Feng Jue World: The Fifth Miss of the Genius Xiang Shi

Chapter 102 The Tranquility in the Cracks 9

Chapter 102 The Tranquility in the Cracks 9
Before you know it, it is night, and a bunch of people are sitting together to eat.

"Thanks to Miss Yun, I can have this meal with everyone. I will have a glass of boiling water with Miss Yun!"

Liu Qingrou still remembered that when she was with Yunshuang and the others, Yunshuang didn't drink alcohol and only drank boiled water.

"I'll also have a glass of boiled water, Miss Yun!"

Ren Xiaoyao also stood up and said.

Old man Xue looked at it and stood up.

"I'll also have a glass of boiled water, Miss Yun!"

At this moment, Yunshuang and Xiao Zhu looked at Da Zhu together, Da Zhu patted his head, stood up and said:

"I'm sorry, Miss Yun, I'm slow to react, I'll give Miss Yun a glass of boiled water too!"

Yunshuang was speechless, Ren Xiaoyao and Liu Qingrou still remembered the little lies they told before.

Forget it, these people are already invincible and cannot be described in words.

"Then I'll drink everyone a glass of boiled water together!"

Everyone picked up the bowls and drank all the boiled water in the bowls in one fell swoop. The scene was very strange.

"Why do you all go to Miss Yun's boiled water?"

After all, Dazhu couldn't bear it anymore, so he asked a question.

Ren Xiaoyao and Liu Qingrou looked at each other and said:

"Miss Yun is different from Xiaoyao. She learns martial arts, but she can't drink alcohol. If she does, her skills will be lost. So Xiaoyao had to ask Miss Yun for a glass of boiled water!"

"That's right, I hope everyone will keep this secret together, otherwise it will be very inconvenient for Miss Yun to travel around the rivers and lakes in the future."

Liu Qingrou took over the words.

Yun Shuang really admired these ancients to death, and people believed such stupid words, and they took it seriously.

"Go! Let's have another drink together!"

Yun Shuang didn't want to continue this topic, so she took the lead and had another drink.

"Wow, it's so lively!"

Zhuge Zizhan broke in and brought several ginseng roots and a large bag of food.

"Brother Zhuge! Come and drink boiled water together!"

Ren Xiaoyao was very enthusiastic, and immediately took out an empty bowl and poured a glass of boiled water.

Zhuge Zizhan also heard clearly at the door just now, Miss Yun can't drink, as soon as she drinks, her martial arts will be lost.If I marry Miss Yun in the future, I must drink to death for her, and then I can ruthlessly... Hehehe!

"Brother Zhuge, what are you laughing at? This boiled water is about to dry!"

Ren Xiaoyao took another drink.

"Hehe, it's nothing, I think Brother Xiaoyao is happy when he gets better, haha, everyone, let's drink together!"

Zhuge Zizhan saw that there was a beautiful girl sitting beside Dr. Xue, and he could see the similarity between the two. He guessed that this should be Dr. Xue's daughter.

"Brother Xiaoyao, how did you get better?"

Zhuge Zizhan was very puzzled, he clearly saw Ren Xiaoyao crazy last time, and now he is so normal, it doesn't make sense!

"What, I really think I woke up at noon today!"

Ren Xiaoyao said that he didn't know anything.

"No, brother Xiaoyao, yesterday you held a sword and wanted to kill us!"

Zhuge Zizhan can't understand at all, does Xiaoyao really know nothing?

Xiaoyao froze for a moment.

"Did I really do that?"

Xiaozhu, Dazhu and Zhugezi Zhan nodded together.

"That's not me, I can't remember, hehe, today's food is so delicious!"

While talking, Ren Xiaoyao stuffed another mouthful of vegetables into his mouth.

"Brother Xiaoyao, how can you lie to me? Xiaozhu said that you would drool if you thought the food was delicious. You don't even drool now, okay?"

The sharp-eyed Dazhu said it all at once, and Ren Xiaoyao felt a burst of embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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