Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 359 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 359 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (35)

It's so unpalatable!
It's unpalatable!

Mo Xiao ah ah ah ah ah!
Taking a deep breath, sniffing her nose, Bai Xixi held back her voice from choking and said, "I'm sorry, I'm very uncomfortable, I want to go back to sleep, since you can go without food for 800 years, it's probably not a bad meal , let’s talk next time! Goodbye!”

After speaking, he ran to his bedroom bitterly, rushed into the bathroom, and vomited into the toilet.

Almost didn't spit out the things of the previous few days together.

It was so uncomfortable, nothing she ate in her life was as bad as this, and what was even more annoying was that this food was still made by herself.

Damn, Mo Xiao is really God's own son, God is playing with her!

After Bai Xixi vomited, she was paralyzed and motionless on the bed, feeling as if her soul had ascended to heaven.


[So why do you insist on provoking that uncle? I don't sympathize with you at all. 】

Bai Xixi is too lazy to speak, but it doesn't mean she can bear to bury her at this juncture.

Without further ado, I directly teleported Koukou back to the Administration Bureau. As for how to deal with it, hehe.

After Koukou disappeared, the whole world was clean.

On the other side, the Space-Time Administration.

Xia Ye watched the little Zhengtai's mouth twitch when he was teleported back.

Xiaozheng was too wronged and pushed the pot in fear: "Daddy, I really didn't do anything to the master. Really, you have to believe me, it is the master himself and Mo Xiaoda who have problems and want to do something small to dislike me. That's why I hurt my eyes." sent back!

I'm so poor! "

Xia Ye: "..."

Koukou is a system that she made herself, and she still knows the virtues.

So... let's just let it go back to the furnace and rebuild it.

In the end, Koukou still did not escape the fate of being punished.

Bai Xixi said that no matter how Xia Ye tricked her, she would be her own mother, and she would never oppose her for a system.

Xia Ye said that she didn't remodel Koukou because of her own daughter, but felt that both of these two idiots had problems.

Bai Xixi thought that her strategy had problems from the very beginning.

You shouldn't start from the aspect of eating, you should start from the other side.

So I thought about it all night and came up with plan2.

The next day, Bai Xixi politely knocked on Mo Xiao's door.

She wouldn't enter unless Mo Xiao opened it, even if the door opened automatically, she still had to wait for Mo Xiao to come out.

After waiting for more than 20 minutes, Mo Xiao probably came out because he was annoyed.

There was no emotion in the eyes.


Bai Xixi smiled sweetly: "Yesterday was my problem. Messing around without learning the cooking skills made you unhappy, so I made up for it today."

Mo Xiao's rare mouth twitched inadvertently.

Can you not call him uncle, always feel weird.

"What do you want to do?"

Bai Xixi said: "Actually, I don't want to do anything. I really want to make up for you. I'll take you out to play."

The girl's eyes were bright, full of anticipation.

After Mo Xiao sized her up a few times, he said, "Wait."

Bai Xixi made a comparison behind her.

According to her observation, as long as the problem is not too much, this uncle will satisfy her.

Although I don't know why, but there is no need to know, the result is enough!
Now that she has not recovered her own strength, she is just looking for something to do, and Mo Xiao happens to be her to pass the time.

Bai Xixi and Mo Xiao didn't actually go anywhere, but went to a famous scenic spot in the world of time and space.

(End of this chapter)

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