Chapter 207
The wall behind the bookcase, along with the bookcase, has been rotated 180 degrees to reveal a door for one person to enter and exit.

Looking in from the outside, the inside is pitch black, and the light in the study can't even illuminate a centimeter of the world, like a dark hell, with a deep coldness constantly emanating from the cave.

Yu Wentian looked at the secret room, and now he is standing outside. It is really not his style not to go in and check it out. Even if he knows that there is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den below, he must break in. What's more, he doesn't know anything yet?

Turning around, Yuwentian returned to the courtyard, and took out energy stones of various colors from the treasure bag. Yuwentian never used them for ordinary barriers, but he didn’t know the danger of going here. It is necessary to have a complete grasp, and not to fall into the tragic situation of being attacked by the enemy.

The five-element spirit stones of five colors were placed in the five directions of the small courtyard by Yu Wentian. Yu Wentian stood in the middle position, constantly changing handprints with both hands, the power of black and white centered on him, according to the strange and complicated The lines are connected in the direction of the Five Elements Spirit Stone.

The five-element spirit stones were linked together by Yu Wentian's power. Within half an hour, a barrier shining with colorful lights appeared above the small courtyard. After a flash, the barrier disappeared, unless someone wanted to break into it. Come in, otherwise it would never be revealed.

"'s still a long way off, how did Wu Ya set up that formation?"

Yu Wentian was a little disappointed when he looked at the barrier he had just set up. This barrier was arranged according to the barrier on the altar of the Tianmomen. He knew that the formation he had set up now would never be comparable to the Wuya formation. However, what I didn't expect was that even if the Five Elements spirit stones were used, it would not be able to reach one-tenth of the ability of the altar formation.

In order to ensure safety, Yu Wentian closed his eyes again to feel it. This Wuya formation is powerful, even if it is less than one-tenth of the power, it is enough. Even if the Great Elder comes here, I am afraid there is no way. Can be easily destroyed.

Back in the study again, Yu Wentian already held a night pearl in his hand, and walked into the secret room. The range that the night pearl can illuminate is not very wide, but only about three steps away.

Yu Wentian couldn't take advantage of his own speed, so he could only move forward slowly step by step. After a rough count, it was about eighteen steps away, and there was a curve in front of him.

He leaned against the wall and listened. It was quiet everywhere, and there was no sound at all. The only sound that came from him was his weak breathing and heartbeat. Perhaps it reached the deepest part of the magic path, forming an echo. , the bounce is back.

Yu Wentian made up his mind, turned the curve in front of him, and before he took the first step, suddenly a long light appeared in the entire passage, separated by a certain distance. I don't know if he touched some mechanism. Let these eternal lights that have been silent for a long time be lit again.

"Could this be the place that existed before this small courtyard was built? The city lord chose to build the small courtyard here, probably not for the so-called beloved one?"

Stretching out his hand to check the wall, Yu Wentian sneered.Judging from the cracks in the stones on the wall and the manufacturing process of the ever-burning lamp, this secret room has at least a thousand years of history.

And the construction time of this small courtyard is only more than 40 years. It cannot be built by that city lord.

Furthermore, since Huntian City is under the jurisdiction of Tianmomen, many things are restricted. It is impossible to have such a large amount of money and manpower to build such a magnificent underground project. If we calculate it according to the current state , This underground project has basically completely covered the entire Huntian City.

Yu Wentian's eyes froze suddenly, "Could it be possible that this place was built together with Huntian City? What exactly did they build this place for?"

This idea made Yu Wentian tremble in his heart. In the classics of Tianmomen, there is no such underground palace, but this is the only place that can be explained. There is such an existence below.

But what is the purpose of the ancestors of Tianmomen who protected this place so tightly?What needs to be buried?
The more questions he had in his mind, the more interested Yu Wentian would be in the next expedition. It would be too uncomfortable if he couldn't solve the questions in his heart.

"Who? Who? Get out of here..."

Yu Wentian suddenly raised his head, he felt that at the corner in front of him, there was definitely a shadow flying by just now, although there was no sound, it affected the flickering of the lights.

Could it be that there are other entrances to this place, and someone entered here from other entrances?
"Young master's things are not something that anyone can take."

With the existence of the eternal lamp, Yu Wentian has no scruples, and he chases forward. If the things here were taken away before, he would have no choice but now he has occupied this place. If you want to take away the things here, you have to ask him if he agrees.

Running wildly all the way, Yu Wentian didn't know how far he ran all at once, and he didn't know when the surroundings were no longer just a straight passage.

Yuwentian realized the changes in his surroundings, and when he stopped, there were no longer walls made of stones on both sides. Every certain distance, there would be a wall about 1.5 meters high, which would not be possible in ten thousand years. Railings made of rotten black iron surrounded the cave inside.

Yu Wentian bent down and looked into these small holes. There were still some iron chains on the ground, which were obviously used to trap something before.

Looking carefully, the walls are covered with powerful siege formations, but almost all of them have been destroyed. Looking at it like this, it seems that they were destroyed with fingernails.

After looking at several caves in a row, the scenes inside were all the same. It seemed that these formations had been destroyed, and as a last resort, the things inside were moved away.

"What exactly is this place? What are the things that are besieged? What exactly are the ancestors of the Tianmomen wanting to do?"

Yu Wentian's frown became more and more severe. He had only been here for a while, and he didn't know much about Tianmomen's past. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so at a loss. Found among the remnants.

(End of this chapter)

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