Chapter 375
Finally, the last ray of light from the moon disappeared, and the underworld entered the thick darkness, and the endless creaking sound penetrated the sky.

Yuwen Tiantian looked around consciously, and there were light blue will-o'-the-wisps rising from the ground and hanging above the skull's head.

The previous bones did not have such a weird scene. According to Yu Wentian's estimation, these will-o'-the-wisps should represent skulls of different classes. Skeletons also appeared in the field of vision.

They felt the aura of the living, and they kept running towards Yu Wentian's direction. Their speed was so fast that even Yu Wentian's speed could hardly match them.

Seeing the distance getting shorter and shorter, Yu Wentian was very anxious. If it really didn't work, he had no choice but to throw the two oil bottles out.

Looking at the two of them, Yu Wentian still decided to make the last effort. He had already said that he would bring the two of them back to the Demon Realm. Now that he gave up like this and spread the word, how could he meet people?

What a cultivator needs is to have a magnanimous heart. Whether it is the righteous way or the devil's way, or various other paths, as long as you have firm beliefs in your heart and do things according to your beliefs, you are the right way.

If this matter fails, it will definitely become a pimple in his heart. Even if there is no problem in a short period of time, it will eventually affect his ascension to immortality. The higher the level of cultivation, the more obvious the impact will be .

"Brother Yuwen, look quickly, there is the way back to our demon world."

Xiao Wu on his back suddenly pointed forward excitedly, screaming loudly.Yu Wentian turned towards Xiao Wu's direction, and sure enough, a few hundred meters away, a boundary marker exactly like before appeared.

Without the obstruction of these skeletons, Yu Wentian would be able to get there in the blink of an eye, but these skeletons also have intelligence.

They seemed to have sensed Yu Wentian's desire to go to the Demon Realm. A dozen skeletons with five ghost lights on their heads stood neatly in front of the boundary marker, blocking Yu Wentian's footsteps.

"You two are ready, I will throw you two out when the time comes, don't get hurt."

Yu Wentian looked at the distance, a gap had been broken in the barrier, and there were still people supporting it with strength. No matter who was there, at least it was better than here. If these two oil bottles left, these There is no way for the skeleton to cause too much damage to him.

Mo Ya wants to refuse, he is now Yu Wentian's younger brother, how can he let Yu Wentian fight alone in this underworld?You have to be with Yu Wentian.

However, before expressing his thoughts, Yu Wentian started to run again, and the strong wind poured into Moya's mouth and nose, so that he could not utter a word.

After a dodge, Yu Wentian had already appeared in front of more than a dozen skeletons. The strength of a single skeleton is still slightly lower than him, but these skeletons can actually increase their strength when they stand together, and they are all stronger than him. few.

"The living dare to break into our underworld, and only die. Since you have already come, stay and be a stranger in the underworld with us."

More than a dozen skeletons spoke together, as if they were the same skeleton, looking at Yu Wentian gloomyly, Xiao Wu huddled on Yu Wentian's back, the hollow eyes of the skeletons, like a dark abyss, made him very scared .

"I really want to see how powerful your group of skeletons are. Let me play with you and let you go."

Taking advantage of Skull's inattention, Yu Wentian threw it violently, and accurately threw Mo Ya and Xiao Wu into the opened gap. If Xiao Wu remembers correctly, behind the gap should be the Demon Realm.

The skeleton watched Xiao Wu and Mo Ya being thrown out by Yu Wentian, and the blue flames above their heads burned more intensely, which should be a sign of their anger.

"Damn living, you have to pay the price for deceiving us like this."

The skeletons were very fast, and even Yu Wentian hadn't seen how they moved, but they had already formed an encircling circle, enclosing him in it.

Yu Wentian smiled coldly, and hit the skeleton closest to him with the Sun Fist. The skeleton didn't realize that Yu Wentian would attack suddenly, and immediately scattered into a group, only the ghost fire above the head was still shining.

Squinting his eyes, Yu Wentian thought of a possibility, these flames were where they stored energy, if these flames were extinguished, these skeletons would not have much attack power, but how could these skeletons let Yu Wentian succeed?
Mo Ya and Xiao Wu were thrown out of the underworld by Yu Wentian without preparation, the force was too strong, so that Mo Ya and Xiao Wu couldn't stop the inertia of their bodies, and closed their eyes waiting to touch the ground.

However, what greeted them was not the hard earth as imagined, but a warm embrace with their familiar aura.

"You two young masters, you are finally back. Where have you two been during this time? Master's anxious hair is turning gray."

Mo Ya and Xiao Wu raised their heads, and they saw a hundred-year-old old man with vicissitudes written all over his face. Looking at the old man, Xiao Wu's eyes immediately became moist.

"Grandpa housekeeper, we finally saw you, and we almost couldn't come back."

The little general buried his head in the butler's arms. Their father was usually very busy, and their mother passed away early, so they almost grew up with the butler's grandfather.

Although this is just the housekeeper of their family, it is like their own grandfather and has a high status in their hearts.

Naturally, Mo Ya also wanted to enter the butler's arms. This time, because of his willfulness, he almost died with his younger brother, which really made him very wronged.

"You two bastards, you still know how to come back? This guardian thought you would die outside. If you are so disobedient, you might as well die outside."

Suddenly a solemn voice sounded from behind the butler, and Mo Ya and Xiao Wu were like sifting chaff, and looked behind the butler timidly.


The person who came was Mo Ya and Xiao Wu's father, a middle-aged man with a square Chinese character face, with anger in his eyes and a very stiff expression, he looked like an iceberg-like existence who dared not speak or laugh.

"Do you still know that I am your father? I have warned you a long time ago that the human race is different from us. Don't go to the human race easily. When have you heard my words?"

Yun Dong raised his hand and was about to hit Mo Ya in the face. If the housekeeper hadn't stopped him, Mo Ya might not be able to bear it.

"Master, the young master already knows that he was wrong, so don't blame him anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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