Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 336 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 336 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (12)

She almost wanted to tear herself apart.

If she didn't like to do tasks in the plane, she would have gone to play in the plane long ago.

Mo Xiao looked at her thoughtfully, then snapped his fingers, and the room lit up immediately, with all the sunlight streaming in, dazzling brightly.

"I forgot to open the restrictions around here. If you had said earlier, maybe you wouldn't have to hold back like this."

The man suddenly said something very heartless, and stretched lazily.

Bai Xixi: "!!!"

Her eyes were completely wide open, Yuanyuan almost stared out, she was so angry that she didn't die of anger.

"You forgot? You... OK! You won! You're ruthless! I'm going to fight you, just wait!"

After uttering harsh words, Bai Xixi stomped and ran out.

Menacing, if someone passes by, they may subconsciously back away automatically.

She was imprisoned for more than a month, jumping up and down in this house, unable to get out, and it turned out that he just forgot to open the restriction.

accurate!It's going to explode!

Now give her a flame and she can go straight to the sky!
After running out, Yan Mo's news came.

"Hey, shouldn't you be in the plane? You're back so soon? Isn't the plane crashing?"

Bai Xixi twitched her forehead, suppressed her anger, and sent him a word: "Get lost."

"I said, will you talk well? Fortunately, I just received an interesting incident and sensed that you appeared in the world of time and space and prepared to take you to play. You just treat me like this, okay, go play by yourself, you will be bored to death .”

Yan Mo hummed.

When Bai Xixi heard it, her eyes lit up: "Interesting thing? Take me there!"

Yan Mo snorted, but didn't speak.

Bai Xixi realized it immediately, and called out sweetly, her voice was too sweet: "Brother~~take me~~"

The greasy teeth are about to fall out.

No need to ask, if Yan Mo can say interesting things, it must be interesting, she still believes in this.

She has been relying on Yan Mo to lead her into mischief.

Yan Mo shook his body over there, and said coldly: "It's alright, alright, you don't feel disgusted yourself, tomorrow afternoon, I will go to Nanqiao Jiangjing, I won't wait for you if it's late."

Bai Xixi returned to normal and said neatly: "I know, I know, it's not too late."

After the disconnection, Yan Jing came over with water, and Yan Mo grabbed it and took a sip: "Why do I think there is something wrong with Xi Xi?"

Yan Jing glanced at him, and said slowly: "He will tell me if he has any questions."

The implication is that Bai Xixi didn't say anything to him.

Yan Mo leaned against her, feeling unbalanced in her heart, this is very unfair, since the two look the same, the dead girl always looks for Yan Jing whenever she has something to do.

But he is still somewhat comforted, after all, she will look for him instead of Yan Jing for some important matters, and she doesn't know what kind of situation she is looking for.

But in fact, there are not many big things, but a basket of small things.

Yan Jing's almost invisible eyes flickered in the dark, treacherous and unpredictable.

Bai Xixi happily hopped back, and subconsciously paused when passing by Mo Xiao's door, and then opened the door after thinking about it.

Mo Xiao looked out the window, still maintaining the posture she had left.

For some reason, she suddenly felt a little strange. If Mo Xiao lived as long as the old monster, then what did he do to pass the time all these years?
The old monster still has a bureau to entertain, how about him?
(End of this chapter)

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