The most powerful villain in the heavens

Chapter 385 Weak Water Monster Beast

Chapter 385 Weak Water Monster Beast
The waves in the lake became bigger and bigger, forming a vortex, and the sailboats were suddenly turned around by the vortex, and there was nothing they could do.

On the sails, there are also many practitioners, but their strength is too low, after all, they can only stare blankly on the sails.

On the entire lake, there were a total of more than a dozen people, but only Lao Zhaotou and Yu Wentian were very indifferent, flat, as if nothing happened, but they didn't make any progress.

"Old Zhao, the boats on this weak water lake seem to know about the monsters at the bottom of the lake, and they are very anxious. Don't you worry at all?"

Old Zhao tried several times, but couldn't move the oars, so he simply gave up and sat on the other side of the sail, looking at Yu Wentian with a smile.

"The old man is half buried in the ground, so what do you care about? But young man, you look very calm. Is it possible that you are really sure that you can defeat the monster at the bottom of the lake?"

Yu Wentian stood up. The boat that had started to rotate slowly stopped for a while, hanging alone in the middle of the lake, unable to move forward or back.

"I don't dare to say with complete certainty, but I just want to see what kind of abilities this monster has."

Yu Wentian turned around and looked at the lake. Old Zhao's eyes flashed a look of appreciation, but he didn't know how talented Yu Wentian was.

After a while, the lake water bubbled up, and a huge shadow could be seen, which was about to rise into the sky from the bottom of the lake. The people on the other sailboats were already frightened, trembling all over, even trying to save their lives. Couldn't even cry out.

The water column exploded, and a huge octopus, like a small courtyard, soared into the sky from the weak water. With splashes, it dropped the guests and boatmen in several sailboats into the weak water, and even stretched out its hand There is no chance, just sinking into the depths of the lake.

Only the boat controlled by Yu Wentian kept level with the water column and never shook the two of them off.

The octopus looked at Yu Wentian, with strong anger in his eyes. It was these so-called monks who suppressed him under the lake for hundreds of years. After seeing Yu Wentian, there was a strong anger in their eyes. anger.

"Friar? It's been a long time since there was such a delicious monk. I didn't expect to taste such delicious food when I came out, hahaha."

Yu Wentian looked at the octopus coldly, full of vigilance, ready to strike at any time, this octopus speaks out people's words, has the same cultivation level as him, and is an existence in the Nirvana realm.

If it was on land or in ordinary water, he would definitely not care. The octopus may not be his opponent, but this is in weak water. The octopus is not restricted by weak water and occupies advantage of location.

The octopus made a move as thick as two thighs, and headed straight for Yu Wentian. Yu Wentian kicked his feet, and immediately the boat carried Old Zhao head towards the shore.

However, Yu Wentian used the tentacles of the octopus as the road, and directly transitioned to another sail. He guessed it right, although it was impossible to fly in the air on the weak water, but the octopus is weak water. What grows among them can definitely be used as a stepping stone under his feet.

The octopus, which originally wanted to force Yu Wentian out of the sail, saw Yu Wentian safely landed on another sail, and sent the old Zhao head to the shore, and suddenly became furious, and the eight tentacles moved out in unison. Yu Wentian attacked.

Yu Wentian drove the boat and swam between the eight tentacles. The octopus should have not moved for a long time. The speed was too slow, but it gave Yu Wentian a big gap.

"Octopus, you have survived in this weak water for so many years, and it's about the same. I think you should report to the underworld as soon as possible. I have already visited it. It's not bad."

Octopus's eyes were sharp. Back then, that cultivator was much higher than him, and he never killed him. He just kept him at the bottom of the lake. Where did this little guy get his confidence.

He raised the tentacles again, but there were only seven tentacles left, and there were large and small wounds on each tentacles. These wounds were very small, and if it wasn't for the swelling of his body under his rage, he couldn't see it at all.

Just like the tentacle he broke off, he didn't know when Yu Wentian did it.

"Boy, it's really hateful. I see you as food tonight."

The octopus took a deep breath, its seven tentacles closed together, its belly suddenly grew bigger, its mouth pouted, and it sprayed out toward Yu Wentian.

Suddenly, the world seemed to be soaked in ink, but Yu Wentian had already made preparations. He didn't know when a half-person-high fan appeared in his hand, and he slammed it in the direction of the octopus. In time, a strong wind blew towards the octopus.

All the ink flew back in the direction of the octopus, even into the mouth of the octopus before it could close.

Immediately before the octopus could react, another fan that was almost identical to the previous one appeared in Yu Wentian's other hand, and it was slapped towards the octopus, but a thick flame was directed towards the octopus. The claw fish galloped away.

A sword left by an unknown monk on the boat was thrown into the lake. Sure enough, it took a long time for the sword to fall from the place where the ink was soaked in the lake.

"Sure enough, this octopus can affect weak water. No wonder it will be suppressed at the bottom of the water. It seems that it was prepared for it."

While the octopus was still fighting against the flames and the ink on his face and body, Yu Wentian's boat had already rowed to the place where there was ink, tapped his toes, and rushed towards the octopus. Surrounded by a circle of golden light, the flames couldn't hurt him at all.

A long knife taller than a person directly pierced the octopus' body, and ink flowed out of his body again. Yu Wentian stepped on the ink and returned to the boat that just floated to the other side.

A figure suddenly flew out of Ruoshui Town, didn't care about the weak water at all, and never landed on the weak water filled with ink, and directly stepped on the weak water to catch the octopus that was about to sink to the bottom of the lake.

It seemed that he wanted to save the octopus, but Yu Wentian was killed with one move, how could he save it?
"Are you the master of this octopus? Why don't you control your magical beast well and let him come out to harm people. If it wasn't for the master's advanced cultivation, he would have died in the hands of this stinky fish long ago."

This man's cultivation base is very deep, otherwise, even if he used the magic weapon, he would definitely not be able to walk on the weak water lake as if he were walking on the ground.

He came out of Ruoshui Town, Yu Wentian's eyes flickered, and he decided to strike first, but to see how the people related to the octopus would explain this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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