The most powerful villain in the heavens

Chapter 321 True and False Monkey King

Chapter 321 True and False Monkey King

Regarding what Yuwentian has done during this period, even Zhu Bajie can't stand it. Yuwentian harms others and himself, and it's nothing more than defrauding them. Now he almost defrauded the people of a country.

Zhu Bajie and the others just glanced at it briefly, and their heads were all muddled.Those old people in their 60s and [-]s were all taken aback by the Yuwen Tiankeng, who helped cook there, saying that they wanted to shine a little bit.

"How the Wuji Kingdom was established, I don't know. But I know that if the elder brother doesn't come back soon to stop Master, we're afraid we will know how the Wuji Kingdom perished."

Xiao Bailong glanced out of the window with a sad face, very helpless, if he continues like this, will he really return to the East China Sea one day?

At this moment, the door was kicked heavily and opened immediately. The moment they saw Monkey King coming back, the eyes of the three lit up, and Wuji Kingdom was finally saved.

"Brother Monkey, you are back. Master is already insane. If you don't come back, the whole Wuji Kingdom will be destroyed."

"Idiot, you can see clearly, my old grandson is your monkey brother, that is a six-eared macaque, it is a fake"

Suddenly another Monkey King came in at the door, grabbed Zhu Bajie by the ear, and carried Zhu Bajie over.

Sun Wukong, who came in first, was also very unconvinced, and grabbed Zhu Bajie's other ear suddenly, "Six-eared macaque, not everyone can grab the ear of an idiot at will. If you want to grab it, you must at least ask my old grandson." .”

Zhu Bajie and the others looked left and right, and they were stunned. The two Monkey Kings looked exactly the same, and even spoke in exactly the same tone. How could they tell the difference?

"Idiot, you were the marshal of the canopy of the heavens back then, and you were demoted to the mortal world only because you molested Chang'e. You told my old grandson in Gao Laozhuang before, have you forgotten?"

Zhu Bajie shook his head, "Brother Monkey, how could I forget these things?"

Before he finished speaking, his ears were pulled to the other side, "Idiot, back then when my old grandson ran horses in the heaven and fought with you, when you were in Gao Laozhuang, you couldn't be angry, but you wanted to fight with my old grandson?" fight?"

"Brother Monkey, how is this possible? Didn't you know you were a big brother at the time?"

When Zhu Bajie said this, Xiao Bailong and Sha Wujing were stunned again. Even Zhu Bajie couldn't tell the difference. How could they tell the difference between the two monkeys?

"Hey, it's so lively? Oh, two monkeys? The six-eared macaque is here too?"

Yu Wentian walked in at this time, and was surprised to see even Monkey King. The six-eared macaque was indeed the twin of Monkey King, almost exactly the same.

It's just... "Um, which one of you is the real monkey, and which one is the six-eared macaque?"

Yu Wentian was also at a loss, he didn't have sharp eyes, and the six-eared macaque was too disguised, so he couldn't tell which was real and which was fake.

"Master, my grandson is the monkey."

"Master, my grandson is a monkey."

After saying only a few words, the two monkeys quarreled again, and no one would let the other go.I can't see the flaws in it, which is really a problem.

"Master, I see, you might as well recite a scripture, as long as anyone is in pain, he should be the real Brother Monkey."

The other Monkey King nodded in unison. "Idiot, you finally have a little brain, master, you can do it, the apprentice will never say a painful word."

Yu Wentian looked at the two monkeys, but shook his head, "Masters are always kind-hearted, how can we get rid of this hand? Although it is the monkey's head that hurts, it is the master's heart."

Yu Wentian paid attention to the expressions of the two monkeys, and they turned out to be exactly the same, with the corners of their mouths twitching and speechless expressions on their faces.

It seems that there should be some kind of connection between this six-eared macaque and Monkey King, so that he can so accurately imitate Monkey King's movements and expressions.

"As a teacher, I really can't tell if you two monkeys are real or fake. The six-eared macaque is indeed very powerful. How about you go to the Western Paradise and be like the Tathagata Buddha? He will definitely be able to tell the real and fake of you two monkeys."

When the two Monkey Kings heard this, their eyes lit up, they fought and rushed out from the roof. They had already looked for the Jade Emperor, the King of Hell, and Avalokitesvara of the South China Sea before, but they couldn't identify them, so they found Tang Sanzang.

However, they ignored the existence of the Buddha. If the Tathagata Buddha has advanced cultivation, he must be able to see clearly what the original identities of the two of them are?
Zhu Bajie looked up at the expressions of the two monkeys, they had exactly the same expression, it seemed that everyone wanted to go to the Buddha of West Paradise sooner, and he didn't know whether the Buddha was really capable of distinguishing the two monkeys.

"Master, can you really not tell which of these two monkey brothers is real?"

Xiao Bailong looked at the two Monkey Kings who were fighting and drifting away, and asked Yu Wentian with a puzzled expression. He always felt that Yu Wentian should be able to see it.

Yu Wentian shook his head, "Your master, I do have the ability to predict the future, but I don't have sharp eyes, how can I tell the truth?"

Xiao Bailong opened his eyes wide and watched for a long time, but Yu Wentian didn't show the slightest abnormality, maybe Yu Wentian really couldn't tell the difference.

However, Xiao Bailong didn't see Yu Wentian's sinister smile at the moment he turned around. He made such a big move in Wuji Kingdom. The gang in the sky are not just for nothing, and they will definitely come back to make trouble soon.

He would make trouble for them first, and send Sun Wukong away, and he could also give him a little more time. Calculated in this way, the remaining time should be enough.

As for the true and false Monkey King, in fact, it only needs to be identified at a glance. The eyes are the windows of the soul, and you can see it by looking at the eyes. No matter how much the six-eared macaque pretends to be, it does not have the vicissitudes of hundreds of years.Still with a hint of cynicism.

"It seems that you guys have almost rested. If this is the case, let's go out and help. With your help, I believe that the Yinxing Pavilion and Jiuchi Meat Forest will be built faster."

Before Yu Wentian finished speaking, the three of Zhu Bajie lay down again in a short time. Except for Monk Sha's reaction was a little slower, the others basically completed the movements in unison.

"Master, it's hard to get a chance to take a rest, can you let us have a good rest?"

Yu Wentian looked at the three of them, "You three have been resting here for more than ten days, don't you feel bored?"

The three of Zhu Bajie nodded in unison once again, "Thank you, Master, for your concern. We are here, and we are not bored at all. Don't worry."

"Okay, then you guys can continue to rest." Yu Wentian spread his hands, and didn't care about them anymore, turned around and left directly.

(End of this chapter)

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