Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 381 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 381 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (57)

After Yan Mo and Yan Jing finally succeeded, Bai Xixi went to find Jing Mo again.

Shocked Mo's reaction was: "..."

What else could he say, he thought that this girl would be destined to be an orphan in this life, but in the end she made a big Buddha back without saying a word.

He could imagine Jing Han and Xia Ye, tsk tsk tsk.

"Lian'er, it's not that I don't help you, I'm afraid I can't."

Bai Xixi was depressed: "No, uncle, you can't do this."

Shocked Mo Khan.

"You think, when the time comes, I guess Jing Han and Xia Xia probably won't give us the time to say hello, so you can ask for more blessings."

Bai Xixi had a mournful face, don't want to worry about it.

Jing Mo couldn't bear to look at it: "Don't worry too much, after all, they can't kill you, and you are their flesh and blood, at most one or two cripples would be enough."

Bai Xixi: "..."

Uncle, are you talking comforting words?

After returning from Jingmo's shock, Bai Xixi was in a bad mood.

As long as she thought of the two Buddhas knowing about this, she couldn't help but shudder.


Go back and find the male god to comfort you!

Although Mo Xiao never said that he loved her or liked her lingering and disgusting words after he came back, but in her perception, they were considered to be together.

Mo Xiao, who is her boyfriend now, does not accept rebuttals.

【You have been tortured like that, so why should he?Do you have masochistic tendencies? 】

Fuck you, uncle, I warn you, keep your mouth shut, or you will be wiped.

[…] You don’t let others talk about your own problems.

After Bai Xixi came back, he and Mo Xiao had already moved into the same room.

In the past few days, she didn't mention Jing Han and Xia Ye's affairs, and today she couldn't bear it anymore.

Sitting up in the man's arms, she pulled him up by the way.

"Male god! I solemnly ask you a question!"

"Yeah." The man replied casually.

"What if someone disagrees with us being together?"

Mo Xiao glanced at her indifferently: "No."

Bai Baixi was discouraged: "I said if there is! My parents will definitely not let it!"

Mo Xiao looked at her deeply, and after a long time, he hugged her and lay down: "Sleep."

Bai Xixi: "Huh?"

Afterwards, Mo Xiao blocked all her words.

Bai Xixi woke up and hit the wall resentfully, shit, was she fooled by a beauty trick yesterday?


What should I do?

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed, and if the factors of Jing Han and Xia Ye were not mentioned, she felt that her daily life was quite good.

On this day, she happened to meet someone on the street.

It was the client who handed her the case that Xia Ye had handed over to her back then.

Tan Wei.

Beside him was a little girl, smiling happily.

Tan Wei was stunned when he saw her obviously, and then smiled embarrassedly.

Seemingly thinking of something, he pushed the little girl: "Nan Nan, hurry up and say hello to my sister."

The little girl was not afraid of life at all, and said sweetly: "Hi sister, my name is Nan Nan."

Bai Xixi also smiled, knelt down and patted her head: "You are too, you are so cute."

Nan Nan: "Really, I think so too, my father has been saying that I am the cutest."

Bai Xixi smiled, the child's innocence is so good.

Tan Wei is much more mature than what he saw in prison three years ago, but he has also experienced a lot of vicissitudes.

"Thank you."

Bai Xixi: "You don't need to thank me, the choice is your own, and your life is also your choice."

After speaking, leave him the last word and leave.

(End of this chapter)

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