Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 323 The Snake Spirit Male God Is Terrifying

Chapter 323 The Snake Spirit Male God Is Terrifying (11)

Di Ye stared at her deeply, and there was an eerie silence for a long time.

Suddenly, Di Ye reached out and pulled her into his arms.

"You mean not to gossip about others, but Di Bai and I can be anyone?"

Bai Xixi's eyes were stained with a smile, and his pupils were shining brightly.

"Yeah, you may not know that Dibai and I have been together for a long time in the past few months, and Dibai is more interesting and romantic than you, so it's hard not to be tempted, but you are also very stable and good-looking. , I am also very excited."

Di Ye narrowed his eyes dangerously, and said coolly: "Then what do you think, you fell in love with two people, or two people who are hostile."

Bai Xixi let Di Ye imprison her in his arms, wrapping her in a strong masculine breath.

"How, I haven't made up my mind yet. If you don't mind if I give you a cuckold, I will naturally have a good time with Di Bai next time I see him."

As soon as the words fell, a strong cold air rushed in instantly, and it was almost unnecessary to feel it specially to know that Di Ye was about to explode with anger.

Bai Xixi laughed secretly. At first she thought that the schizophrenia that Ye Sang wrote to her meant that Mo Xiao had schizophrenia in this plane, but now it seems that it is not schizophrenia at all, it is just a kind of evil role-playing.

Di Ye Di Bai was alone, and he didn't have any mental illness, and he was fine.

No wonder, until the end of the plot, Di Bai didn't usurp the throne, did he usurp his own?
She was almost angry, it was time to coax her into a sweet date, otherwise, she would have a hard time.

So in his arms, she tiptoed lightly, raised her head, and pressed against the man's lips, tossing and whining, so softly.

The color of Di Ye's eyes deepened, as complex as thick sticky ink. With a slight force on his arm, he held the girl tighter in his arms, deepening the soft and lingering kiss.

Stubbornly prying her lips open, he rampaged and devoured everything about her.

Bai Xixi's face was flushed, she closed her eyes passively, her eyelashes trembled, and the curtains were about to drop.

Suddenly, the candles in the room were extinguished and plunged into darkness. There were two more people on the floor, ups and downs, entangled, sinking and demented...

The guards outside retreated winkingly, not daring to say a word.

In the palace, let alone such things as LL, there is nothing, let alone two high-ranking and powerful people.

The consequence of a night of indulgence is that the bones of the body are about to fall apart.

The old emperor had never touched the original owner, so last night Di Ye didn't care at all that it was her first time, and rushed in directly. At the very beginning, she was in so much pain that she wished she could die.

Not to mention that in the middle of the night, no matter how much she begged for mercy and cried, it was useless. The man just kept venting, as if he was angry and wanted to punish her for this kind of thing.

However, fortunately, he still had a conscience, and cleaned her body up after she passed out.

At this time, Di Ye hadn't turned down yet, so she didn't see him when she woke up.

Can't help but sigh secretly, doesn't she have enough potential to be a demon concubine who will harm the country?
Shang Dynasty is more important than her, bad review!
But she is just complaining, she is more excited than anyone else that her boyfriend is an all-rounder.

Look, how powerful it is, her male god is awesome, and he managed a prosperous dynasty in less than five years.

[Heh... rainbow fart. 】

I praised my man what happened to the rainbow fart, I am happy and I am happy.

She didn't wait for Di Ye to come back, she dragged her painful body back to her bedroom step by step.

I don't know why the two bedrooms are so far away, it takes more than 40 minutes to walk!
Well, although usually it only takes about 10 minutes to arrive.

As soon as she entered, Caitang rushed up to greet her: "Mother, where did you go last night, you scared the servants to death, if you don't come back, the servants are going to look for the saint when the saint goes to court!"

Bai Xixi waved his hand wearily: "Go get me a bucket of water, I want to take a bath."

Caitang saw that Bai Xixi's walking posture was wrong, and her expression was not good. She thought that something really happened to her, but she didn't dare to ask directly, so she could only swallow the question and go to prepare water.

After Bai Xixi took off her clothes, she stepped into the bathtub, and the warm water instantly covered up her fatigue.

There are petals of unknown species floating in the water, which smell very fragrant and have a calming effect.

Bai Xixi was so tired that he closed his eyes and fell asleep in the bathtub.

He raised his hands on the edge of the tub, leaned his head up, and drowsily enjoyed himself in the dense steam.

The masked man came in quietly, and what he saw was such a picture of a beauty bathing.

The girl's body was covered with bruises, visible to the naked eye like a broken picture scroll on her white and tender skin, but unexpectedly, it made people's blood flutter and churn up and down.

In an instant, he thought of the crying and miserable appearance of the girl under him last night, that expression, and the marks on her body were all given by him.

But what to do, he actually had the urge to destroy his other identity, which was Di Ye, not Di Bai.

Last night, the girl called Di Ye's name.

He was very familiar with Di Bai's breath, so Bai Xixi was not on guard at all, and fell asleep peacefully as before.

Dibai let out a mocking snort, then walked in front of her, bent down, and pinched the girl's cheek with his fingers, without any tenderness.

Bai Xixi woke up from the pain, and when she opened her eyes, she saw a magnified face with a mask.

Bai Xixi: "..."

Oh, no, it shouldn't be at this time, Di Ye should have a substitute.

Bai Xixi squinted her eyes, her face was pinched and deformed, but she could tell that she was still very happy.

Di Bai said softly and dangerously: "Looks like that guy Di Ye fed you well last night, huh?"

The corners of Bai Xixi's mouth twitched. He wanted to pretend, but she had to cooperate.

"Dibai, let go first, I feel bad for you like this, let me come out first."

Di Bai snorted sarcastically, shook his hands away, and looked at her coldly.

"Why, pretend to be reserved in front of me? Just come out like this."

Bai Xixi's face froze for a while, then she looked at him with some embarrassment: "Are you sure?"

Although there were many such situations in front of him, she was still a girl after all!
Can you give her some shame?

Very funny!
Di Ye's wink meant that Bai Xixi had gotten it, and he simply broke the jar and didn't care about anything.

What is it like to be naked in front of your own man!

Get up and get up!
After completing the psychological preparation, Bai Xixi got up from the bathtub without any obstacles, stepped out quickly, and put on the hanging clothes.

It's one thing to do a good job in psychological construction. When it comes to actual implementation, she can't do it slowly under the scorching gaze of a man.

I don't know if it was because of the heat, but the girl's face was very red, very bright red.

After Bai Xixi finished dressing, she turned around, looked at him with raised eyebrows and asked, "Are you satisfied now?"

(End of this chapter)

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