The most powerful villain in the heavens

Chapter 21 Gathering in the Rainfield

Chapter 21 Gathering in the Rainfield
"Hmph! I knew that Clive was unreliable, and he dared to betray me. There is only one end for anyone who dares to betray me, and that is death." A cold and heartless voice came out of Crocker's mouth.

This kind of murderous words also made Nicole Winnie tremble, because this kind of murderous aura was too terrifying, and the original Crocker could not release such a terrifying murderous aura at all.

The corner of Crocker's mouth curled up. He was Yu Wentian from the Illusory Sea Realm. He had killed countless people, and combined with the original Crocker's murderous aura in the Longhan World, the murderous aura was absolutely astonishing.

All he had to do was to frighten Nicole Winnie. According to the original plot, Nicole Winnie would definitely betray him.

"President, do you want me to deal with Clive?" Nicole Winnie said calmly.

"Alright, I must capture that traitor, and I will deal with him myself." Crocker said coldly.

Nicole Winnie nodded helplessly.

On the Gus Channel, the Dane Pirates, the Merry.

"Mallen, are we really going to save the Shanla Sea Kingdom?" asked Susan, who was in excellent shape.

"Of course, we promised Vivi, and we are the Justice Pirates with dreams." Maren said with a straight face: "And, I also want Nicole Winnie to be our partner."

"Ahaha! Maren, you are right. It would be great if Miss Winnie could become a member of our ship," someone said.

Susan snorted unhappily.

He hurriedly said: "Miss Susan, I am willing to be your eternal knight."

"Mullen, if we want to save the Shanla Sea Kingdom, we must defeat Krok. That guy's strength should not be underestimated." Owen said lazily while leaning on the deck of the Meili with three sharp swords on his body.

"Mallen, you should think about it. We have no money to save the Shanla Sea Kingdom, and we have to face Klock head-on. Wouldn't that be too dangerous?" Susan said unwillingly.

Marlon laughed without hesitation: "Haha, what's so scary about that?"

"Also, we promised Weiwei, we must do what we promised." Ma Lun suddenly became serious.

Mullen has said so, as the captain, the crew naturally have to obey his orders.

On the way to the Shanla Sea Kingdom, there is a desert along the way. The weather in the desert is extremely hot, and the high temperature hits the Dann Pirates like a wave.

"What the hell kind of weather is this? It really hasn't rained for three years!" Susan complained.

"Don't worry, there should be delicious food in the city ahead, and the most important thing is that there should be a lot of meat!" Maren was still in the same mood as before, with a face full of excitement.

"I said that you are not afraid of meeting Crocker, and you still have such a relaxed face." Owen is probably a slightly more serious guy in this group.

"Don't be afraid, as long as you give me enough meat to eat, no matter who he is, Klock will be brought down by my machine gun. Ahaha!" Maren laughed without hesitation.

After walking for a few days, Mullen and his party arrived at a city in the Sea Kingdom of Shanla.

In a barbecue restaurant, Mullen, who was eating and drinking, suddenly seemed to have discovered something, stood up very happily, and ran to a young man wearing signature shorts and an orange cowboy hat.

"Walker, I didn't expect to meet you here!" Mullen shouted happily.

"Haha, Marlon, what a coincidence." Firefist Walker, who had a red bead necklace on his neck, was a little surprised, then laughed heartlessly.

"Walker, you are very famous now. I have heard that you have a nickname called Fire Fist. Is it true? Haha, what a funny nickname!" Mullen was a little off line.

Walker looked at his younger brother with a smile, and the joy on his face was beyond words.

"Mallen, are you done with the barbecue? Let's continue on our way after eating." Owen, Mike, and Susan found that Marlen was still eating meat crazily after replenishing supplies in the city, and he was also drunk.

"Huh? Who is Mullen?" Susan asked when she saw that Mullen was getting acquainted with a handsome young man.

Maren smiled triumphantly: "Let me introduce to you, this is my brother, Walker, how is it?"

"Walker? Is that the captain of the second team of the Baimanzi Pirates, Fire Fist Walker?" Mike asked in surprise.

The others looked at Walker in astonishment, and Walker nodded with a smile: "You are all Mullen's partners, hehe, Mullen, you have to work hard, I'm waiting for you ahead."

"I didn't see it, Marlon, you have such a powerful brother." The others were very surprised.

"Haha!" Mullen laughed heartlessly.

"Walker, where are you going?" Mullen asked.

"I'm here to chase the black box, and I just passed by here." Walker talked about the black box, his face became serious, and then he smiled again: "I heard that you are going to deal with Klock, I will go with you for a while."

Susan immediately said happily, "Really? That would be great."

She was worried that Mullen would not be able to beat Klock, and now that someone as powerful as Firefist Walker joined him, in her opinion, it was basically safe.

Harris has also entered the Shanla Sea Kingdom at this moment, and he is here to hunt down the Dann Pirates.

"Colonel Harris, someone saw Mullen and his party heading southeast." Lindage, a beautiful woman with glasses, reported to Harris.

Harris was smoking a cigar, and said heavily: "This time we must catch Mullen, even if there is that person behind him, don't be afraid."

"Ah? Colonel Harris, have you violated the regulations? We must stick to our original positions," Lindage said.

"Hehe, the rule, I don't care anymore." Harris exhaled a puff of white smoke: "Don't waste time, let's go."

In the desert close to the rainy land, Harris could already vaguely see the traces of Mullen and his party.

"Okay, that's right, it really is Mullen, and now he can't escape no matter what." Harris laughed.

On the rainy ground, Crocker looked at Clive who was kneeling in front of him, expressionless.

Clive shivered, and looked at Nicole Winnie for help. He didn't want to die yet.

Nicole Winnie couldn't understand Crocker's thoughts now, so she had no choice but to turn a blind eye when she dared to touch this brow.

"Clive, you dare to betray me, do you know how the people who betrayed me die in the end?" Crocker said with a gloomy face.

"Boss, I was wrong, no, it was Mullen who threatened me, and there is nothing I can do about it!" Clive cried, terrified to death.

"Don't say those useless things to labor and management, die."

"Desert Suction!"

Crocker stretched out his right hand, and a strong suction burst out, directly sucking Clive's neck into his hand, and he pinched the opponent's neck fiercely with a big rough hand, and then "Sand Magic" In the blink of an eye, amidst Clive's screams, his body was sucked dry, cracked and died.

"Huh! Garbage!" Kroc threw aside the mortally dead mummy in his hand, and said coldly to Nicole Winnie, "Did you see, this is the one who betrayed me?" end."

Nicole Winnie was stunned for a moment, and didn't say much, but reported to Klock: "Boss, according to the information we have obtained, the Dann Pirates have come to the rainy land, and Fire Fist Walker is also among them. Harris also came after Mullen."

Hearing this, Kroc immediately became interested. Harris and Fire Fist Walker are pretty good, but he is not afraid, except for his cultivation base of the third heaven of the Purple Mansion, he has completely inherited the strength of the original owner Krok.

Combining the two, Krok, who was originally poor in physical skills, has greatly increased his physique with the help of his true qi cultivation, and broke through the physical limit for the first time, and he can already use the sunspot qi.

Heizi Gangqi Krok has already cultivated, but his physique is not strong enough to form a strong attack power. Now that he has the cultivation base of the third heaven of Zifu, his body will only become more and more powerful as time goes by. Strong, don't worry about that.

"Hehe, since I, Yuwentian, have become Kroc, I just want to say, get rid of the protagonist's aura." The corner of Krok's mouth curled up in a playful arc: "In front of me, the protagonist's aura does not exist."

Crocker seemed to have seen the 500 villain value beckoning to him.

"Well, it's interesting. Since these people are here, it's just right that labor and capital will catch them all." Klock smiled slyly: "Whether he is a pirate or a navy, he will prostrate at the feet of labor and capital today."

"President, but Fire Fist Walker and Harris are not weak!" Nicole Winnie felt that Crocker was a little exaggerated.

Needless to say, Fire Fist Walker is the captain of the second team of the Baimanzi Pirates, with amazing strength.

(End of this chapter)

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