The most powerful villain in the heavens

Chapter 186 Taking over as City Lord

Chapter 186 Taking over as City Lord
The Great Elder's face was not very good-looking either. He hadn't been down the mountain in the past few years, and he hadn't seen the city lord who he single-handedly raised for a long time.

When I saw him a few years ago, although he was a little fat, he only weighed more than 100 catties, less than two hundred catties.Have you competed with pigs for food in recent years?Otherwise, how could it become like this?

He gave the Second Elder a cold look. Half a year ago, the Second Elder went down the mountain once and saw Mo Yun, but he didn't even tell him about it, which made him feel ashamed to sit here again.

The second elder lowered his head aggrievedly, never daring to raise his head in front of the first elder. How could he deliberately not want to tell the first elder?The point is that when he told the Great Elder about this, the Great Elder might not only not believe it, but would also blame him for gossiping behind his back.

How could he have imagined that this would happen now?According to the previous state, unless the Great Elder left, Mo Yun's position would not be shaken, and Zixuan only asked about things in the door, so what else should he care about?
On the other side of Huntian City, many people just woke up, and they all gathered towards the square at the gate of the city.

Standing on the city gate was Yu Wentian, who succeeded the city lord's mansion last night. At this moment, he was standing in the head position on the city wall, majestic and majestic.

The people under the city gate all raised their heads to look at Yu Wentian on the city gate, each of them guessed his identity, but they did not guess the identity of the city lord. The city lords in the past were all existences without strength. got used to.

Yu Wentian glanced roughly, and what he expected in his heart was indeed correct, there are also many existences in Huntian City who have been wronged by the Great Elder and others.

"Everyone, it's really helpless to call everyone together so early. We, Huntian City, are about to face a big battle."

As soon as these words came out, there was a commotion immediately. They also knew about the affairs between Tianmomen and those sects, but they did not expect that the war would come so soon.

Yu Wentian looked at the mood below and said again, "But everyone, don't worry, my Tianmo Sect will not just sit idly by, and I will take over the position of the city lord of Tianmo City in the future to protect everyone."

All of a sudden, the pot exploded again, and they all speculated about Yu Wentian's strength. Even if they were disciples of the Tianmo Sect, they still had some doubts in their hearts, until the old Qin who was next to him said in a moderate voice about Yu Wentian's strength. At that moment, the following suddenly became quiet.

They don't practice, it doesn't mean they don't know what kind of existence the Nascent Soul Stage is.To put it bluntly, after living at the foot of Tianmomen for so many years, this is the first time they have seen the existence of the Nascent Soul Stage.

Yu Wentian looked at Mr. Qin approvingly, and now he has firmly established his foothold in Huntian City.

"But relying on my own strength, we cannot resist those who claim to be decent. So we must unite, or when they come in, you will have to hide."

A group of people whispered to each other. They agreed with Yu Wentian's words. The only doubt was that they were useless materials who could not cultivate, how could they become stronger.

Yu Wentian twitched the corners of his mouth several times before finally showing a slightly warmer smile.

"I have observed everyone just now. Although some people are unable to practice, not everyone is unable to practice. I will give the practice formula to those who can. Those who cannot become monks will practice boxing and kicking." Kung fu, when the time comes, you won’t be powerless to fight back.”

As soon as Yu Wentian's words fell, the audience suddenly burst into cheers like mountains and seas. Under the influence of Tianmomen, they defined themselves as useless people. Now that Yuwentian came to rectify their names, they were naturally very happy.

"Thank you City Lord Yuwen, I will definitely follow the lead of City Lord Yuwen in the future."

Everyone knelt down towards Yu Wentian at the same time, and Yu Wentian raised his hand, looking like an emperor.

What binds people the most is not the opinions of others, but the opinions of themselves in people's hearts.

Mo Yun was also born in Huntian City, he can become a monk, why can't others?It was because of their unwillingness, or lack of courage, that they kept the shackles tightly around their necks.

In Guanghan Palace, the three elders got together again in just one night. The moment the three met, they knew that the same thing had happened, and none of the disciples from the three sects came back.

"What should we do now?" Guanghan Gong Bai Changsheng had a distressed expression on his face. That person was a spy he had cultivated for a long time. After a little time, he would definitely shine, but he never thought that he would fall like this.

Xuan Sheng also had a heartache on his face at the moment, standing aside without saying a word, no one knew that the dead spy was actually his illegitimate son, who he secretly brought back to Xuan Guang Temple and cultivated as a disciple.

"What's there to think about? In my opinion, it must be that the Tianmo Sect is already defeated. They are worried that our disciples will send the information back, so they killed all of our disciples."

"Now we should gather our disciples and rush over to avenge those three disciples."

Xuan Sheng was very moved by Chen Feiyang's suggestion, that was his child, and he had to avenge him no matter what, but his reason told him that the more he got to this point, the less he could be impulsive.

"I think this matter is beyond our control, let the suzerain make the decision."

Bai Changsheng sighed. If this disciple died in other places, it would be fine, but now he died in the hands of the Demon Sect, which must be the fuse of the war. He really is not sure that he can bear the burden. consequences of the event.

Xuan Sheng also turned around and left, leaving only Chen Feiyang in place. He thought he could take on this matter, but the suzerains of the other two sects had left the mountain, so he would not report it. Unreasonable.

At this moment, Yu Wentian's inauguration ceremony is considered to be completed. He really can't live in Mo Yun's City Lord's Mansion.

"Old man, I have something I need you to do."

In the restaurant room, Yu Wentian faced Mr. Qin. This time, Mr. Qin readily agreed to Yu Wentian's request. His current identity is Yu Wentian's master, and he has never been seen by everyone in Tianhong's place. Until he nodded and bowed his head.

Even the complaints against Yu Wentian dissipated a lot, and there was even a trace of gratitude to Yu Wentian that he didn't want to admit in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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