Chapter 296 Home Building Plan 3
"Just make 1 yuan according to this shape!"

Although the dealers didn't understand, they still complied.Fortunately, there are many people in Zhuangzi. If more than 200 people do it at the same time, it will cost less than 50 yuan per person after sharing.

The soil cultivation was quickly made into bricks, but instead of being burned immediately, they were placed in the sun to dry.There was a man named Liao Cheng in the village who had fired enamel, so Yunshuang entrusted him with everything here, and started to plan another thing by herself.

"Teacher, you are so capable, the whole Zhuangzi is full of vitality in just a few days."

All this in front of her eyes constantly stimulated Tao Zi, and Yun Shuang made things up again and again like a magic trick, she couldn't even remember them.

"It's nothing, maybe I prefer the tranquility here!"

It's hard to say why Yunshuang is so attentive to things here, maybe it's the word "Yunjiazhuang" that has locked her in, staying away from the rivers and lakes to taste the tranquility.

After coming to this world, Yunshuang found that the people here were generally malnourished, and all the boys and girls in Zhuangzi were sallow and emaciated.Life is a kind of pressure for them, Yunshuang always thinks about what to do, even if he can't change it, he can prove that he has struggled.

As soon as the sun rose in the morning, Yunshuang got up, and she wanted to go into the city quietly by herself.Unexpectedly, she was not the only one who got up so early, and Tao Zi had already finished grooming at some point.Judging from Taozi's living habits, Yunshuang thinks she is a very self-disciplined person, at least Taozi is very energetic when facing her every day.

"Morning, Taifu!"

Apparently, Yunshuang was not so early in the usual time, but today she caught Tao Zi off guard.

"Taozi, I'm going to the street, are you going?"

Yunshuang picked up the dental floss and brushed her teeth, and picked up a glass of water to rinse her mouth.The absence of a toothbrush here is the most intolerable for women who love to clean. Yunshuang vowed to invent one someday.


Tao Zi is relatively quiet, such a girl should be chased by a lot of people in future generations, and then she will be crowned with a little freshness, and the packaging company can package her and become a star.Now Taozi is a female official next to Yunshuang, and recording Yunshuang's sentences is all she has.

When the two were ready, they set off for the city.Doing as the Romans do, Yunshuang and Taozi got into the carriage and set off for the city with the carriage.

"Teacher, those men like you very much, why don't you?"

Leng Wuhen is very handsome. A child at Taozi's age likes handsome stars and idols the most, and Yunshuang in later generations knows what he wants, or he doesn't need a man now.

In order not to get entangled in this question, Yunshuang pretended to be asleep and didn't answer her until the coachman heard the arrival outside, and the two got out of the carriage.

The coachman drove Yunshuang and Taozi into the market, and the market was very lively.Taozi had never seen such a scene before, and she looked dumbfounded.

"Follow me! Be careful of being abducted and sold to Goulan!"

There are quite a few pickpockets in the capital, but there are very few incidents of robbery of civilian girls on the street. Yunshuang was just scaring Tao Zi, who asked her just now.

Taozi pulled the corners of Yunshuang's clothes tightly for fear that Yunshuang would disappear before her eyes if she was not careful.

Yunshuang smiled, she has no time to spend with Taozi, and today she has an important task to buy chicken seedlings.

(End of this chapter)

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