Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 371 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 371 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (47)

"Ah! Bitch! I am the goddess! I am!"

The personal servant girl comforted nervously: "God, don't be angry, we all know that you are the only goddess, that woman is not even one-thousandth of yours, she is neither educated nor brainy.

At that time, just tell the outside world that she covets your position as a heavenly daughter, relying on the fact that she is a compatriot with you and has a face on purpose, and see who will believe her. "

Linglong calmed down a little bit, her eyes were full of hatred, yes, that's right, she is the goddess!
Bai Xixi had already done it before the priest's mansion had done it.

He hooked up with the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty at an extremely fast speed, and also got involved with the emperor by the way.

The nanny came out and proved her identity.

The emperor ordered her to be canonized as the princess, holding the real power in her hands.

Since the last time the national teacher went to the Killing Gate to look for Bai Xixi, he began to retreat and predict. When he figured out that everything was wrong, he came out completely changed.

The national teacher didn't deal with the outside at the first time, but rushed into Linglong's room angrily and slapped her.

"Bastard! Why have I been fooled by you for so long!"

Linglong's feelings for the national teacher are very complicated. The national teacher devoted herself to teaching her in the past few years and treated her as her own daughter, but at this moment he beat her mercilessly. Could it be because she is not Lingtong!
"National Teacher, it's your fault for admitting the wrong person, it's none of my business, it's all your fault!

If you hadn't saved us back then, there wouldn't be any of this! "Linglong was stimulated and lost the respect she used to have for the national teacher.

The national teacher was already old, and he was so angry that he almost lost his mind.

Linglong was imprisoned in confinement, and now everything is in chaos, the only way to protect the whole country's master's office is to treat Linglong as a real goddess, and keep making mistakes.

It's a pity that the national teacher wants to keep making mistakes, but the situation doesn't allow it.

The progress in the later stage was as fast as fast-forwarding, and the performance was over in a whoosh.

The national teacher was questioned by the emperor for some reason, and he was directly exiled to the frontier and was not allowed to return for life.

On the way to exile, he was directly killed by the assassin sent by Bai Xixi.

As for Linglong, a fake celestial girl, spurned by the people all over the world, beaten and scolded by everyone, especially the maids who had been with her, found a chance for revenge, and showed no mercy at all.

Linglong was living among the people, lacking food and clothing, like a beggar.

In the end, under Bai Xixi's deliberate guidance, she wanted to die with her, and was stabbed to death by Bai Xixi with a sword.

At this point, Bai Xixi finally felt that it was not easy to finish this job!

【…】MMP, what else can it say!It was agreed to do it with Mo Xiao, what is this called?

Bai Xixi said that she has completed all the tasks given to her by the system perfectly and there is nothing wrong with it.

The person who killed the door was also amazed at Bai Xixi's coquettish manipulation, and flew up.

Now Bai Xixi's status in this plane is awesome and frightening, the emperor wants to give face, the officials want to give face, the killer organization wants to give face even more, and the world also wants to give face.

After finishing all this, Bai Xixi went to the priest's mansion to look for Mo Xiao in high spirits.

This time, she entered through the main entrance openly.

Now except for the priest's mansion, she can't handle it, who dares to stop her.

After seeing Mo Xiao, Bai Xixi raised her face, as if she was looking for praise: "Now you still want to fight against me?"

Mo Xiao's expression was unclear, and he said to her, "What's the point of your doing this?"

"The meaning?" Bai Xixi asked back.

(End of this chapter)

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