Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 373 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 373 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (49)

Until Bai Xixi locked himself in the house for No. 15 days, suddenly a carp rolled over and kicked the quilt down.

There were little flames in his eyes, and he started laughing like a psychopath.

【…】It's over, crazy, really crazy now.

Bai Xixi suddenly figured out something. She has been so stupid these days, there is nothing wrong with admitting it.

After tidying herself up, she ran to Mo Xiao's.

Angry in my heart, did he do such a thing to her without revealing a word or explaining it?
Depend on!The old lady is so easy to bully!

Bai Xixi pushed open the door of Mo Xiao's room, found his figure, stepped over aggressively step by step, and pushed with both hands: "I tell you, I'm screwed with you, if you dare to kiss me, you must dare to be responsible to me." !"

Mo Xiao: "..."

Seeing that Mo Xiao didn't speak, Bai Xixi's brain felt hot, and he started again.

"Are you deaf, aren't you? You can't hear, or you're hard of hearing. Don't tell me you're just kidding. I'll fight you!"

Mo Xiao moved his lips: "What stimulated you?"

Bai Xixi widened her eyes and pointed to her face: "I was stimulated? You asked me what stimulated me? Damn! You are a scum! You still represent darkness, what kind of darkness do you represent? You simply represent scum and The scum can go!"

【Xi Xi!Xixi!Xixi!My ancestors!Are you crazy? ! 】This is the uncle who can kill you with one finger!
Bai Xixi blocked the button directly, and shouted: "Mo Xiao! If you don't give me an answer today, I will never end with you!"

Mo Xiao seemed a little confused: "What answer do you want?"

Bai Xixi raised her hand in embarrassment to slap him, but she still didn't slap him.

Damn, this face is so beautiful, no, it can't be hit, it will destroy the beauty, this is her face.

"Okay, I will never end with you! Just wait for me!"

After saying a harsh word, Bai Xixi ran out.

Mo Xiao stayed in the room a little confused.

Frowning and thinking for a long time, she didn't know why she did this.

Because he doesn't have anyone to talk to, the only one who can be counted as a connection is probably only one.

A man suddenly appeared on the light screen in front of him. He had similar appearance and was as feminine and dark as him, but what was different from him was that the man in the holographic screen had a strong sense of yuppie and evil, as poisonous as poppies.

"Oh, for the first time, you actually took the initiative to find me, what's the matter?"

Mo Xiao looked indifferent, and said indifferently: "Based on what you know, Bai Xixi, what would happen if he got angry for no reason?"

The person on the opposite side smiled lightly: "What's the situation? The situation has become more complicated. She and Xia Ye are of the same virtue. Sometimes their temper is very irritable. Why, you were yelled at by her?"

Mo Xiao: "..."

"Tsk tsk tsk, you really have the courage, but you don't know why. After all, she knows your identity. It's not a trivial matter to force her to yell at you. What did you do to her?"

Mo Xiao: "..."

"Let me guess, seeing that the little girl is young and tender has evil thoughts?"

Mo Xiao: "..."

"Hahaha, really, it's hard to see that you will have this day."

Mo Xiao: "Mo Yao, I think it was a mistake to find you."

Mo Yao: "No, I think you came to me to provide me with jokes."

Mo Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, and warned dangerously: "Then I think I need to remind the people next to you to pay more attention."

(End of this chapter)

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