and then pushed her away with disgust: "Get out?"

Bai Xixi held her breath, then stomped her feet with backbone, and said, "I'm getting out!"

[…] Cowardly group!What a shame!
After Bai Xixi went out, he slammed the wall and bumped his head. My God, it turned out that it was useless when he came back this time!
What a loss!
Button!Hurry to the last plane!I can't bear to stay here any longer!

I have to go to her male god, and no one treats her poor little one well.

After Bai Xixi disappeared, the purple and noble light flashed in the office, and the shock appeared out of thin air.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Xiao Yeye, don't let me show up to see how angry Lian'er is."

Xia Ye stared at him contemptuously: "Come on, you are going to come out and trick her with some messy things, she will vomit blood."

Shocked and sadly shook his head.

Xia Ye is speechless, so she doesn't care about this psychosis, she has to do something serious, otherwise Mo will be played to death by these big guys.

(End of this chapter)

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