Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 87 The dark male god is really terrible

Chapter 87 The dark male god is really terrible (18)

Bai Xixi gave her a disgusted look. She didn't even want to come over to take care of her, but Nan Xiaoxiaofei sent her a text message to make trouble.

I just calmed down my loneliness, and I'm coming here again.

Nan Xiaoxiao realized later that he was being yelled at. It seemed that there was indeed something wrong with him, so he smiled guiltyly.

"Well, you knocked this out?"

Nan Xiaoxiao helped the person in Fu's arms.

Bai Xixi can get upset when he sees Gong Qingchi, and he always smiles at Nanxiao, but this guy joins in the fun.

"Nonsense, otherwise he would have fallen asleep by himself."

【Xixi...can you be gentle? 】

I am gentle, who is gentle to me?If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be doing these things in these messy planes!
[…] Not it!Besides, why do you look like a little girl in front of your male god, double standard dog!
Nan Xiaoxiao looked at Gong Qingchi and felt that he didn't want to hug him or not.

"Shen Huanyue?" Feng Qingqing called out with a hint of uncertainty.

Bai Xixi turned her head and curled her lips: "Coincidentally, we meet again."

Nan Xiaoxiao thought to herself, it turns out that her real name is Shen Huanyue, no wonder she didn't find anyone when she went to the police station.

After Bai Xixi spoke, Feng Qingqing shouted: "Why haven't you..."

Thinking of something, the second half was held back.

"You want to say why I haven't died yet, don't you? Thanks to you, I can't even die if you die first."

Wanting Feng Qingqing to die would undoubtedly mean taking away all the things she cares about the most. Taking back Nan Xiaoxiao's eyes of luck and sky is just the first step. Let her see where to start next.

It's better to start with her admiration, status, and rights. As for Wu Li, she plans to make the last move.

Anyway, Nan Xiaoxiao is also tolerant, and doesn't care about the time, if it can double Feng Qingqing's pain, Nan Xiaoxiao has no reason not to be unwilling.

Feng Qingqing's attack on the original owner was always secretly poking, and even the original owner's death Wu Li didn't know.

Wu Li doesn't care about these things, he usually only cares about whether Feng Qingqing is in trouble, after all Feng Qingqing saved him, and he was also a little moved by her at the beginning.

But the strange thing is that when his eyes were healed but he was not blind to her, his heart fluttered.

Feng Qingqing: "Shen Huanyue, don't talk nonsense here! Do you still think that you are the heir of the high-ranking Shen family back then? You are just a bug in the exorcism world, and you are a shameless existence in the exorcism world!"

If Nan Xiaoxiao is the person Feng Qingqing hates the most, then her greatest enemy is Shen Huanyue.

It was almost discovered that she was an exorcist who used forbidden techniques. You must know that such a person who walks in a crooked way will be sentenced to death.

The sorcery she used without telling Wu Li must not be discovered!Otherwise, even Wu Li couldn't keep her!

Bai Xixi looked at Feng Qingqing with a teasing smile in her eyes, how could she not know what she was thinking.

If you want to hide it, you don't want to see if she wants to hide it from her.

"Hey, it turns out that you and Feng Qingqing also had a feud." Nan Xiaoxiao said softly.

Bai Xixi chuckled lightly: "Oh, my quarrel with her is much deeper than yours, I'm too lazy to deal with them today, let's go."

After finishing speaking, he didn't talk nonsense with Wu Lifeng, and walked forward alone.

Nan Xiaoxiao tugged Hachi who was on his body, and dragged him with difficulty to follow.

Feng Qingqing looked viciously at the backs of Bai Xixi and Nan Xiaoxiao, clasped his fingers tightly in the palms of his hands, and said with joy to the moon, Nan Xiaoxiao, one day I will make your life worse than death.

On the contrary, Wu Li had slight doubts about Feng Qingqing in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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